
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasy
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20 Chs

.17 Chapter 17

Waking up I hear the gate buzzer go off and I got up and signal Kovu to follow me as I walk out to the gate and open it to see six people standing there holding rolled up papers."What can I do for you guys?" The first man steps up a little hesitantly being as I still have everything but my mask on and sadly my armor does cause quite a bit of fear in normal people and even some gladiators would think twice before challenging me outright.

I have already figured out why their here I just need the dude to man up and tell me what he needs so I can start working on whatever it is he needs and maybe even get back to my personal project. Leaning on the gate I slow down a little and realize I was actually moving faster than I thought.

"We were told you are looking for work orders to fill and we bought some back orders that the local Smith hasn't got to yet so we can see how good you are and spread the word." Nodding I collect all the papers and chuckle softly. "I'll have these done within a week guys .I'll call each of you as I finish the individual projects and you can come out here and check em out before paying for them."

Heading inside I spread out the six papers and analyze what I'll be building and what I'll need in order to complete them. There's two swords a javelin and three shields that are all different styles. Chuckling I forge the two swords and set them aside to set while I eat lunch with Kovu then wrap the handles in leather and put decorative caps on the pommels. Once those two orders are complete its time for the javelin which is the longest weapon I've built beside my waraxe. I start with drawing out the metal shaft and slimming it into a long cylindrical shaft and then hammer out the long double edged leaf blade before screwing it all together and sharpening the blade before adding some personal details to the shaft.

Setting it aside I start shaping all three shields and then begin to add plates and spikes to them. Painting them different colors I set them aside as well and call the first client to examine his sword.He comes walking in about an hour later and I draw his sword out of the sheath and lay it across my arm to display it. "Fine quality Titaninite with a flawless leather wrap and a dragon knight pommel cap. It's all handcrafted and made right here in my own shop" Eyeing it with an extreme amount of surprise he takes it and flips it over looking at everything in detail. "I was expecting basic steel I don't know if I can afford Titaninite I was only wanting to pay 20-40 gold... Nodding I chuckle softly and place the sword back in the sheath. "Good because this sword is only 25 gold, I keep Titaninite in bulk I won't use basic steel." He gasps and fumbles out 25 gold coins handing them to me as he reverently pulls the sword out again and looks at it. "Thank you so much Mr excer." Nodding I pocket the coins. "Your welcome"

Heading back inside I call the next sword buyer and ask him to come to the shop and pick up his sword. Sitting in front of my shop with his sword over my leg and idly petting Kovu I wait for him to show up. Looking down at the sweet tigergon I realize how much he's grown, He's almost as big as a rottweiler now and he's even longer than I'd have imagined.

The man shows up for his sword a little later than I would have liked but he explains he lives rather far away and of course he doesn't have my speed so I cut him a break and display his sword explaining right off the bat that I don't use steel and the price won't be any higher. "That's such a relief thank you so much" Taking his payment i hand him the sword and send him on his way.


You have leveled up

Name:Excer Lvl 17 Dragon lord

Health:4300/4300 Stamina:1600/1600

Strength - 30

Charisma - 14

Intelligence -28

Dexterity - 15

Wisdom - 17

Agility - 20

Luck - 12


Slippery kill Lvl 3 +75% ,accuracy +25% dmg

Slow motion strikes Lvl 5

Affinity for robots Lvl 3 +75% dmg, +50% strength when you build

Fleet foot Lvl 3 +75% move speed

Unstoppable Lvl 1

Two handed mastery Lvl 3

Blacksmith: Lvl 5

Plumber; Lvl 5

Electrician: Lvl 5

Forge master: Lvl 10

Eloquence: Lvl 1


Taking a deep breath I call the javelin owner and slowly start spinning the spear through a few figurations to fully test its balance and ability before stabbing through a sand bag and cleaning off the blade. Yeah that will do the trick. I put the blade into its guard and sit down waiting for him while idly feeding Kovu potato wedges. "Your such a good boy Kovu I really do like having you around." Petting him softly I see the man enter my gate and walk slowly across the shop. Standing up I spin his javelin once and hand it to him. "This one is special made my friend that's a dragoniam connector on a Titaninite shaft and blade. Chances of breaking that are slimmer than none." He gasps a little bit and examines the detail I put into it. "H..how much is that gonna cost me?" Chuckling at how uncommon it is for people to use dragoniam i shrug nonchalantly. "How about 30 gold coins and its all yours?" He hurriedly hands over the coins and thanks me repeatedly. "I'll tell everyone I know"

With that done I head inside locking the dome down. I'll finish the other transactions tomorrow for now I'm going to bed. Kovu and I get into bed and I pass out.

To be continued ....

thank you to darkslordfrost for my first power stone. I really hope this story will go far

Matthew_Ethridgecreators' thoughts