
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Vegeta Gets Jumped

-Namek- Frieza Spaceship

He looked at the beings dressed like Zarbon with a scowl on his face. 'Damn it…. These bastard are not my match but there are too many of them…things are getting quite annoying latterly' Vegeta thought as he deliberated on a plan to hightail it before Frieza comes back. " Who are you? What is your goal for being on Namek? Answer my questions or I'll blow you to smithereens" vegeta bellowed out. One of the beings completely ignored Vegeta threat and questions as he responded with a booming voice" Surrender and submit to the will of lord slug and your life might be spared"

"Lord Slug? Never heard of him," Vegeta muttered to himself with a curious smile, wondering if he had come across anyone with that name. Shaking his head, he concluded that they were probably just some random galactic pirates. Quickly realizing that they must also be on Namek for the Dragon Balls, Vegeta speculated that their only reason for being there was to have their wishes granted. 'What's this? A Dragon Ball bargain sale, why is everyone coming to Namek for those damned dragon balls' he thought, contemplating how they obtained information about the Dragon Balls. Setting aside these thoughts, Vegeta focused his energy into his right hand, forming a yellow ki orb. Observing Vegeta's actions, Slug's henchmen braced themselves for an imminent attack. "Get ready, this guy needs to be taken down for Lord Slug!" one of them yelled, while the rest shouted in unison with determination, "For Lord Slug!" Amused, Vegeta chuckled and smirked with a twisted sense of evil, before pulling back his hand and swiftly thrusting it forward, saying, "Die for your beloved Lord Slug!"

After he stated that, a beam of powerful ki erupted from his hand, it grew in circumference gradually until it engulfed a quarter of the slug jins. Vegeta's energy wave travelled so fast that the slug Jin's could not respond to it. All those hit by the energy's beam screamed "Nooooooooo!" As their bodies were burnt till they disintegrated into ashes, even their ashes were burnt by the attack leaving behind no traces of their existence. A bright light illuminated the sky, as the attack continued on its path until it finally dissipated.

Once the attack vanished, smoke covered the sky and a smell of burnt flesh permeated the air. " You dare oppose me with such meargre strength." Vegeta said with an ever so confident smirk graciously hanging on his face. After saying that he laughed in a mocking tone, the slug Jins were absolutely stunned by the sight of their allies dissipation within a few mere seconds. Horror and shock was visible in their body language and it greatly pleased the prince.


In the meantime, in the sky above vegeta and the slug Jin's position, Toonya a woman covered by a cloack with a hood, Lord slug the evil super namekian , Angila a blue skinned demon loyal to Slug, Medamatcha a short green skinned demon with a froglike face and taroung a tall man resembling the earthling in looks obverved the events that unfolded with impassive facial expressions. Medamatcha broke the silence and suddenly spoke "this guy is packing some heat, but he is no match for us."

"No one is a match for us." Angila who was floating next to Medamatcha said with arrogance

After that exchange a brief silence was held for a few seconds before Lord slug commanded " Angola and Medamatcha, go and defeat the enemy, make sure you finish him off"

"But I alone am enough to get rid of him Lord slug, No need For Angila" medamatcha energetically protested.

"MEDAMATCHA! Lord slug's orders are absolute and must never be questioned" Angila angrily said in displeasure at his comrade behavior

Lord's countenance displayed displeasure, as if he deliberated dismissing his own henchman. Medamatcha, swiftly recognizing his mistake, promptly bowed in mid-air and offered an apology, stating, "I apologize, my lord. I will never question your orders again."

"Hmmmm," Slug exhaled and then stated, "You shall be spared. However, should you commit this error again, your life will be forfeit. Now, proceed alongside Angila and execute my command." Both individuals nodded in agreement and promptly departed towards Vegeta.


While Slug and his henchmen were engaged in internal conflict, Vegeta continuously launched uncharged ki blasts at the Slug-jins. This unleashed a wave of destruction and despair, overwhelming the weak Slug-jins. Each blast caused a small explosion upon impact, reducing the target to nothing but space dust. Witnessing the devastation caused by Vegeta, some of the Slug-jins chose to flee rather than face certain death. However, their escape was intercepted by the sudden appearance of Medamatche and Angila on their path. "You are of no worth," Angila disdainfully stated as a yellow-hued energy beam erupted from his mouth, engulfing the majority of the fleeing Slug-jins. The smell of burnt flesh permeated the air, intensifying the gravity of the situation. This event caused everyone in the sky to pause, creating a palpable tension on the battlefield. Following these events, the elite henchmen approached the prince with utmost confidence.

Vegeta asked, with a stern expression on his face, "Who are you people?"

"You hear that, Angila? He wants to know who we are, as if he isn't already a dead man walking," Medamatcha exclaimed, amusement dancing in his eyes as if he had just heard the most hilarious joke.

"You can ask all those we've eliminated," Angila tauntingly remarked, a slight annoyance etching across his face. "But rest assured, you'll be meeting them soon enough, just as Medamatcha predicted."

Vegeta refrained from uttering further words, distinctly perceiving their attempts to provoke him and manipulate the outcome of the fight. The fighters exchanged glances, assessing each other's strength and combat proficiency. Abruptly, Medamatcha and Angila swiftly lunged towards Vegeta with sinister grins adorning their faces. Closing in rapidly, Medamatcha retracted his fist and thrust it forward, aiming for a blow to the liver. Simultaneously, Angila employed his agility and airborne dexterity to execute a flying kick, intending to strike Vegeta's face. In response to these attacks, Vegeta adeptly twisted his body, exhibiting graceful aerial nimbleness. Aligning himself perpendicularly to his assailant, he evaded both strikes with precision. Wearing a confident grin, the prince swiftly retaliated with a scissor kick that struck Medamatcha squarely on his grotesque face, forcefully propelling him through the air. Before Medamatcha's body could be propelled further, in an astonishing showcase of speed and skill, Vegeta exploited Medamatcha's face as a platform, gracefully transitioning his kick into a dash towards Angila. Within moments, Vegeta materialized behind the cyan-skinned demon and unleashed a formidable knife hand strike directed towards Angila's neck. However, the attack failed to connect, as Angila momentarily lowered his torso. Consequently, Angila executed a mid-air cartwheel flip, utilizing the momentum to unleash a fearsome heel kick aiming for Vegeta's chin.

Vegeta's intense battle instincts kicked in with lightning-fast reflexes as he narrowly evaded the attack. With a slight backward cock of his head, he managed to dodge the oncoming strike just in the nick of time. However, before he could launch a counterattack, the menacing Angila swiftly extended his arms to an unnatural length, like twisted shadows reaching out for their prey. Two fists, empowered by this unearthly stretch, connected with Vegeta's torso with an earth-shattering impact. The sheer force sent the Saiyan prince hurtling backward through the air, leaving him gasping for breath as his lungs struggled to recover from the sudden assault. Undeterred, Angila's elongated arms relentlessly pursued Vegeta's evading body, securing a firm grip on him and tightly winding around his torso, suspending the prince mid-air in a claustrophobic embrace.

"Do it now, Medamatcha!" Angila exclaimed with a sense of urgency.

"Heh heh, good thing I had these prepared," the green-skinned demon replied with a crafty smile, revealing two white oval orbs of ki in his hands. The orbs emitted an eerie redish hue, their power pulsating within the confines of his palms. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he raised both his hands back, readying himself for what was to come.

In one swift motion, he unleashed his left hand, arcing it forward to release a vicious ki blast. Without missing a beat, he repeated the same action with his right hand, his malevolent energy coalescing into another destructive force. These two ki blasts soared through the air, hurtling towards their target with relentless speed, painting an ominous arc in the sky. Vegeta found himself trapped, unable to escape their imminent impact.

Just as the blasts were mere moments away from striking, Angila's vice-like grip suddenly released its hold on Vegeta, allowing the Saiyan prince a brief moment of freedom. But his respite was short-lived as the ki blasts made contact, shrouding him in a swirling cloud of greyish smoke. The uncertain haze further obscured the battlefield, masking what lay beneath.

Before the smoke could dissipate and reveal the aftermath, Medamatcha relentlessly launched a barrage of red hued ki blasts towards Vegeta, bombarding him without relent. Angila, witnessing the onslaught, joined the chaotic symphony of destruction. Channeling his own ki, he conjured two yellow orbs of energy in his hands, brimming with formidable power. Unlike his comrade, Angila opted to propel these orbs forward using his ki, their speed surpassing all expectations.

The -Full Power Energy Blast Volley- surged towards Vegeta's position, engulfing the area with an overwhelming amount of dark smoke. The once pristine location was now veiled in a thick, impenetrable shroud of smoke, concealing the Saiyan prince's fate from prying eyes.

"This guy is toast," declared Medamatcha, his evil comet blasts raining down relentlessly.

"Let's keep firing, just for good measure" responded Angila while he kept firing fully charged energy blast at Vegeta.

These energy attacks lasted for almost a full minutes. as the demons finally relented from their onslaught, thick dark smoke completely covered the region Vegeta was located at. As the smoke cleared, Vegeta was revealed, the battle armor which previously covered his torso was in shambles, his jumpsuit was torn in several areas, his previously pristine white gloves were torn to pieces forcing the Saiyan prince to remove them to not hinder him in battle. His body had several burnt marks and a small tinge of blood was visible on his lips.

"I won't forgive you for this" he muttered with an almost inaudible voice, then he exclaimed "I WON"T FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS" with a crazed expression as he dashed with unbelievable speed toward the demons, He reached Medamatcha at breakneck speed, momentarily surprising the demon with his abrupt speed, Vegeta thrusted a fierce hook at Medamatcha's face which landed square and brought his head back like he just received a vaginal orgasm exposing his neck. Vegeta viciously transitioned his hook into an elbow strike straight for the demon muscular neck. The blow painfully stuck, making Medamatcha gasp for air and spit out a mix of saliva and other viscous liquids. To help his ally, Angila unleashed his mystic attack once more, expanding his arms forward in a straight line for a double punch aimed at pushing Vegeta away from Medamatcha. Hoever, Vegeta slyly smirked and grabbed both arms by the forearms then wrapped them around Medamatcha's short neck choking the demon. "ARRRGH!" Angila screamed in pain at his arms being utilized like ropes. After finishing his handiwork, Vegeta kicked Medamatcha toward Angila with all the strength he could muster in that short time span. In a grand display of strength, he drew his hands slowly to his sides, feeling the surge of ki coursing through his body. With a resounding yell of "HAAAAAAH," a brilliant white aura enveloped his body, radiating pure energy and primal strength.

And then, as if guided by an invisible force, two ethereal ki spheres materialized in his hands, their form tinged with a mesmerizing blue hue. With every ounce of determination he could muster, The prince continued to bellow "HAAAAAH," his voice echoing through the air. As he did, crackling streaks of electricity danced across his body, casting an ominous sparkle onto the two ki spheres. With unwavering confidence, he let out a mighty cry of "HYAAAAAH" and forcefully brought his hands together, his fingers spread apart, ready for the ultimate display of power. With a triumphant grin, he proclaimed, "FINAL CRASH!" The words hung in the air, charged with anticipation.

In an awe-inspiring spectacle, a colossal wave of energy erupted from his hands, fueled by an extraordinary speed. With unstoppable force, it hurtled forward, hurtling toward its destined targets—Medamatcha and Angila.

The sheer force of the attack was enough to make both Angila and Medamatcha quiver with unease, as they watched the ki wave grow in size and strength as it advanced towards them. The energy wave moved faster than either of them could react, overwhelming their senses and engulfing them in a maelstrom of light and destruction. In that moment, the two of them were helpless against the might and speed of the Final Crash. The energy wave exploded with incredible force and a resounding "BOOOOM!" sending shockwaves everywhere and engulfing the demons with dark smoke.

After a few seconds, the dark fumes of smoke cleared, revealing Medamatcha whose body was used as a shield by Angila. Medamatcha had taken the brunt of the attack, his entire upper body was covered with burnt skin, his pants had small burnt holes.

"Da- damn you Angila" he muttered with pain laced in his expressions

"No hard feelings Meda but I couldn't let his attack hit me" Angila responded with haughtiness

"Thi—this attack -huff huff-wouldn't have -huff huff -hurt you . you bastard" Medamatcha angrily replied back

"Can't deny some added protection now can I heh heh heh" Angila said in mockery

A few feet away from them, Vegeta couldn't help but make a tch sound, 'damn it this attack only hurt one of them, the other one seems fine. This is gonna be a hard battle, I estimate that he is about as strong as Recoome, if not only slightly weaker. I only defeated Burter because I took him by surprise twice'

The prince breathed heavily as a vast amount of his ki was unleashed in his earlier attack. He calmly recovered his bearings as he observed the enemy having an internal conflict which he could possibly use to his advantage. The calm tension that enveloped the sky after Vegeta's fierce attack was broken by Angila who suddenly threw his own ally at Vegeta with incredible momentum. In response, Vegeta immediately back handed the body away as soon as it was before him. behind Medamatcha body was a yellow hued orb of ki which appeared before Vegeta very fast. 'He used his ally body as a cover for a ki blast. What a cunning imp' Inwardly thought Vegeta while he swiftly brought his hand before his chest and deflected the blast by pushing it away with his ki infused hand prior to the blast hitting his torso. The energy attack upon being deflected changed course and travelled in an imperfect arc in the sky till it fell down, creating an explosion further away and forming a crater.

Several other ki blasts were mercilessly launched at Vegeta by Angila. The Prince of all Saiyans showcased his unparalleled skills, effortlessly deflecting most of the energy attacks, swiftly slapping them away with his hands. However, as the intensity reached its peak, even Vegeta's extraordinary abilities faltered under the relentless onslaught of countless energy blasts.

The fierce ki blasts struck Vegeta, engulfing him in a cloak of dark fumes that obscured his form. Angila relentlessly hurled one ki blast after another at the prince, each impact causing the smoke to billow out even more, intensifying its strength. The barrage of attacks continued unyieldingly, bombarding Vegeta without respite. But just as suddenly as they had begun, the onslaught of blasts ceased, leaving the air charged with anticipation.

"Hahaha, that should take care of him," Angila exclaimed with a triumphant tone. Just as he said that, Vegeta swiftly emerged from the smoke and charged towards the cyan-skinned demon with impressive speed. Vegeta's sudden movement momentarily surprised Angila.

"You've gotta be kidding me. You're not dead yet," Angila spoke with a mix of surprise and disbelief as Vegeta appeared in front of him.

"A saiyan tenacity is not to be underestimated," yelled Vegeta fire burning in his eyes. He swiftly thrusted his left fist forward in a sideway motion, delivering a powerful blow to the right side of Angila's face. Feeling the impact, Angila spurted out several beads of saliva mixed with other viscous substances, signifying the intensity of the strike.

Without hesitation, Vegeta followed up with a targeted body blow straight where the demon liver should be if Angila were a saiyan. The force of the strike made Angila recoil backward, struggling to regain his balance mid-air. Sensing an opportunity, Vegeta clasped his hands together, lifted his arms up, and swung in a downward motion with an unmatched precision.

The crushing blow landed square on the top of Angila's head, releasing a shockwave of power that sent him plummeting towards the ground with a tremendous force. Despite the sheer intensity of the fall, Angila remarkably managed to recover his stance and stood defiantly mid-air, proving the resilience of his demonic heritage.

Unfortunately for him, vegeta was already above him with both feet close to each other aiming for a vicious flying double kick. Angila not to be underestimated responded quickly leaning back , the demon bent his body at an unnatural angle. Vegeta's attack missed but the prince in the very brief moment his body was above Angila's prepared a ki blast which he swiftly launched at the opponent. The demon swiftly deflected the blast as if he swatting away a mosquito and responded by extending his arm with the -mystic attack- he then wrapped his extended arm around one of vegeta's legs.

Once he had a firm hold of the leg, he swung his long arm up into the sky, then he brought it back down with incredible momentum and speed. Vegeta was astounded by the sudden grab of his leg, as his body ascended up, he reigned in his senses and proceeded to unleash an onslaught of energy blast on the arm wrapped around his leg, alas despite the pain he was inflicting upon the opponent, the demon did not let go of his leg instead his hold around Vegeta's leg became even tighter.

Suddenly the prince felt that he was going down toward the ground with impetuous force, 'damn it he is not letting go' he thought while continuing to unleash ki blast on the arm. 'Damn it all those pesky earthlings cut off my tail so I can't transform into a great ape' his inward thought continued. Suddenly the prince had a brilliant idea, just as he was a few centimeters away from smashing the ground, he fueled his ki into his hand and unleashed a ki wave which upon hitting the ground thrusted him into the sky with tremendous speed and force. A power struggle began between the two fighters, with Vegeta maintaining his ki wave so he could escape from Angila's grasp and the demon pulling down with all his strength to prevent the Saiyan from escaping.

"You can't escape from your death Saiyan!" roared Angila

" let go!" Vegeta yelled back while panting heavily

"Fat chance! Say hi to your extinct race in hell for me" responded Angila while charging his ki, a reddish flame aura surged all around his body, he then pointed his hand at vegeta with the open palm facing the saiyan's direction. A red hued ki orb manifested in his open palm.

"See Ya!" gleefully spoke Angila as he unleashed his ki wave at Vegeta, the intensity of his attack radiating with amazing power. With desperation on his face, Vegeta maintained the first wave with his right hand, whilst freeing his other hand to prepare a ki wave. Time was of the essence as he recognized the impending danger. Without hesitation, the prince hurriedly fired a powerful ki wave, fueling it with an abundance of energy. The clash between their energy attacks was nothing short of extraordinary, a breathtaking spectacle that left all witnesses in awe. As the battle raged on, the tension in the air heightened, making the hearts of everyone lucky enough to behold the encounter race with exhilaration.


On the sideline, standing in the sky several score meters away Taroung observed the battle with astonished eyes, he simply couldn't believe the fierceness and determination conveyed by Vegeta though this fight. 'are all saiyans this resilient' pondered the tall man. He slowly flew to Toonya side and whispered "when are we getting started?"

"Patience.... Beside isn't this fight interesting" Toonya muttered in response with a barely audible voice

Taroung knew why she did not elaborate further, after all if what that man Zarbon said is true Slug should have a high hearing sense and he almost blew it by being such a blabbermouth, he carefully checked slug body movement to see if he noticed anything, it's not like he said something incriminating but one can never be too careful. Thankfully, Slug was still standing upright in the sky with no sign or body movement that indicated he knew anything.

"Yes the fight is more entertaining than I thought" he said in response to Toonya's earlier statement to cover his tracks.

"Right that Saiyan is really crafty. He fights really fiercely and savagely. His fighting style is like a mixture of brute brawling and advanced fighting techniques" She spoke while stroking her chin which was hidden by the hood of her cloak.

"Do you think you can win him?" Taroung inquired while continuing to watch the intense clash happening between the Saiyan and his 'comrade' Angila.

"Absolutely, he might be strong but I am in a completely different league" answered the woman chirpily

"Tch. Show off" fired back Taroung in faked annoyance.

"Indeed, I am a show off and proud of it too" Toonya responded with a boisterous laugh

Taroung laughed with her, she has always been such a cheerful person despite every single unfortunate events life had thrown her way. Honestly, He wished he could be a cheerful but he simply couldn't, not before making them pay for what they did to his family, to his people.


Slug was very annoyed as he observed the behaviors of his stupid subordinates. Earlier, he had ordered his loyal servant Angila and that idiot Medamatcha to dispatch the vermin in their path, To his astonishment that vermin was actually not bad, of course he is nowhere near Slug's level but he could make a decent pawn. One of the slug jins approached him swiftly, taking him out of his inner thoughts.

"My lord we have scoured the entirety of the ship as you have ordered" the slug jin began then stood silent for a few seconds while trembling with visible fear.

"And?" asked Slug prompting him to continue his report.

"We did not fin_" pew the slug jin could not finish his sentence as a yellow colored beam of light pierced his chest and exited out his back.

"Why?-Blood spluttering out of his mouth- my lor-" Before he could finish the slug-jins heart stopped beating due to being pierced by a ki beam, the slug jin fell down from the sky and smashed against the warm namekian ground with a "splat!" like a tomato falling down on the ground.

"Useless," muttered Slug with fiery anger coursing through his veins. Unbeknownst to him, his ki surged suddenly in response to his overwhelming rage. The power of his ki was so immense that the surrounding slug jins, resembling tiny insects in comparison to his power, were forcefully thrown and started descending to the ground, succumbing to unconsciousness. The sheer intensity and might of his ki overwhelmed them, causing them to fall helplessly and unconsciously to the ground surface.

All those that weren't unconscious struggled to maintain their consciousness active, but they did not utter a single word in fear of experiencing HIS wrath. Slug calmed down and reigned in his ki or he won't have any more men. After all, he cannot get rid of all of them. If he does who will take care of the menial tasks in the ship, he sure as hell did not want to take care of that so he decided to let them live for now. He looked behind him and noticed both Toonya and Taroung still floating in the sky behind him .

"At least they aren't useless." He said with less anger visible on his face then he spoke again "continue the report"

"yes sir" said another slug-jin as he audibly gulped his saliva "All of Frieza's men are dead, after scouring the ship we did not find any live member of the Frieza force"

"Any trace of Frieza" asked Lord Slug

"None" responded the slug jin, a palpable silence enveloped the area after he spoke. Neither slug nor any of his men spoke. Then a beam of light pierced the shoulder of the slug-jin whom reported.

"GARRRRRK!" He loudly exclaimed in pain

"Consider yourself lucky, I graced you with the opportunity to live unlike the other one" declared Slug while turning his back to him.

"Thank You very much for your grace SIR!" stated the slug-jin as he grabbed onto his left shoulder which had a hole in it and bowed respectfully mid-air. Slug ignored him as he approached his elite henchmen and commended "Toonya, Taroung... Go assist Angila in subduing the Saiyan, He might have information on the dragon balls as well as Frieza, make sure the energy attack Angila has thrown at him does not hit him"

"as you command" they both responded with loyal declarations. Slug prided himself everyday with acquiring such powerful and loyal subordinate, of course they will never be as powerful as him, no one is as powerful as Slug, so he blissfully believed.

"Failure is not an option, finish things quick, I grow tired of flying" he authoritatively professed.

They both nodded and swiftly departed in the direction the fight was ongoing.

'soon, very soon... I shall regain my youth and I will make that blasted Cold and his clan pay for the humiliation he made me feel.' inwardly declared Slug as he observed the horizon.

--------------------Author -----------------

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well. Apologies for not publishing any new chapters last week—I faced some personal challenges which I won't go into detail about. But rest assured, I haven't given up on the story, and I'm determined to continue sharing it with you all. Hopefully, next week will be better (fingers crossed), and I'll have the pleasure of entertaining you with new chapters.

By the way, I've made a decision to retcon Toonya's appearance. I'll be posting some pictures in the comments, and I would love your vote on which version of Toonya you prefer. Let's make this a collaborative journey!