
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Unlikely Alliance

Previously in Dragon Ball Zarbon's Advanture:

In hot pursuit of the two figures soaring through the Namekian sky, Zarbon finally caught up to them. As he arrived, a fierce battle unfolded between him and Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans. With sheer determination, Zarbon emerged victorious, his triumph punctuated by a request for an earthling to impart a powerful technique.

Just then, Gohan appeared, clutching yet another Dragon Ball. The sight of devastation surrounding their temporary abode propelled him into action, dashing into the cave to ensure the safety of his comrades, hoping they hadn't suffered any harm.

--- Namek, Inside an Unexplored Cave---

Just a few minutes before Gohan's long-awaited arrival...

In the dimly lit cave of Planet Namek, with eerie shadows dancing on the walls, Bulma, Krillin, and Zarbon found themselves brought together by an unexpected twist of fate. The chilling air was thick with tension, as each individual harbored their own reservations and fears, their hearts beating rapidly in sync with the rhythm of uncertainty.

Bulma, her once-confident demeanor shaken, couldn't help but succumb to her nerves. She fidgeted anxiously, her fingers tapping nervously against her thigh, while stealing occasional, apprehensive glances at Zarbon, the imposing warrior hailing from none other than Frieza's notorious army. His very presence sent shivers down her spine, a constant reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Krillin, ever the optimist, possessed an unwavering belief in the power of connection. He recognized the weight of the situation, but refused to let it consume him. With a warm and genuine smile, he took it upon himself to bridge the gap between them, his words carrying a comforting reassurance that resonated within the cave's confines.

Together, they stood in this uneasy environment, bound by circumstance and united in their quest. Little did they know, this unforeseen meeting would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey, one that would test their limits, forge unbreakable bonds, and reveal secrets hidden within the depths of Planet Namek.

Krillin cleared his throat, breaking the palpable silence that enveloped the room. With a hint of enthusiasm and determination in his voice, he turned his attention to Zarbon, his soon to be student and fellow fighter. "So, uh, Zarbon," he began, his words laced with a mix of confidence and subtle encouragement, "I think it's about time we work on honing your ki control. After all, it's an essential skill for fighters like us, especially here on Namek, where battles between powerhouses roar and the mastery of energy manipulation becomes a defining factor."

Zarbon's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as he carefully observed Krillin, seeking guidance. After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke, his tone indicating his eagerness. "Indeed, I absolutely could use some expert advice in that particular area, considering the significant impact it could have on my overall progress and growth."

Meanwhile, Bulma, adorned in her signature blue outfit, leaned casually against the rough cave wall, as if it were her own private sanctuary. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she feigned disinterest in the de-escalating tension swirling around her. "Oh, come on, Zarbon," she smoothly interjected, her voice laced with a playful tone and a hint of underlying mischief, "you, with all your grandeur, could use a little humbling, couldn't you?"

Zarbon's eyebrow arched ever so slightly as he glanced at Bulma, a mix of genuine surprise and unwavering curiosity in his eyes. With a touch of intrigue, he replied, "Humbling? Is that what you truly believe about this intricate situation?"

Krillin, with his swift movements, swiftly intervened, eager to get everyone back on track. "Alright, let's take a moment here, guys. Zarbon, I want you to find a comfortable spot and sit down cross-legged. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing your senses to focus inward. Feel the energy within you, the very energy you're so accustomed to using in your battles. Embrace it, connect with it, and let it guide you."

Reluctantly, Zarbon closed his eyes, attempting to center himself amidst the unfamiliar environment. The cold, damp air clung to his skin as he took a deep breath, trying to ease the tension that had settled into his bones. Krillin, noticing Zarbon's unease, took a step closer, the soft crunch of rocks beneath his feet breaking the silence. With a gentle touch, he placed his warm hand on Zarbon's shoulder, offering a comforting reassurance that they were in this together.

"Now," Krillin continued, his voice calm and composed, "take a moment to center yourself, feel the energy gathered within you. Visualize it as a vibrant, pulsating force, ready to flow through your body with the power of a raging river. As you embrace this energy, find the delicate equilibrium between control, where you harness its might, and release, where you unleash its full potential. Remember, it is in this balance that ki control lies."

Gritting his teeth, Zarbon furrowed his brow with unwavering determination. He mumbled under his breath, his voice filled with the resolute belief, "Control and release... I can do this. I just need to focus on harnessing my inner strength."

As Zarbon gradually calmed his racing thoughts, Bulma sauntered over with a mischievous smile, her gaze fixated on the focused warrior. "You know, Zarbon," she remarked with an air of curiosity, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness, "I've always had a thing for strong, powerful men. I can't help but wonder how your immense strength and unwavering dedication in battles translates into... other areas." A playful twinkle danced in her mesmerizing eyes as she awaited Zarbon's response, her words hanging in the air like a tantalizing invitation.

Caught off guard by the unexpected comment, Zarbon found himself momentarily at a loss for words. As he collected his thoughts, he mustered a response, his voice tinged with hesitation, "Uh...I appreciate the sentiment and your kind words, but given the current circumstances, I believe it would be wise for me to stay focused on the task at hand." Trying to regain composure, he endeavored to maintain control over his emotions and the situation at large.

Krillin chuckled awkwardly, his eyes darting around the room as he broke the unexpected tension. "Yeah, Bulma," he said softly, trying to keep the conversation light, "let's keep it professional, okay? After all, we don't want Zarbon to miss out on the valuable knowledge of ki control that he needs."

Pouting slightly and crossing her arms with a reluctant expression, Bulma reluctantly conceded defeat, her words barely audible as she murmured under her breath, "Fine, fine, but don't say I didn't offer my help."

And so, the training continued, with Krillin patiently guiding Zarbon through a series of exercises specifically designed to channel and control his ki energy. Minute after Minute, Zarbon grappled with the complexities of the techniques, at times feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. However, with Krillin's unwavering support and expert tutelage, Zarbon's determination grew stronger. Gradually, he began to grasp the intricacies of each exercise, feeling a surge of excitement as he discovered a newfound sense of power coursing through his veins. With every passing session, Zarbon's confidence and skill level soared, propelling him closer to unlocking his full potential alongside his dedicated trainer, Krillin.

"That's it, Zarbon!" Krillin exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. With a proud smile stretching across his face, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his student's progress. "You're really starting to get the hang of it! Just remember, it's not just about finding your own rhythm, but also maintaining unwavering focus throughout."

With a wide grin spreading across his face, Zarbon confidently responded to Krillin, expressing his gratitude for the favor bestowed upon him.

Bulma, with a mix of curiosity and admiration, observed their progress from a distance. What had started as a playful attempt at seduction had now transformed into a genuine intrigue that consumed her thoughts. A mischievous smile appeared on her lips as she couldn't help but comment, "Well, well, Zarbon, it seems you're proving to be quite the quick learner. Perhaps there's much more to you than meets the eye."

A mischievous smirk danced on Zarbon's lips, revealing a flicker of amusement in his eyes as he replied, his voice dripping with an intriguing mix of mystery and possibility, "Maybe, just maybe there is, Bulma. Perhaps there is something yet to be unveiled, untamed, and unexplored."

As the training session progressed, the atmosphere inside the cave underwent a gradual transformation. What had initially been charged with tension and anticipation began to shift, giving way to a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Bulma, who had initially approached the situation with a hint of seduction, found herself genuinely intrigued and growing in respect for Zarbon. She recognized in him a hidden potential, a capacity to become not just an ally, but an invaluable friend.

Krillin, ever the eternal optimist, couldn't help but celebrate their progress. He eagerly acknowledged the untapped possibilities within Zarbon, envisioning a future where their paths intertwined, rather than diverged. Amidst the chaos of the Namekian cave, bonds began to form, each connection highlighting the power of unexpected friendships forged in the unlikeliest of circumstances. Trust, once thought unattainable, began to blossom, solidifying the notion that even in the depths of chaos, meaningful relationships can be nurtured and fostered.

Zarbon's skills in ki control kept getting better with each passing minute. Under Krillin's patient guidance, he learned to channel his energy with finesse and precision, his control becoming increasingly seamless. Meanwhile, Bulma, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and genuine interest, observed their progress intently, marveling at their newfound abilities and deeply admiring their dedication and determination.

Bulma, with an enthusiastic expression, starts clapping her hands in delight. "Hey, Zarbon!" she exclaims. "You're really getting the hang of this! I never saw that coming."

Zarbon, unable to hide his grin, responds with gratitude, "Thanks, Bulma!"

Krillin, puffing his chest in pride, chimes in, "See, Zarbon? You've got untapped potential, my friend. bit more practice, you'll become a force to be reckoned with."

Slowly nodding, Zarbon acknowledges Krillin's words and admits, "Guess you're right. It feels good to be treated as an equal, rather than an enemy."

Bulma's smile widens as she adds, "Well, you definitely made an impression when we first met. But now, I can see there's more to you than meets the eye."

Zarbon's face flushes slightly as he accepts the compliment. It becomes apparent that his initial arrogance has given way to a newfound humility and gratitude for the support he's received.

Reflecting on his thoughts, Zarbon softly utters, "I gotta admit, I didn't expect to find camaraderie in a place like this. I've been surrounded by warriors seeking dominance for so long. It's refreshing to experience something different."

Krillin, displaying sympathy, responds with understanding, "We've all been through our fair share of battles, Zarbon. But sometimes, it's the most unlikely friendships that teach us the most."

Bulma, leaning closer to Zarbon with a mischievous glint in her eye, mentions, "Speaking of friendships, now that we're getting along so well, maybe we can help each other out in more... personal ways."

Krillin, feeling a bit flustered, quickly interjects, "Bulma, come on! Let's not distract Zarbon from his training."

Amidst the laughter, Zarbon reassures Krillin, "No need to worry, my friend. I appreciate the offer, Bulma, but I think for now, I need to focus on refining my skills."

Bulma playfully pouts, feigning disappointment as she says, "Fine, fine. But the offer still stands whenever you're ready."

As krillin continued training Zarbon in Ki control, the once-hostile cave transforms into a space of camaraderie and warmth, where laughter resonates and support knows no bounds. Surrounded by the comforting embrace of newfound friendship, Krillin and Zarbon eagerly trade techniques and share stories of their respective journeys. Bulma, the ever-supportive companion, offers encouraging words and playful banter, her presence adding an extra layer of joy to the mix. The passage of time becomes inconsequential within this sanctuary of shared goals and aspirations, as the initial apprehension dissipates, giving way to an unbreakable bond of unity and understanding.

Krillin patted Zarbon reassuringly on the back, his voice filled with genuine encouragement. "You're doing great, Zarbon," he said, a hint of surprise in his tone. "I never thought we'd be training together like this."

Zarbon looked at Krillin gratefully, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of determination. "Nor did I, Krillin," he admitted, voice filled with gratitude. "Your guidance has opened my eyes to new possibilities. I owe you my deepest thanks."

Bulma, who had been smirking mischievously from the sidelines, couldn't help but interject. "And don't forget my thanks too, Zarbon," she chimed in, her tone filled with both amusement and admiration. "You've definitely added an unexpected twist to this adventure and made it a lot more interesting."

Zarbon laughed, his grin growing wider as he playfully responded to Bulma. "Oh Bulma, you fiery goddess," he teased, his voice laced with amusement. "I gladly accept your thanks and express my sincere gratitude for your companionship as well."

The sound of laughter filled the air as Krillin, Zarbon, and even Bulma joined in. The camaraderie between them grew, casting aside any initial reservations. Bulma harrumphed at first, but she soon found herself unable to resist the infectious joy, joining them wholeheartedly in the laughter.

----Namek --- Unknown spaceship---

Inside the sleek spaceship, filled with an air of mystery and wonder, the enigmatic being stood proudly. His piercing gaze, as sharp as a laser beam, was fixed upon the vastness of the Namekian topography beyond the circular window. The window itself, intricately adorned with glistening and jagged glass shards, added an alluringly mystical element to the scene, as if peering into another realm. The being's lean and impeccable physique, sculpted by unknown forces, exuded an aura of undeniable power and strength. Every inch of his humanoid form was accentuated by distinctive features that set him apart from mere mortals, from the intricate patterns on his skin to the ethereal glow emanating from his eyes. It was a sight that captivated the imagination and sparked curiosity about the origin and purpose of such a captivating being.

A hairless head, meticulously smooth and devoid of any trace of hair, served as the canvas allure of two piercing, luminous white eyes. Each eye was like a window into another world, beautifully adorned with a mesmerizing red iris that seemed to flicker and dance with a hypnotic glow. Above those enchanting eyes, two mysterious straight horns gracefully emerged from each side of his head, their intricate nature and delicate ridges hinting at his otherworldly origins with an aura of ancient wisdom.

The entirety of his facial features contributed to his fascinating appearance—a small, pointed nose that held a subtle air of elegance, perfectly proportioned to complement the rest of his exquisitely demonic face. And then, there were his lips, oh, those thin, dark-colored lips that held an air of quiet mystery. They curved upwards ever so slightly, as if harboring a secret that only the most astute observers could decipher.

And to add to his already extraordinary traits, a long, prehensile tail gracefully extended from his back, coiling and undulating with a controlled elegance. Its sleek surface seemed to glisten in the light, inviting touch, but tapering off to a needle-like tip that held an air of delicate grace. It was an extension of himself, an additional appendix to emphasize his uniqueness, a testament to the intricate design that defined his presence in this world.

The individual, with their distinctive appearance, had three remarkably powerful-looking toenails on each foot. But what made them truly intriguing was the fact that they possessed an unusual feature: five fingers on each hand. This intriguing combination of attributes set them apart from the ordinary, making them a subject of curiosity and fascination.

Notably, this remarkable being was clad in a sophisticated and stylish battle outfit, befitting his commanding presence. A gleaming white chest plate, meticulously crafted with intricate golden filigree and adorned with sharp spikes on the shoulder pads, enveloped his regal upper body. Its impeccable design exuded an air of regality and power, demanding reverence from all who beheld it.

Nestled firmly at the center of the resplendent chest plate, a regal purple color bestowed an elegant touch, emitting a soft pulsating glow that caught the eye and beckoned admiration. Its vibrant hue added a captivating contrast to the overall ensemble, further accentuating the opulence and grandeur of the warrior's appearance.

The snug black bodysuit that shrouded his lithe limbs displayed meticulous attention to detail, with each seam and contour purposefully designed to facilitate unhindered agility in the heat of combat. Its fabric, a marvel of engineering, offered both exceptional flexibility and durability, providing the warrior with optimal maneuverability while leaving his dexterous hands and nimble feet exposed.

In this extraordinary battle outfit, every element seamlessly combined to showcase the warrior's majesty and unmatched prowess. With a meticulously curated blend of functionality and aesthetic allure, this attire not only embodied the warrior's authority but also became a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship that adorned his path to greatness.

Seething with uncontrollable anger, their face contorted into a twisted mask of fury, revealing their profound displeasure as they fiercely addressed one of their henchmen. The henchman, dressed in a similar menacing armor, stood ominously behind the enraged figure with an intimidating presence.

The Unknown Being, his voice dripping with anger and frustration, inquired, " has Zarbon not returned yet?"

In the brightly lit room, one of the henchmen, visibly trembling with fear, slowly stepped forward, their hands shaking uncontrollably. Beads of sweat glistened on their forehead, as their eyes darted around, desperately seeking an escape route. The weight of their trepidation was clearly etched on their face, accentuated by the bright light casting ominous shadows. Their lips quivered, forming incoherent words in a hushed whisper. Every stifled breath added to the palpable atmosphere of tension, heightening the anticipation that permeated the scene.

Soldier 1 anxiously reported to Lord Frieza, "Lord Frieza! Unfortunately, Commander Zarbon has not reported back to base yet. We fear for his safety." Frieza's face contorted with frustration as he gritted his teeth and muttered, "Let's give it a few more days. He ought to still be alive... for now."

Frieza slowly turned, his malevolent gaze sweeping across the assembled henchmen who cowered under his piercing eyes. With a cold smile creeping onto his face, Frieza declared, "The Ginyu Force will arrive soon, their strength unrivaled. And that barbaric Vegeta... he will rue the day he dared to cross paths with me." The anticipation for the impending clash grew, as the tension in the room became palpable.

After uttering those chilling words, Frieza extended two fingers towards an unfortunate soldier, instantly engulfing him in a blinding aura of bright light. The soldier's body expanded rapidly as he frantically begged his Lord several times for mercy, to no avail. A few seconds later, his body was obliterated, leaving behind nothing but ashes and the acrid smell of burnt flesh. Witnessing this gruesome spectacle, the other soldiers' bodies trembled in shock and trepidation, their hearts heavy with dread. They remained silent, knowing that any sign of defiance could invite upon them the merciless wrath of their tyrannical master. Frieza, savoring his display of brutish might, laughed ominously, his laughter echoing through the ship for several seconds, sealing their fate in fear and servitude.

---Namek--- Inside earthlings cave---

An unforeseen alliance unexpectedly emerged between the earthlings and Zarbon, a being with profound understanding of the future of this universe. As they gathered on a circular couch, adorned with plush cushions, Zarbon, Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma found themselves engaged in fervent deliberations. Krillin, with a sense of urgency in his voice, informed Gohan about Zarbon's astonishing and unexpected transformation.

Initially viewed with suspicion and perceived as malevolent, Zarbon's ki experienced a complete and positive change during their intense training sessions. It was a transformation none of them could have anticipated. Meanwhile, nearby, Vegeta, sporting a battered and heavily bandaged form, lay motionless on the wooden floor tiles, a silent reminder of the battles they had endured.

Gohan, his wide eyes fixed upon Zarbon, curiously inquired with a youthful voice filled with genuine intrigue and a hint of anticipation, "Say, how strong is Frieza? I've felt his power earlier, but I can't help but wonder about how strong he is." As soon as Gohan posed the question, both Bulma and Krillin swiftly turned their gaze towards Zarbon, their eyes brimming with excitement and curiosity, eagerly awaiting his response, their minds consumed by the thirst for knowledge.

Zarbon, taken completely aback by the child's unexpected question, raised his left eyebrow in surprise, feeling a mix of curiosity and caution. After a brief pause, he finally responded, his voice filled with a touch of awe, "Well, you see, Frieza is widely regarded as the strongest being in the entire universe." However, in that moment, Zarbon was acutely aware of the weight of his words and the potential implications they could have on future events, so he carefully chose not to divulge any specific details about Frieza's true power.

Upon hearing Zarbon's shocking assertion, the trio of earthlings - Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma - stood frozen in absolute astonishment. Bulma, known for her scientific expertise rather than martial arts prowess, subtly gathered her courage and lightly tapped Zarbon's right shoulder, trying to maintain composure. With a hint of skepticism lacing her voice, she remarked, "Don't scare us like that. He's just one guy. He surely can't be THAT strong," she concluded, punctuating her statement with a small smile, which masked the underlying uncertainty that plagued her thoughts.

However, Gohan and Krillin, both possessing the remarkable ability to sense ki and accurately gauge one's strength, were left astounded by Zarbon's claim. The memory of the immense power they once detected emanating from Frieza remained vividly etched in their minds. With a palpable sense of apprehension, Krillin hesitantly chimed in, his voice tinged with nervousness, "You know, he might be onto something. That little guy's ki...it was beyond anything I've ever experienced." Gohan nodded, his expression reflecting agreement, "Absolutely, Krillin. It was unlike anything else I've encountered. Even now, on Namek, it remains the most dominating and formidable ki presence I've ever felt."

Listening intently to her friends, who were fervently backing up Zarbon's surprising statement, Bulma's realization hit her like a ton of bricks. It dawned on her with great force just how mistaken she had been in underestimating the sheer strength of Frieza. The mere thought of facing such a formidable and dangerously powerful opponent on Namek sent icy chills down her spine, causing a shiver to run through her very core.

Zarbon astute to the immense power of emotions in battle, understood the gravity of concealing Frieza's undisclosed transformations. He knew all too well that fear and apprehension could shackle warriors, preventing them from reaching their true potential. With unwavering determination, he resisted the tantalizing temptation to spill the secrets.

Intriguingly, as Zarbon laid out his strategic blueprint, he showed utmost care for their allies. With resolute authority, he detailed his meticulously crafted plans, saying, "Alright, first and foremost, we must swiftly relocate ourselves from this spot since I'll heal Vegeta. Secondly, Krillin, Gohan, and I will seek guidance from the namekian Grand Elder to unlock the depths of our hidden potentials. Lastly, we must find a secure sanctuary for our purple haired lady, Bulma." With every word, Zarbon ignited a spark of excitement and determination, captivating his comrades and ensuring their commitment to the cause.

As Zarbon finished speaking, Bulma leaned in so close to him that their faces were mere inches apart. The soft glow of the candlelight illuminated her features, accentuating the gratitude and underlying playfulness in her voice as she whispered, "I'm glad to know that you genuinely care about my safety."

Caught off guard by her sudden closeness, Zarbon's eyes subtly darted towards Krillin and Gohan, searching for even the slightest sign of assistance. His face gradually retreated, creating a small but perceptible distance between them.

Sensing the tension that hung in the air, Krillin, in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, nervously chimed in, "Hey, Bulma, remember earlier when you were talking about how great a relaxing bath would be right about now?" Bulma's eyebrows furrowed slightly in suspicion as she replied, "Did I mention that?"

Gohan, having received a quick signal from Krillin, hastened to offer support, his voice tinged with hesitation, "Yeah, Bulma, I remember you mentioning how much you needed a soothing bath to relieve the stress of the day."The room fell into a brief silence as everyone exchanged glances, the underlying tension still palpable amidst the small talk about a potential bath.

With a sudden burst of inspiration, a lightbulb moment illuminated Bulma's mind. Rising from her seat in the room, she realized how refreshing a shower would be. The idea of water cascading over her body, washing away the weariness of the day, fueled her determination. With renewed energy, she confidently walked towards a nearby room.

A mischievous thought snuck into her mind, tempting her to toy with her companions. Turning back to face them, she couldn't resist a playful question, delivered with a coy smile, "You guys wouldn't dare peek at a helpless lady taking a bath, right?" Zarbon, Krillin, and Gohan, caught off guard, vigorously shook their heads, their expressions a mix of disbelief and innocent denial. Bulma couldn't help but break into a teasing smile, playfully adding, "Just joking, I know you wouldn't do that."

As the suspense built, she gracefully stepped into the room, leaving her companions behind. Closing the door behind her, a sense of tranquility washed over her, knowing that the tension had dissipated and she could finally immerse herself in a moment of well-deserved relaxation.

After Bulma's swift departure, Zarbon gracefully rose from the comfortable couch and leisurely proceeded towards Vegeta's motionless body, which rested gracefully upon the polished wooden floor. With a deliberate yet fluid motion, Zarbon bent his left knee to the ground, ensuring his posture remained poised and dignified, while his right knee maintained a perfect ninety-degree angle. Krillin, bewildered by Zarbon's deliberate actions, couldn't help but voice his curiosity, "What exactly are you doing, Zarbon?" Unperturbed by the question, Zarbon responded with a calm and collected demeanor, "Remember when I mentioned earlier that I had planned to heal him?" The words hung in the air, leaving Krillin momentarily stunned and disoriented. Suddenly, with a surge of realization, Krillin jumped from his seated position, exclaiming, "Wait, you possess the ability to heal!?" Zarbon fixed Krillin with a gaze of incredulity before replying in a measured tone, "Did you not listen attentively to my previous words?" Filled with a mix of surprise and embarrassment, Krillin absentmindedly rubbed the back of his glistening head with his right hand and muttered, "Sorry, sorry, I must admit that my attention was elsewhere." The sound of his momentary embarrassment echoed in the room, followed by an awkward yet good-natured chuckle.

Soon after his awkward laugh, Krillin looked at Vegeta with a hint of skepticism in his eyes, his brows furrowing slightly. "But why would you even consider healing him?" he proclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief, as he raised an eyebrow. "Vegeta, notorious for his merciless, and ruthless acts, He is not deserving of any kind of mercy!"

Caught off guard by Krillin's unexpected statements, Zarbon shook his head disapprovingly, a tinge of confusion evident in his eyes. Memories of their intense and rigorous training sessions flashed through his mind, with images of Krillin patiently guiding him in mastering the art of sensing ki and controlling his power level. "Remember," he began, his voice laced with nostalgia, "when you were demonstrating those techniques to me earlier?" Krillin nodded, his head slightly tilted, as if lost in deep contemplation.

As the conversation between the two continued, Krillin found himself reflecting on Zarbon's words. Slowly, a realization crept into his mind, like a beam of light breaking through the clouds. It dawned on him that Zarbon had, in fact, shared vital information about the impending threat of Frieza's special force. "I remember now," Krillin stated with newfound gravity, his expression serious. "I distinctly recall you mentioning that Frieza will undoubtedly summon the something something Force." With a sense of urgency in his voice, Zarbon continued, "It's Ginyu Force you idiot, And If we truly want to repel their imminent attack and stand a chance of surviving, we will unquestionably need Vegeta's formidable strength by our side."

After Zarbon concluded his statement, he noticed a sudden shift in Krillin and Gohan's facial expressions - a mix of concern and apprehension. Sensing the same energy in the air, a surge of tension coursed through Zarbon's body. Without a moment's doubt, he quickly sprang up from his seat, his movements filled with urgency, and hastily made his way to the door. With a swift swing, the door opened, revealing the path ahead. With astonishing speed, he propelled himself forward, his determination driving him towards the entrance of the cave. As he emerged into the openness, a ghastly and haunting scene began to unfold before his very eyes, leaving him momentarily stunned as he braced himself for what lay ahead.

Descending upon Namek, the fabled planet known for its Dragon Balls, was a gargantuan purple spaceship of colossal proportions. The imposing vessel exuded an elegant and otherworldly allure, turning heads and invoking a sense of anticipation among the onlookers. Intricate details and accents adorned its sleek design, revealing the superior technology and unmistakable extraterrestrial origins it possessed.

As one gazed upon the spaceship's exterior, thin, luminous lines in vibrant hues of purple, green, or red (depending on the ambient lighting) traced along the contours of the vessel. These lines accentuated its sleek edges with a mesmerizing glow, granting it an awe-inspiring futuristic aesthetic that seemed to defy the boundaries of imagination. The ship's primary hue was a deep shade of purple, enveloped by an aura of mystery and hinted malevolence, while maintaining an air of sophistication.

To the touch, the spaceship boasted a smooth, metallic surface that reflected light with a subtle luster. Every angle revealed the precision with which it was crafted, making it a marvel of engineering. At the rear, a plenitude of powerful thrusters stood poised, ready to emit a steady, mesmerizing glow of blue or purple flames. These masterfully designed propulsion systems not only demonstrated the ship's advanced technology but also provided the necessary thrust for a safe landing on Namek, transporting its occupants across vast distances, disappearing beyond the horizon.

It was within this sight of breathtaking grandeur that a collective realization washed over those present. The mission they had embarked on, once straightforward and routine, had taken an unexpected turn. Choices now held greater weight, and the path ahead seemed more intricate than they had initially anticipated. Thoughts of uncertainty echoed through the minds of the earthlings, and, Zarbon, couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Fuck... This was not supposed to happen."

And Cut! Buongiorno Dear reader, I am currently experimenting with the dialogue in this chapter. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on you prefer this format. Additionally, I am undecided on whether to write in first person or third person. To help me decide, I will continue alternating between the two perspectives until I determine which one brings me the most joy in my writing journey. Your insights are invaluable to me.

Did you enjoy the incredible interaction between the main character and the earthlings? I must admit, I could have delved into more detail about how they grew closer, but hey, no time for lengthy writing during my hectic days! Besides, earthlings are usually a piece of cake to befriend in the original story. Just look at Vegeta, Tienshinhan, Piccolo – the list goes on!

Drop a comment below and spill your thoughts on how this moment impacted you. Let's ignite a captivating discussion!

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