
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 21

After months of traveling, at last, they made it to the dragon kingdom. The streets were bursting with excitement as there was some kind of festival going on. If you were to study a map then most would notice that the dragon kingdom only has one city. That one city however was as big as most kingdoms. as for why the kingdom is set up like that. The reason was flying around the sky roaring.

That's right most citizens of the kingdom would prefer to remain in their dragon forms. Since that was the case they felt it was better to just make one city. Besides dragons normally would rather be in a place attuned to their elements. For example, a fire dragon wouldn't be caught dead in place anywhere near water. Clay listened as the girls introduced different parts of the city.

"Wow, this place is even more amazing than books had described" Zeke mused.

"HMPH of course it is this kingdom was built by Lord Volloc the first dragon king".Sarah bragged.

Zeke didn't say anything else fearing he will set her off. Clay on the other hand was in a daze the closer they got to the palace. There was a constant feeling something was calling out to him. It was as if it were begging him to find it. He could feel his blood heating up in reaction as they grew closer. Subconsciously Clay began to leak out his mana outward. This caused the dragon nearby to slowly gather. By the time they made it to the palace, the Dragon's had them surrounded.

Zeke glanced around nervously thinking they were here for him. He understood just how much dragons hate dragon slayers. In truth, his coming here was probably the dumbest thing he has ever done. One wrong move and he would be dragon food. He looked at Clay who was still in a daIng hoping he would say something. Lucky for Zeke he didn't have to wait long.

Once they were right outside the palace steps Clay opened his mouth "ROAR" he let out a mighty roar. When he did two brilliant lights busted from the palace into the sky. Everyone dragon that had gathered watched in awe as the lights transformed into massive dragons.

"OH my dragon overlord it is lord Ladon and lady Ariana" one dragon exclaimed.

Clay simply stared at them hoping these light projections can talk.

"Hahaha, not bad brat you already sensed the presence of this old thing" Ladon praised.

"Enough pretending you old fool you're just happy because we can see young Clay again. Although I am not much better" Ariana growled.

The two elder dragons like they always did start arguing back and forth. Clay just smiled thankfully because he thought it would be long before he could see them again.

"Alright that is enough of our husband and wife act now we have to explain what to do," Ladon said.

Ariana rolled her eyes before saying "my apologies child this old fool near acts seriously but he has a point. Now listen carefully in the palace there are two powerful artifacts we left behind. They may prove useful in the days to come".

"Yeah and while your at it you should make sure to bed that little girl Sapphire" he added before disappearing.

Ariana also vanished while shaking her head. The kingdom immediately broke out in cheering since this proved their suspicions correct. Their dragon prince had officially arrived and was close to two of their greatest dragon kings. At last, their dragon race will no longer have to hide. From this day forward they will once again live on the dragon island Avalon. As cheers filled the streets, Queen Sapphire Carem watched with a smil3 on her face.

For as long as she can remember her kingdom has not been this lively. As the queen, nothing could make her happier than her people being happy. She can still remember the oracle that was given to her years ago. It said there will be a day when the true ruler of dragons was to appear. When that day came she would no longer need to protect her people alone. She more than anything just wanted to do the man and woman who raised her proudly.

"I am happy you all made it safely although with a pest" Sapphire greeted.

Zeke awkwardly smiled as he felt pure hatred being thrown at him. Although he mentally prepared himself for this it was a lot worse than he thought it would be. Still, if he could go back in time he would kill that Wyvern again. Zeke has always been a believer that the strong must protect the weak and the Wyvern was dangerous. As he was suffering in silence Clay suddenly released a powerful roar. Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"Listen I know that we must do everything we can to protect our race. However, we must also recognize that other races will also have the same thought. Zeke is a good man that helped me when I was still weak and therefore proved he is not an enemy of dragons" while he was saying that Clay pulled out a cup.

He then cut his wrist to bleed into it before presenting it to Zeke. "The Wyvern he slew was destroying a village killing many of its citizens. His killing not only saved those people but also the pride of our race. As a reward, I gift him my blood to become one of us" Clay said passing the cup.

Zeke looked at him somewhat teary-eyed as he drank the blood. Once he did the magic in the air came rushing to his body as an egg of pure energy formed around him. A transparent screen appeared in front of Clay as he was watching the spectacle.

[Host has given his blood to the individual known as Zeke. Due to this, he is now evolving into the host's dragonkin. As the host has received his first dragonkin the clan management feature has been unlocked.]

Clay raised an eyebrow at the notification as he did not expect it. Curious he opened the tab to find that it was a lot like the guild feature in online games. Now that he thought about a lot of things in this world seemed eerily similar to online games. At first, he thought the creator peeked into his world where they got the idea. However, looking back the signs were there. As he was questioning things another thought popped into his head.

"Hey, Eve since dragonkin have the affinity of the dragon that gives them blood then is Zeke going to be a nature dragon" Clay questioned.

"He won't since a nature dragon's blood carries an affinity for every element he will get the one most compatible with him" Eve answered.

Just when they wrapped up their conversation the eggshell surrounding Zeke started to Crack. Seconds passed as more and more cracks appeared until finally Zeke could bust out. In terms of changing not much about him has however there are two key differences. One was that eyes became a mix of gold and reptilian pupils. The other was the dragon-shaped tattoo on his back that radiated heat so intensely it burned through his shirt. No one present had a way of knowing but they were able to bear witness to history. It is because on this day the dragon overlord chooses his general who would follow him to many great battles.