
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Anticipation and Arrival

The spacecraft descended gracefully through the turbulent atmosphere, its sleek form cutting through the tempestuous air as Renji, Lotan and Aspera, prepared for their imminent arrival on the swamp planet Alderaan. 

Lotan's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a maelstrom of anticipation and weariness as he contemplated the upcoming mission. The journey had been uneventful, lacking the excitement he had yearned for. The monotony of each passing hour weighed on his spirit, and he yearned for something, anything, to break the tedium.

The memories of the past missions had already faded into obscurity, buried beneath the yearning for excitement that pulsated within him. The idea of being pampered and cared for seemed like a luxurious prospect at first, but the initial novelty quickly wore off, leaving him with an overwhelming sense of boredom and restlessness. The food, while delicious, offered no excitement or surprise, becoming nothing more than a mundane source of sustenance. 

"Uggghhhh, never again!" Lotan exclaimed, reflecting on the gruelling experience. "Next time, I'll just use a pod to get to missions, rules be damned."

The arduous journey had taken its toll, leaving him yearning for a simpler, more convenient way to traverse the vast expanse of space. The idea of disregarding the stringent protocols and guidelines that governed such travel seemed increasingly tempting, as the allure of efficiency beckoned him like a siren's call.

In contrast to the taxing nature of traditional spacecraft, attack pods offered a tantalizing prospect of respite. The mere thought of being put to sleep while en route to his destination provided a glimmer of solace amidst the chaos of the cosmos. The notion of relinquishing consciousness during those long hours of travel held a certain appeal, for it would spare him from mundane monotony.

As Lotan found himself idly musing, his thoughts couldn't help but drift towards the enigmatic figure of the other kid, Renji.

Since that initial day when they clashed over room assignments, their interactions have been minimal, leaving an air of unresolved tension between them. That silly rock-paper-scissors game they played, which resulted in Lotan's defeat, still left him feeling slightly sour and discontented. It was an insignificant game, yet he couldn't shake off the feeling of annoyance at having lost.

Nevertheless, he attempted to brush aside these petty sentiments and focus on his perception of Renji. He seemed to have an aura of reclusiveness, almost as if he were concealing something behind his guarded demeanour. His mysterious nature stirred Lotan's curiosity, but at the same time, it made him wary of approaching him further.

"Whatever, he's got nothing to do with me," Lotan concluded with a shrug, deciding that it was best not to concern himself with Renji's business. After all, their paths might not intertwine often in the future. Lotan held firm to his conviction that his destiny lay in becoming one of the mightiest Saiyans on this planet. It became apparent to him that Renji's presence held only a fleeting significance, like a mere breeze that whispered through the branches of his destiny.

As the spacecraft gradually decelerated to a gentle cruising speed, the lush, green expanse of Alderaan sprawled beneath them, unlike anything Lotan had ever witnessed on his home planet. The verdant hues stretched as far as the eye could see, and the cerulean waters glistened like sapphire jewels, weaving a tale of a world teeming with life and untapped potential.

"It's much greener and more watery than back home," Lotan remarked, his eyes widening at the astounding sight. He continued to observe the immense orb below and couldn't help but draw a comparison to the legendary planet Vegeta, which loomed large in his memory. While Vegeta had been a desolate, arid wasteland with scant traces of vegetation, this new planet was a complete contrast. Its surface is sprawled with untamed wilderness, and its vibrant landscapes promise exciting discoveries.

"It's most likely a swamp-based planet, interspersed with a few occasional mountains," Lotan surmised, contemplating the unique ecosystem that lay before him. The prospect of exploring such a world both intrigued and concerned him. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath, "that means even more work fighting useless mobs."

On one hand, the abundance of life and vibrant landscapes held the promise of exciting discoveries, but on the other, the abundance of life also meant that it could be the perfect breeding ground for annoying beast colonies. Lotan began to pack his belongings once again, though it was hardly a cumbersome task as he had travelled light, carrying only the most essential items.

"Attention, Saiyans. You are scheduled to touch down on the planet within approximately three minutes," echoed the voice, a subtle yet urgent reminder of their impending arrival. Lotan reached out and retrieved his scouter, which had been resting upon a nearby desk, its vibrant display awaiting his command. He proceeded down the corridor, the hum of the spacecraft's engines resonating through the metal floor beneath his feet as he soon reached the entrance of the central control area, taking in the scene before him.

The room was bathed in the soft glow of instrument panels, casting a mesmerizing interplay of shadows on the walls. His mother, Aspera, sat at the heart of it all, a figure of grace and determination, focused intently on the task at hand—ensuring their safe landing. Her eyes, framed by a few wisps of hair that had escaped her ponytail, held a reassuring glint. Meanwhile, Renji leaned against the side wall of the room. His eyes remained closed, concealing the depths of his thoughts, as if he inhabited a realm entirely of his own creation. In that moment, Lotan couldn't help but wonder what secrets and aspirations lingered behind that serene facade.

As Lotan moved closer to his mother's side, she sensed his presence, and her gaze briefly shifted from the controls to meet his eyes. "Lotan," she said, "I'm glad you're back. We're almost there—just a bit longer, and we'll have reached our destination."

"Now that both of you have returned," Aspera remarked, her tone firm yet measured. "I trust you remember the detailed mission protocols that I previously elucidated, for I shall not delve into them again. Time is of the essence, and we must proceed swiftly. I assume that both of you are prepared and fully aware of the task at hand."

Lotan observed with intrigue the transformation of her demeanour. Normally, she exuded a relaxed aura, but now, every fibre of her being emanated focus and a professional attitude reminiscent of a seasoned military leader. It seemed evident that her newfound seriousness was directed at ensuring both Renji and Lotan didn't embark on anything horrendously stupid or excessively risky during their mission.

"Absolutely, let's proceed with this mission," Renji affirmed, his eyes flickering to life, the spark of determination evident as he absentmindedly toyed with his hair, attempting to sweep it away from his line of sight so as not to impede his vision.

"Very well," Aspera responded, her tone firm and authoritative. "We'll be there in a minute or two. During these final moments, make certain that you have fully committed the assigned zones to memory. Once we embark, there won't be enough time for me to go over those details again."

Her attention was drawn once more to the outside as she gazed fixedly at the breathtaking panorama beyond the cockpit. The scene that unfolded before them was a mesmerising display, illuminated by an array of fluorescent lights that revealed the sprawling base where the formidable forces of Frieza had firmly entrenched themselves. The vehicle they were aboard glided effortlessly at a comfortable cruising speed, soaring a few kilometres above the planet's atmosphere before seamlessly transitioning towards an area that shimmered with an ethereal glow of fluorescent lights. It was the makeshift camp that the cunning members of Frieza's force swiftly established during their short stay on this recently discovered planet.

As they approached their destination, the docking procedure was executed with precision, and the spacecraft expertly found its resting place within the confines of the base. The moment the vessel touched down, Lotan felt a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. The mission was about to begin, and the swamp planet held secrets waiting to be unveiled.

To be continued...



Apologies for the lack of chapter releases over the past few months. Life has been quite hectic with several important matters to attend to, leaving me with limited time and focus for writing this story. Nonetheless, I'm back with a new chapter, albeit shorter than usual. I hope you can still find enjoyment in it.

I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. Why? Well, I wanted to take the opportunity to delve into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, allowing us to truly understand their journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

As always, your feedback is valuable to me. If you come across any grammatical errors or plot points that don't quite make sense, please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. Your critique will help me improve my storytelling.

Furthermore, if you have any questions about the story, its characters, or the world it unfolds in, feel free to ask. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Peace out!

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Peace out!

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts