
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 22

Now that Zeke officially became Clay's kin the hostility he was receiving before had died quite a bit. Since that was over Sapphire guided them into the palace. As they walked through the beautifully designed made of marble. Gold and silver blended perfectly creating an abundant image of wealth. Clay continued to feel the call of the gifts left to him by the former dragon king and queen. Sapphire noticed that Clay was distracted so she changed their destination. A minute or two later the group was in a room with two swords in the middle.

"These were forged by Lord Ladon and Lady Ariana as their natal weapons" Sapphire explained.

In the dead center of the room were two swords one gold and one silver. The golden sword was a two-handed greatsword with a ruby-red edge. The base of the blade was rounded was a unique design also if it was more of a longsword in a sheath. As for the silver sword, it was much smaller and closer to a rapier just wider. Feeling curious Clay used his skill to look them over.


Weapon type:Magic sword



Mana Capacity:EX

Mana conductive:EX

Innate skill:indomitable-The wielder of the blade can no longer fall victim to wounds or poison. So long as you are not attacked by the magic of aura you are immune to damage.]


Weapon type:Magic sword



Growth potential:EX

Mana conductive:EX

Innate skill:Magic adapt-The use of magic becomes a lot easier and natural for the wielder of this sword. You can now cast two spells at the same time. ]

Clay was confused because their stats were better than Fafnir and Albion but they didn't have names. It would make sense if they were some kind of incomplete masterpiece. However, according to Sapphire, they were completed years ago. Still, Clay could feel they had room to grow as if there is no limit or at least it will take a while to reach it. No longer hesitating Clay took both swords into his hands

The first thing he noticed was how heavy the greatsword was. Although he can lift it now something in his gut was telling him that if he were to give it more mana that weight would increase. As for the other sword, it felt light and swift while mana seemed to move through it as naturally as he breathed. The longer Clay held the swords the more he felt they deserved a name. He closed his eyes to feel them even more hoping to discover their nature. Seem he felt two different feelings from them. The gold sword was like an indomitable emperor overlooking his empire.

As for the other, it was calm and elegant yet ruthless much like a queen who has seen many struggles. Both weapons give the feeling of a ruler so Clay decided their names must have something to do with that. He thought deeply for a while before a flash of brilliance finally struck him. He decided to name the gold great sword after a famous holy Durendal. As for the silver rapier, it got named Caladbolg from Irish mythology.

"Alright from now on you will be called Durendal and Caladbolg" Clay informed the weapons.

Hearing his words both weapons released a bright light to show their happiness with their new names. Sapphire watched with stars in her eyes having witnessed such a historic moment. Her heart pounded imagining the bright future ahead of the dragon race. Finished in the sealed room they went to the waiting where a maid provided them with a cup of tea. Although Clay knew nothing about tea even he could tell how amazing it is.

"I am happy you finally decided to join your race, sir Clay," Sapphire said smiling.

"To be honest I was slightly worried that if I came here you would let me leave ever again" Clay responded.

A faint blush appeared on Sapphire's face because she did have that thought. Luckily her best friend advised her against doing that cited it may anger Clay. She had to admit in her excitement Sapphire forgot the personality of a male dragon. One wrong move and the dream of bringing her clan to greatness would be destroyed. She mentally made a note to make sure to thank her friend later. They continued their talk for a while until a curtain topic came up giving Clay pause.

"So I was wondering if there is anything you wish to do from here" Sapphire questioned.

Clay became silent considering the question very carefully. He knew that to ensure he can continue to survive there are two primary paths available to him. Either he hides inside the dragon kingdom and gets protected until he finally evolves. That or he can go out to face continuous danger growing quicker.

"If you are wondering what your next move should be then I recommend staying in your current evolution. It would be better to instead level up your jobs" Eve suggested.

"Wait didn't you just make a mistake because I only have one job" Clay corrected?

"Actually when you reached the job level of 21 a new job opened and a subclass was released but I withheld them" Eve explained.

[As a reward for reaching the job level of 21 the host will now receive a secondary job and a subclass]

[Secondary job will now be randomly selected... job Battle Master has now been chosen. Now generating a random subclass... the subclass Magismith has now been released]

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon(human)/????

Job:Martial artist/Battle Master


Level: 20=>21

Racial level(s): Adolescent Nature Dragon level 30/40. ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 3

Aura core: rank 3

Health points: 9120

mana points: 4000

aura points: 4000





Status points-5

Skill points-55


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 3)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 3)

-Nature magic(level 2)

-Nature Dragon's scales(level 3)

-Nature Dragon's breath(level 3)

-Fly(level 5)

-Martial Path(level 3)

-Battle Maneuvers(level 2)

-One with nature(level 3)]

After Clay obtains his new job and subclass Eve further explained the benefits of leveling them up. First, there is the fact that each level-up awards him status and skill points. Second, there are skills that he can gain that give passive boosts to his stats. Lastly, combat skills can increase his offensive power. While evolving was a leap in power each time a steady increase also will be helpful.

"For now I will focus on leveling up rather than evolving as for after that I am not sure" Clay responded after some thought.

Sapphire smiled before suggesting "If that is the case then might I recommend attending the royal academy of Freya."

Clay raised a curious eyebrow while Sapphire explained in greater detail. Freya is a neutral nation where people of different races gather for trade. It is known worldwide as the heart of international trade. Even their royal family is a mix of a bunch of different races. It was one of the princesses from two hundred years ago that created the academy. At first, only people from Freya were interested in going there. That was until a powerful magic cast graduated from the academy.

That caster later went on to challenge many powerhouses around the world. Even until the end of his life he never once lost. When asked about the secret to his strength he only said know yourself and know your enemy. Thanks to those words other nations realized that most of their people have never so much as seen someone from another race. Thus began the tradition of nobles and merchants sending their children to study in Freya. Clay cracked a smile thinking maybe a lot of fun was ahead.