
They Live!

Time passed by quickly, but Goku and the rest listened to what Kayn said about their training. It took some time, but Turles had finally turned into a Super Saiyan. He was fed up at first, he couldn't understand why he could change, which made him very upset.

Vegeta always seemed to taunt him, which made him even more pissed. They both would usually find time to insult one another when given an opportunity. Bardock and Gine had always followed this method of training, they would eat, sleep, and wash up in their Super Saiyan forms.

Months passed in a flash, though it took a while, his special energy drink was rising in popularity. All it took was one person to try it, then it started to spread like wildfire. Kayn could only listen to the manager over the phone about the sales with a smile across his face.

This drink could do so much, it healed people of their wounds instantly, as it said on the bottle. It was 100 Zeni per Bottle, it took time to sell because the price was outrageous. Martial artists were the main people buying it, even Hercule bought some.

"Oh, my god, Hercule, look this way!"

"Can I have your order graph?"

"I'm honored! One of the biggest meme characters in Dragonball is buying my drinks." Kayn laughed to himself seeing the news and hearing the many fans in the crowd through the television. This guy pulled up in a fancy limo in front of one of his stores, and started to flex on the crowd about his prowess before going into his store to purchase a few of his drinks.

Hercule wanted to test the drink, so he reluctantly cut himself in front of the crowd. Kayn could clearly see some tears nearly coming from his eyes, but he persevered. After drinking and testing it, he found that the cut on his arm had indeed disappeared; Hurcule was shocked.

"That guy looks like a clown, world champion my a**!" Bardock came into the living room and looked at the screen before shaking his head.

"Among the humans, he's a champion indeed..." Kayn wanted to say the champion of memes, but he switched it up.

"I guess on that level, he is." Bardock was wearing a hoodie this time around, he had gone clothes shopping about a month ago.

"You got mad drip, dad, I'll tell you that much." Kayn laughed and said.

"Drip?" Bardock confusingly asked.

"Your style is good, I like it." Kayn looked Bardock up and down, smiling.

Before Bardock could reply, Goku appeared right next to him with a zip.

"Hey! What are you guys talking about?" Goku gave a salute when he appeared and greeted everyone present.

"I was just complimenting dad's clothes, that's all." Kayn stretched, then he cut off the tv.

"No...I want to play video games, keep it on." Salari ran over and jumped on the couch before grabbing the remote from Kayn's hand.

"Your mom said to not play too many of those video games, though, they're pretty fun." Bardock had tried them, and he actually enjoyed them. They would often gather at Roshi's house to play, him, Krillen, Nappa, and Gohan.

It was a strange scene to Kayn at first, seeing Saiyans playing video games, but he joined in to play with them.

"What? I don't play much, I only play a little, then I get off." Salari quickly defended herself.

"Hmm...sure" In all honesty, Bardock could care less about her playing games, and she knew this.

"I should stop you from playing until you reach a Super Saiyan" Kayn grinned and glared at Salari.

"*Gasp* No, it's too hard!" Salari almost freaked when she heard that. Not being able to play until she become a Super Saiyan!?

"Relax, I'm just kidding." Kayn chuckled and pinched her little cheeks.

"Ow, you jerk." Salari rubbed her cheeks and jumped on Kayn to pinch his but he started to tickle her belly, and she was defeated.

"Hmph, just wait until I'm bigger. When that happens, I'll pinch your cheeks until they're red." Salari pouted and turned on the tv to play video games.

"Oh, I'm scared now, haha!" Kayn laughed, he loved messing with his little sister.


Moments later.

Goku was sparring with Bardock, but it wasn't anything serious. Kayn told them to not do anything crazy, he didn't want things getting destroyed around here.

"Kakarot, you've grown, I'll tell you that, but you'll need more than this to win!" Bardock was faster and more experienced than Goku.

As they were fighting, Kayn remembered the date that Vegeta told him. It was the date when the Androids were supposed to appear, and the place they were supposed to appear at—was on Amenbo Island. This Island was close to South City, so it wasn't anywhere near East or West City.

"Huh, what's going on?" Gine walked outside, she wore blue jeans and a plain white shirt with a pink flower on it.

No one needed to answer her, since she found out for herself.

"You guys, no fighting near the house!" Gine was relaxing in her room, watching those models on tv doing runways when she felt these two fightings.

"Huh?" Goku and Bardock stopped and looked down towards Gine with a bit of confusion on their faces.

Before they could reply, she felt vibrations in her pocket. Gine took out the device, which was her new phone, and answered. Suddenly, Gine's expression changed, she jumped in excitement while nodding like chicken pecking grain.

"What are you so happy about?" Bardock and Goku landed but Bardock asked.

"That Bulma is going into labor, she's been taken to the hospital!" Gine said excitedly.

"What!?" Kayn and Bardock were shocked. Goku, on the other hand, was confused about all of this.

"Let's go, find Raditz's Ki signature." While Bardock was talking, saliva was spewing from his mouth like a sprinkler.

"I'm searching, stop spitting everywhere." Kayn searched and found Raditz almost immediately, then he grabbed everyone and warped away.

At this time, Raditz was pacing back and forth in the hallway. In moments, Kayn and the rest ported in; this caused a random doctor, who was carrying a clipboard to fall to the ground. His glasses were crooked and nearly falling off his face, as he looked at the 4 with wide eyes and a wide-open mouth that twitched often.

"You guys are here!" Raditz walked over as fast as he could, he seemed nervous.

"Huh, what are you so nervous about?" Goku noticed Raditz's emotions. Raditz almost knocked Goku over the head, but he knew he was a clown in this aspect.

"Raditz is having kids, they're going to be born." Gine hugged and congratulated Raditz, while Kayn and Bardock did the same. Raditz blushed slightly, he was fairly proud of himself as well.

Everyone sat in the waiting area when a nurse came over to asked for the father. Raditz got up and went into the room. After about an hour, they were all invited into the room as well; they had already named the two boys—well, Bulma named them.

Before they could walk into the room, Bulma's whole family showed up. With that, everyone walked into the room and began to congratulate Bulma and Raditz.

Bulma named the 2 baby boys, their name's were Trunks and Trouser.

Raditz didn't like these names, but she insisted on these names; thus, he lost. Kayn looked at the 2 babies, they didn't have Blue hair like he was expecting, but Black hair instead. Their little eyes were Blue, so that didn't change, their hair was just like the canon Trunks, but Black.

Twins indeed, and identical at that!

Kayn congratulated both of them again, this was good. He wondered how they would turn out when they got older, it would be interesting to see, he thought.

Everyone stayed and talked for a while, everyone must have talked for about 4 hours. Bardock talked about his time as a Saiyan outer Space and the things he had to do and had seen in his time.

Everyone was interested in these stories, while Dr. Brief viewed them as horror war stories. Kayn even talked about a few things he had done, and why he didn't make it to earth with Goku when he was sent off. A few funny stories were told, as everyone laughed and conversed a lot during this time. Raditz wanted to talk about his story, but it wasn't something to be proud of, so he didn't say anything.

After a while, everyone left except Raditz, who stayed a bit longer. Gine was the most excited, followed by Panchy and Bulma's sister.

Time passed, months were going by as everyone prepared for the upcoming battle. Turtles spent all of his time on Kami's lookout, this was the same for Vegeta, Anya, and Nappa.

And finally, the day had arrived!

Goku, Krillen, Tien, Gohan, and Yamcha had set out towards Amenbo Island. They strolled the streets while Raditz, Bulma, and Turles watched the City from afar—waiting.

Bardock and Gine remained in East City, while Kayn was on the lookout talking to Kami about the candidate who would replace him. Piccolo stood at the side with his eyes closed, he said nothing but he appeared to be concentrating on what was going on below.

Right then, he opened his eyes and said. "They've arrived!"

Sure enough, a fight had broken out between both parties that fast. The Z-fighters had engaged both Androids in Combat.

"Hmm..." Kayn walked to the edge of the lookout and opened the Virtual Eye to see what was going on.

What he saw was completely unexpected!