
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Cold Revenge

This chapter includes graphic content such as arms possibly getting ripped off. If you are not comfortable with such material, kindly await the next chapter, which is likely to have similar content lol.


"Oh crap! I messed up" she thought as the ki wave emanating from Slug's chest pushed her up into the heavens with a force so strong it could most likely shatter several worlds. Instinctively she activated her psychic barrier to reduce the amount of damage she would take. The blast covered her barrier entirely, blinding her and illuminating the area with a bright light.

Soon enough the energy wave ceased and her barrier was covered in dark fumes completely shadowing her from prying eyes.

"Hahahaha" she heard Slug laugh and it angered her but she remained composed. That beam had slightly damaged her, blood tickled down her nose and mouth as a result of it. Had She panicked and not activated her barrier, the consequences would have been dire.

Toonya exited the fumes and looked at Slug who had a satisfied grin, then she looked at Taroung who appeared to be worried about her. She reached out toward him with psychic tendrils.

"Please Turn off that sound Taroung" she said in his mind calmly

"What? Why?" He asked with a shocked expression

"After attack, I'm totally convinced he's not as strong as he was last time I saw him," she replied to him.

"But we have an advantage with the sound. Why not continue to use it?" He responded

"Because slug won't feel true despair unless we take care of him at his full power" she said as she cracked her neck muscles

"Are you sure about this" he inquired as he focused his gaze on her in the physical world with a serious expression

She grinned " never been so sure of something before, " she looked back down toward Slug as she added "you go take care of medamatcha and Angila, I'll handle slug in the meantime"

He sighed and smiled "Alright, I know slug is too much for me right now so I'll entrust you with our revenge"

She smiled back "thanks Taroung, I'll make sure he feels the wrath of not just me but you and our people as well"

After her statement, Toonya severed the mental link between the both of them as they both went toward their objectives .The conversation in their Mindspace occurred faster than it would have in the real world, as such not even a minute had passed in reality.

Toonya headed back down toward slug, whom upon noticing her come back down made a tch sound and began screaming "haaaaasah! hyaaaah!", his veins bulged with intensity atop his bald green head revealing the amount of effort he was exerting.

As this was occurring, Toonya landed a few meters away from Slug and watched in disgust. Upon noticing her, Slug became wary

"I won't interrupt like before" Toonya uttered with a cold glare,

" it seems my energy beam knocked some sense back into you" Slug stated as he began moving his newly acquired arms in circles. " I'll now show you what happens when Lord slug is defied" he added. Then as if by magic his shoulders and arms regenerated, with a viscous greenish liquid dripping down his arms.

"You talk an awful lot for a corpse" she replied as she readied her psychic powers as well as her ki for a round two.

"Heh heh heh heh words are not necessary indeed, I'll make an example of you today!" He yelled as he cocked his arm back and launched it forward, his arm extending beyond its natural length reaching Toonya in a blink of an eye. She immediately ducked underneath the attack and shot herself forward toward his body . She blurred due to her speed prior to arriving in front of the old Namekian. Upon arrival, she delivered a mean punch to his face, distorting his features. She continued by delivering another punch with her opposite arm, it connected with slug's face once more making him recoil back.

In alarm, he swiftly turned his extended arm back at an unnatural angle aiming for a punch in the back of Toonya. Unfortunately for slug, Toonya jumped backward and somersaulted mid air resulting in the attack completely missing The woman. The arm continued on its path with Slug as its new aim. The Namekian made an annoyed sound as he attempted to bend his arm up toward her. Toonya did not allow his efforts to succeed as she utilized her psychic abilities and with an invisible force, she ensured Slug' fist did not deviate from its path but stayed on course for him.

Slug who now had a startled expression was rocked in the face by his own fist which sent him flying back. As soon as she saw the comical situation , Toonya cackled "Hahahahaha don't hit yourself now. I am supposed to do that moron"

"You!!!! Youuu!!!" He huffed several times as soon as he regained his footing on the ground. " the only reason why you are overpowering me is because I am old" he said in an attempt to appeal to her.

" ah" toonya exclaimed as if she realized something " don't misunderstand I did not tell Taroung to stop the sound because I wanted a fair fight moron. I told him to do so because it doesn't matter since you're weaker than me with or without the sound" she told him

"Me, slug weaker than a wench like you. Keep on dreaming. I haven't used my full power yet" he stated as he looked at her hoping to see despair in her eyes.

There was none, she smiled instead and said " oh that's ironic! Me neither"

"You're bluffing" he replied as he erupted into laughter"hahahahaha it appears, that information fried your brain off. No need to act tough my dear."

She raised an eyebrow and smiled confidently "But I am not bluffing"

Her words unnerved slug as he suddenly stopped laughing and yelled " fine since you insist on your bluff . I'll show you my true power vermin!" He channeled his ki as he loudly exclaimed "haaaaaaaaaah" his ki started rapidly catapulting, he continued on yelling for a full minute as his body was surrounded by a reddish light, then his body started expanding slowly. It grew until it was at least seven times bigger than it was before. His current height was rather imposing, and Toonya looked like a mere bug before Slug ( ps slug in his giant form is actually taller than the Eiffel Tower)

Toonya whistled with amusement "that's a big boy!"

" how about it? Do you feel fear now?" Slug muttered with a booming voice that caught the attention of all those in the surroundings.

She smirked and replied " my turn now,"

She charged her ki as her body became bulkier and her face transformed into a female lizard like face. After her transformation, She said in a deep guttural voice " first the beast then"

She closed her eyes as her hair started flowing up as if maintained by an invisible hand, after that a green aura manifested itself and outlined her body as she muttered " Esper state" her blue irises became solid green.

"And finally" she yelled while looking at slug who now had several beads of sweat flowing down his forehead, "POWER BURST!" She screamed out as a light yellowish aura erupted all around her body like a flame. The powerful aura erupting from Toonya pushed back the now giant slug resulting in his fall.

His body impacted the ground with a loud "thud!"

"Oh my slug are you falling for me, sorry but you aren't my type" she jumped and gracefully landed on his chest with a double double kick which landed clean on his gigantic chest.

"Garrrrk" she heard him moan in pain as a small amount of blood poured out of his mouth. "You wench" he groaned as he unleashed eye beams, similar to laser eyes, targeting her. The beams swiftly pierced the air and reached Toonya. She did not move an inch but deflected the beams with her telekinetic power, by using telekinesis she flicked them away from her body.

" nice try, but the way I am right now, no sneak attacks will work against me." She stomped her foot against the evil tyrant chest resulting in a yelp of pain.

"If only I was younger, if I was younger I would never suffer such humiliation" he roared admits the pain

"Well good for me that you're not younger" she muttered while stomping with all her strength on his chest once more, she then strode toward his head while bringing her feet up and slamming down with all her strength earning her a delightful cry of pain from slug.

She continued on doing that until she soon reached his throat. After reaching that area of his gigantic body, she leapt atop his nose to make sure he could see her vividly.

"Nice eyes" she muttered with a psychotic expression

"What?!" He uttered in confusion

In response, She used her mind to pull out his his left eye, she made sure to do so very slowly so he could feel every bit of pain.

"Noooo don't you dare" he yellled as he unleashed an eye energy beam which she tanked without her shield, she was so much more powerful therefore the attack didn't even sting. He relentlessly attacked with a combination of energy wave from his nose and eye beams to stop her. All his attacks were useless as she did not budge, instead she smiled as she completely removed his left eye form its socket with a "yoink!" sound. Now that the eye was out of the socket, the only thing keeping it attached to slug is the optic nerve so, with a swift movement she conjured a lighting blade to cut his optic nerve, rendering him blind in one eye.

"So how does it feel to have one less eye?" She asked with a very scary smile

"You'll pay for this I swear on my name that you will" he screamed while blood oozed out his left eye socket

She held the giant eye mid air and placed it above his right eye, as if to mock him of the loss of his eye.

"Regenerate quickly, the fun just began after all" she stated cheerfully

Upon hearing her, cold sweat drenched slug's back as he struggled with all his might to rise up but to his surprise, he couldn't move an inch as if his body was bound by invisible chains, no matter what he attempted he simply couldn't move. He even tried using his ki to break free but to no avail. ( an: In the dragon ball universe you can use your ki to break out of hax like abilities if you are stronger than your opponent but Slug is weaker than her so.....)

"What have you done to me, why can't I move my body ?" he asked angrily

"Nothing much! Just a very basic esper ability called paralysis. I also used psychic hold just in case you break out of paralysis" she answered

"Let go of me this instant" he said

" no..... I am done talking, if you won't regenerate your left eye. Guess I'll go after the other one" she uttered

"Don't yo-" he began "quiet! I want you to suffer in pain" Toonya interrupted while her eyes glowed a deeper green as she quickly shut his mouth with her psychic powers.

Several muffled sounds came from him but she paid them no heed. She plucked out his other eyeball. unlike the first time, she did it very fast and violently. A muffled scream of pain emanated from lord slug. Warm fresh Blood gushed out of the right eye socket same as the other one.

" you might want to regenerate your eyes. Don't want you to die from blood loss that'll be too easy for you" she urged

Slug groaned out a response but she couldn't decipher what he said, so she let go of her psychic hold over his mouth

Upon his mouth being freed, He breathed hard as he painfully spoke" slug… takes.., commands… from.. no one"

"Hahahaha okay." she laughed as she gracefully lifted his body off the ground and floated up above it. She positioned herself in the middle point in between his eyes then she unleashed a ki wave at the eye sockets. She controlled her power output to ensure the attack wouldn't blow up his eye socket and his head. Upon reaching their target, the ki wave burned the surface of the wounds and cauterized them making sure no more blood flowed out. Of course a yelp of pain reached her ears upon the attack landing.

"You'll pay fo-" once more she shut him up before he could finish his statement. Then she gently placed his eye balls a few meters away from his head in the bloody puddle resulting from the wounds. After that, she lifted his massive body up into the sky and placed him upside down making all his blood rush to his head. Toonya smiled as she muttered " left arm" loud enough for the Namekian to hear her.

She knew he would understand what she meant thus why she vocalized her intention out loud . With a slightly more serious expression, she extended her right hand forward, slowly motioning it from left to right as if pulling something away.

Slug's right arm began moving away from his body, it was slowly detaching itself from the body in a very gruesome manner. The shoulder's tendon and ligaments were slowly moving away from slug's body. Soon enough, the bone connecting his arm and shoulder to his body was fractured away. Loud muffled painful shrieks escaped from slug's closed mouth, sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried his best to get out of the hold. Toonya continued pulling the arm away with her psychic might, with the bone now ruptured, the muscles tried their bed to remain attached to slug's body, but with a slight motion from Toonya hand, slug's entire arm with a part of the shoulder was ripped off his body.

She let the arm fall down to the ground, upon impacting with the ground, a loud thud sound resounded all around, and the arm now laid in a massive crater shaped after it. "Whoops I said left arm and ended up removing the right one. I apologize about that slug… this time it'll be the left one I promise" she said as she proceeded to remove his his left arm in the same gruesome manner she did with the other one. Blood oozed out of both wounds and felll to the ground like a reddish water fall.

"Now you're Perfectly balanced as all things should be." she said in a mocking voice

"Ah wait!" She suddenly exclaimed, a realization dawned upon her as if stuck by a lightning bolt, " forget what I said earlier you aren't balanced yet, I forgot to remove your legs!" She added with a fervent expression

'Nooooooooooo!' slug yellled inwardly and attempted to do the same with his mouth but only muffled sounds came out

Author Notes-----------

Dear reader, I understand that I promised at least three chapters every friday but I have real life situations hindering me currently. As such =, I won't be writing for at least a month. Keep the story in your library and I promise to update as soon as I sort things out.

Remember Life always finds a way to kick you in the nuts especially when things are going well, but just keep on pushing forward.