
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

.18 Chapter 18

Waking up I grab the three shields and carry them outside calling the three buyers. As soon as the first man shows up I pick up the lion shield I forged and hold it on one arm to allow him to get a good look at it. Silver with a gold inlay the majestic lion sits in the center surrounded by three plates of dragoniam forming a set of spear catching traps that if used right will allow the user to surpass any melee opponent while also shielding from arrows and bolts. "These will allow you to catch and snap almost anything but practice before you actually try using them as it is not a normal design ok?"

Looking the shield over he shakes his head in disbelief "this shield is absolutely amazing how did you manage it so quickly?" Chuckling I hand him the shield and take the 30 gold coins. "I'm a Smith my friend its what I do" He leaves soon after and I clean up the shop while I wait for the next two clients to show up. Grabbing the bear shield I see the second buyer and once again put his shield on my arm showing it off. Two sets of three razor sharp spikes and a terrifying bear face form an offensively extreme shield with Amazing defense as well being as its a dragonium shield. "Damn these spikes are amazing, I'll be able to bash through most armors while defending myself." Taking the 30 gold I hand him the shield and begin examining the last shield I built that I spent the most time on.

Its a drake shield, a younger less powerful cousin to the dragon. Chuckling I polish the shield a little bit working especially with the decorative claws and horns that form the face of the drake. This shield is entirely dragonium silver with gold and purple inlay to show off the gold eyes of the drake. The owner walks up as I finish polishing and smiles " Almost looks like you made that for yourself my friend" Laughing I hand him the shield and nod as I take the payment "I build every piece as if I would be using it myself ya know?" Sending him on his way I head inside and clean the house before feeding Kovu and yawning softly. "Eh its a bit of a lazy day isn't it my sweet boy?" Petting him I lay down on my couch and take a short nap.

About three hours later I wake up and head into town using my boots to glide around in the streets and just kinda interact with the locals. Much to my surprise people ive never met before ask how I'm doing and if they ever need anything made they know who to come to. Hmm make six little pieces of work and suddenly the whole town knows who I am that's very interesting. Continuing through the town Kovu and I stop and get some spaghetti and garlic bread with a big tankard of cream soda. After about an hour at the restaurant we head home for the night,setting up the defenses I hop into bed next to Kovu and pass out.

sorry for the short chapter guys and gals I'm working on getting motivated again

Matthew_Ethridgecreators' thoughts