
Chapter 7: The Battle

Jin-su and Min-Ji ventured into the forest, following the path that led to the monster. Min-Ji was visibly scared, but she had an odd trust in Jin-su. He, on the other hand, was as calm as ever. His eyes were focused, scanning the environment for any signs of the monster.

His system alerted him, "Creature: Gorgon. Level: 20. Class: Elite."

The monster appeared in front of them, its snake-like body slithering menacingly. Its eyes were glowing, and its gaze was petrifying. Min-Ji screamed and took a step back. Jin-su, however, stepped forward, his hands glowing with the power of his system.

The battle was fierce. The Gorgon was strong and fast, its attacks were deadly. But Jin-su was better. He dodged, attacked, and manipulated the monster's movements, eventually landing a powerful blow. The Gorgon roared and fell, defeated.

Min-Ji was in awe. She thanked Jin-su profusely, promising to help him in the future. Jin-su simply nodded and walked away, leaving Min-Ji staring at his retreating figure.