
Chapter 6: The Encounter

Leaving the other players behind, Jin-su continued his journey. He was heading towards the nearest town, hoping to rest and resupply. His system alerted him of an approaching entity. It was a player.

"Player: Min-Ji. Level: 3. Class: Mage."

Jin-su watched as the player, a girl with bright red hair and a staff decorated with glowing runes, approached him. She seemed to notice him and hesitated. Jin-su stepped out of the shadows, his cloak making him appear as if he was materializing out of thin air.

"Hi, I'm Min-Ji," she said, sounding a bit nervous.

Jin-su just stared at her, his expression unreadable. He was calculating, assessing her.

"I'm Jin-su," he finally said. "What brings you here, Min-Ji?"

Min-Ji seemed relieved at his response. She explained that she was on a quest, but she had encountered a powerful monster she couldn't defeat alone. She asked Jin-su for help.

Jin-su agreed, but not out of kindness. He saw an opportunity.