
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

Chapter 5: Imprisoned...

Vocada had managed to unleash a monumental blast of Ki that saved him from the mighty Thoroxicor, the most powerful predator on the planet Vubroth, also known as the planets aprex predator.

However, Vocada had received the beat down of a lifetime, leaving him unconscious at the end of his fight, lying broken and bloodied in a pile of sand in the desert.

Some distance away... "Did you see that!" A Vubrothian who has been keeping an eye out across the vast desert said, having witnessed the powerful Ki blast that Vocada had unleashed.

"How could I not, that thing was huge." Another said, having not only seen it but felt it.

"Come on let's go and check it out." Another of them then said, leading the group toward the direction of the attack.

Upon arriving the group could see the destruction that Vocada's energy attack had caused, having never seen anything like it before. "Look at this... It's unreal." One of them said, seeing the aftermath of the Ki attack.

"How could anyone do something like this?" Another of them asked, deciding to follow the large crater toward its origin point.

"N-No way... Is that a Thoroxicor..." One of them said, slowly heading over to the body of the dead apex predator.

"Someone really managed to kill one..." Another said as he poked it with his spear, not believing his eyes at the roasted flesh of the killing machine.

"Not someone... Something." Another said, getting the attention of the others as they slivered over toward him, laying their eyes on Vocada's broken form still lying unconscious on the ground having been left for dead.

"What the hell is that thing?" One of the younger ones asked, not having any idea.

"You idiot... It's an alien of course." Another of them said, slapping him around the head.

"It's the alien to be exact. The one we have been keeping an eye out for." He then said.

"We should kill it." Another of them said after a moment of silence, reaching for his sword.

"No... We should take him back to the prince. He will know what to do with him." The older one of the group said, stopping the others from drawing their weapons.

"Besides, we might get a reward for capturing it."

Vocada's world was still dark as he slept, feeling exhausted from his battle with one of the strongest life forms on the planet.

Vocada wasn't sure what was going on around him, but he felt as if he were moving. It took all of his energy to open his eyes, getting a blurry image of bars before one of the Vubrothians came into view.

"H-Hey its awake!" One of the Vubrothian shouted, seeming to panic as he signalled the others.

"You idiot keep it down!" Another of them shouted, making it look like they were trying to take him somewhere, not that Vocada could do anything about that right now.

Vocada couldn't even keep his eyes open for long, feeling his body slowly drift into another deep sleep, not yet having the strength to remain awake.

Meanwhile, the Vubrothians had placed Vocada into a cage that they used to transport animals and other creatures around, hoping that it would be enough to hold him given the condition they had found him in.

Vocada was bloody and bruised with his armour having been torn through and badly damaged. It had however saved his life from the large spikes of the Thoroxicor's tail, resulting in him only being close to death and not actually dead this time.

The Vubrothians were now transporting Vocada toward the main and largest city on the planet, hoping to present their catch to the prince and his father the king.

Soon enough the group arrived at the city, being swarmed upon by the guards as they realised what they had brought with them.

"You dare bring such a monster here!" One of the guards yelled, pointing his spear at the leader of their group.

"B-But the prince's orders were to capture the creature alive if possible." He said, causing the guard to lower his weapon.

"Looks half dead to me." He then said, seeing the state that Vocada was in, turning around to the others.

"Let them through! And somebody send word to the king and prince at once!" He yelled, getting some of the other guards to quickly rush off.

Vocada could hear voices in his head, not sure if he was dreaming or not as he tried to open his eyes again, coming to for a short while.

Now he could see lots of Vubrothians surrounding him as the cage he was in kept moving, making it look like he was in a crowded area.

"Where am I..." Vocada said, finding it difficult to speak as the heat had dried his throat closed.

"Make way!" One of the Vubrothian guards shouted, trying to clear a path through the city square so they could fit the carriage through.

Vocada could see what he thought to be buildings as he passed by more people, still trying to let his eyes open fully not wanting to fall back to sleep, doing his best to fight it.

"Looks like it's awake." One of the guards said as more of them came to the back of the carriage.

Soon enough the carriage stopped and Vocada found himself being dragged out of the back before he was thrown onto his knees, having spears pointed at him in all directions.

"All bow to your King and prince!" A voice suddenly announced, causing everyone but the guards who had spears pointed at Vocada to bow in respect to their royal family.

Vocada could see two Vubrothians walking out from a large gate, trying to make them both out through his bruised eyes as he still felt the burning in his chest while breathing.

"They really found the creature..." The king said, looking to be a much older Vubrothian, bearing the head of a king cobra with a large white beard.

"This thing is the one responsible for killing our men and causing such destruction in the desert. The one destined to destroy our people and our world?" The Prince asked, stepping forward as his cloak fluttered in the wind, not looking impressed.

Vocada hadn't realised until now that he still had his scouter on, somehow having survived his fight with the Thoroxicor.

Vocada's scouter was set to scout mode and lit up while it displayed the Prince's power level, showing Vocada that it was at 200, giving him a power level equal to Vocada.

The Prince was tall, with bright red and black scales also boasting the head of a king cobra just like his father, giving him a powerful appearance.

"Look at the state of it. The creature is half dead." The Prince said as he bent over and grabbed Vocada by the chin, getting no resistance before he dropped him to the ground in disgust.

"W-We found him like this, Your Majesty. He was next to the dead body of a Thoroxicor..." The leader of the group that had captured Vocada said, getting a surprised look from everyone who heard him.

"A Thoroxicor you say... This tiny creature was really able to defeat one by himself." The Prince said with a questioning look on his face.

The King also looked Vocada up and down, finding it strange that such a small creature could kill the strongest predator on the planet and cause such mayhem in the desert.

"We also found more dead bodies near where we found him. Looks like he killed another hunting party last night." The Vubrothian leader said, keeping his head low as he spoke to the Prince.

"And to think that the great Lord Hiss foretold that a creature would fall from the stars and kill us all... Now look at it." The King said, almost pitying Vocada at the sight of him.

"Looks can be deceiving father." The Prince said, crossing his four arms over his chest, glaring at Vocada as he tried to see any potential power within his body, unable to do so.

"That is true my son..." The King said before he reached a decision, stroking his beard with one of his hands.

"Very well. Kill him now." The King suddenly said, giving the order.

"Yes sir." The commander of the guards said, drawing his sword and holding it high as he got ready to deliver the finishing blow.

"Wait!!!" A soft voice suddenly yelled, causing everyone to halt what they were doing and look over to where the voice came from.

"You cannot kill him!" The voice shouted again, suddenly slivering next to Vocada, opening its arms in protest to spare his life.

Vocada could see that it was another of the Vubrothians that had seemed to come to his rescue. However, this one seemed smaller and more petite than the others, also having long black hair and wearing what looked to be a white dress.

"S-Sister!" The Prince shouted, not looking happy to see her.

"Hissturerr! What is the meaning of this?" The King suddenly yelled, seeing his only daughter get in the way of the alien and the guard's sword.

"Father. Brother. You cannot kill this poor creature like this. It is not our way!" She yelled, remaining strong in her stance, causing the guard to take a step back.

"What are you talking about, this is the monster that Lord Hiss warned us about." The King said, not understanding.

"Monster or no monster. It is not our way to simply kill something that cannot fight back." The Princess said, causing them both to hiss at her words.

"Our great Lord Hiss talks of honour and our code, yet you would strike down something so small that is already half-dead and unable to speak for itself. What if this is not the being that he told us of, are you still willing to invoke the wrath of the gods? And you call yourself a warrior." The Princess said, causing both her father and brother to back down, having her words cut deep into their pride.

"What would you have us do, Hissturerr? Keep it alive?" The King asked.

"Yes, at least until we can decide whether or not it is a threat." The Princess said, lowering her arms.

"My dear sister speaks the truth. Our great lord Hiss knows that the gods would never forgive us if we cut down such a weak and helpless being." The Prince said, shrugging his shoulders in defeat at his sister's words.

"So be it. We will keep this creature alive for the time being. Until we can decide whether or not to kill it." He then said, looking at the guards.

"Thank you, brother," Hissturerr said, stepping to the side before her brother placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Take this thing to the dungeons and see to it that it stays alive." The Prince said, getting a nod from the guards.

"Y-Yes sir..." The commander of the guard said, bowing his head.

Vocada was unsure of what was going on, not being able to understand the language. However, he seemed to get the gist of things once the female Vubrothian stepped aside and their voices calmed down, being able to look into her eyes for a brief moment.

Next thing Vocada knew he was grabbed by two of the guards and dragged across the ground and down some stairs before being tossed into a dungeon cell.

Vocada hit the ground and rolled along the cold stone floor before he spat some blood out, trying to catch his breath.

"F-Fuck..." He said, feeling the pain radiate through his small body.

"Here, this will keep you alive you ugly bastard." One of the guards said as he dropped a bowl of water onto the ground, and threw what Vocada guessed was some kind of stale bread at him before he locked the metal door, trapping him inside the prison cell.

With that both of the guards left the room and headed out, leaving Vocada lying on the ground alone in the dark and cold dungeon, barely alive.

Vocada could feel nothing but pain echo throughout his entire body, with his dry throat feeling the worst of all.


With every last bit of strength he could muster, Vocada forced himself to slowly roll over and dragged himself along the ground. He wasn't sure how long it took him, only that he had refused to give up until he reached the bowl of water, fighting with everything he had to reach it.

Vocada lifted his head up and looked at his reflection in the yellow water, not even thinking about it before he proceeded to drink it, downing every last drop not even stopping to take a breath.

"Agrrrr," Vocada said as he finally took a breath, feeling the strange-tasting water flow through his entire body, helping him to feel alive again.

Vocada looked at the food next and picked it up with his better arm, proceeding to take a small bite out of it, finding that it was hard and tasted like cardboard. Still, he knew it would keep him alive and proceeded to eat every last bite before he rolled on his back in an attempt to ease his pain.

"I refuse to give up... I won't die here." Vocada said again, feeling his body losing the fight against his exhaustion, knowing he needed to sleep.

"I will recover... And when I do, I'll be stronger than ever..."