
Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan

I died... who cares? Now I have the opportunity to reach beyond the gods ... of destruction Yes… Due to the bad luck of dying, to the good luck of dying at the right moment, to be deceived by a god almost on top of the realities and know how to bargain with him… I was able to reincarnate in the body of the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly However, unlike him, I will take the reins of my own destiny. In addition, this time not only has anger and muscles ... I understand the structure of this universe ... and of the entire multiverse. I know its entire immensity I know how insignificant I have been ... and how insignificant I am still. I don’t plan to feel that way again… HaHaHa Gods? Wait for me Beerus Wait for me Daishinkan. Wait for me Zeno. I WILL BE ABOVE ALL OF YOU! -------------------------------------------------- This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Dragon Ball. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. PDT: Read the manga of Dragon Ball Super, the history has more sense

Meralman · Tranh châm biếm
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281 Chs





I have arrived late! The future has changed, but for the worse!

They have all died! AND Gohan TOO!!

This is… this is my fault!!]" Trunks shouted in despair upon see how that explosion devoured those he had come to save as he looked with tears in his eyes towards the cloud of dust that that explosion had raised.

A cloud of dust that began to dissipate

And when it was completely gone all Trunks could see was ...

Absolutely nothing…

There wasn't the slightest trace of his father, Gohan and his friends...

It was as if…

They had all been completely disintegrated by the explosion

"No ... no ..." Trunks babbled desperately as he contemplated the final result without any kind of censorship, blurring or dramatic ambiguity

They had all evaporated!

There was no trace of them

Trunks still had some kind of hope that once that smokescreen was lifted the next thing he would see would be everyone alive.

Surely saved at the last minute by someone he know

However, unfortunately it wasn't like that…

There was no one here…

He was completely alone...


"What would you do without me?"

If it weren't for that familiar voice that resounded throughout the rocky wasteland thanks to the echo

"What?" Trunks said as he raised his gaze from the ground, a gaze still clouded by tears, which made difficult to see what was passing in front of him.

And despite wiping tears to see clearly ...

He still didn't believe what was seeing ...


His mother from the alternate past, Bulma had magically appeared where the explosion had happened.

And around her were Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Yam, Ginger, Ten Shinhan and Muten Roshi, fully recovered (they took the Senzu Bean while Trunks cried), looking at her completely open-mouthed and with their eyes out of their sockets without being able to pronounce one word correctly due to the shock ...

The same stunned face that Trunks was making right now


Very different from Bulma's face, which was full of pride and satisfaction

"Oh! Trunks!

You were here?

Why are you crying?

You are so excited to see your young, beautiful, intelligent, responsible and powerful mother?" Bulma said, overly excited and euphoric as she greeted her alternate son from the future and told him to come closer


Who were those androids?!

Where is Son-san?


WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!" Trunks asked, who approached the group with a special emphasis on the latest events that made him lose and regain hope in record time.


Father has had a heart attack, but we are medicating him, he will surely improve ...

The androids ... because Broly exists there have been seven and not two as you said years ago...

And as for what just happened...

Bulma appeared out of nowhere and put us in an invisible barrier and saved us?" Gohan said, trying to answer all of Trunks' questions with a short summary that even he didn't entirely understood

And that summary obviously made Trunks happy, terrified, and completely upset "WHAT ?!

My mother did that?

Wait, seven androids and..."

Luckily his father from the alternate past was there to support him "SHUT UP TRUNKS!


Shameless woman!

What the hell was that?!

Another of Broly's gifts for her favourite girl?"

But his mother from the alternate past was luckily more understanding and kind "I will ignore that comment on your part Vegeta ...

But I agree, I'd better explain it myself ... and I'll explain it at my own pace

Due to the existence of Broly, Dr Gero whom you know as C-20, since he turned himself into an energy absorbing android ... built many more energy absorbing androids in order to defeat an enemy with an undefined energy ...

For that reason and because he knew that he couldn't properly control C-17 and C18… that if I'm not mistaken they must be the power modified humans whit infinite energy that you met in your future

Right Trunks?"

"Yes ... it's ... all true mother ..." Trunks replied, more impressed and confused than before.




Are there other androids stronger than that junk?

With unlimited energy?!" Asked Ginger, Vegeta and Yam, who loved that news, finally rivals worthy of their Super Saiyan mode

"Bulma ... I've been wondering for a long time ...

How the hell do you know all this? " Krillion asked, who had been wondering for a few minutes how was possible that Bulma could be so knowledgeable about their new enemy

And Bulma "Hahaha ...

Because when you went to the barbecue three years ago, I gathered the Dragon Balls and made a very simple wish.

"A mean to spy on Dr Gero and learn about everything he has done in the past and present.

With that I was able to obtain all the data of his investigation, know who Dr. Gero was, anticipate various scenarios and to create countermeasures

Thanks to that you have those trackers and I have managed to become so powerful"


"Incredible ..." replied Krillin, who hadn't once again been impressed with the scientific capabilities of Bulma and her family.


This is the most intelligent wish I have ever heard" Said Muten Roshi, who was finally beginning to understand that the Dragon Balls had more uses than to bring to life irresponsible Z Warriors and collateral victims as a result of their irresponsibility

"Become more powerful?

WAIT! Now I understand!

Bulma, have you also transformed into an android just like Dr Gero using his research?!" Gohan asked, very surprised, scared, impressed and even a little happy to see that there was another person who could directly help in combat.

And obviously this deduction unleashed chaos and confusion among our unschooled warriors.

"Mother is that true?

How could you do something like that?!" Trunks said with great fear that his own mother had turned into a monster

One of those cruel sadistic monsters that he had been facing since he was born

¿She has become into the thing he only wanted to destroy?


Have you become a cheap junk heap with no reproductive capabilities?

I'm glad to hear it" Asked Yam, who kept showing in small doses that she hadn't forgotten about a possible future infidelity.

"NOOOO !!!

I have used a similar method to C-17 and C-18, which are still biological humans, but genetically modified with certain chemicals and with a few mechanical additions.

But unlike them I don't have any controller chip tied to a bomb in my heart neither I have a mechanical infinite energy generator and I keep my Ki.

I have improved and adapted those processes based on a postponed investigation of Gero

Thanks to that I have unlimited energy that automatically converts that energy into Ki and distributes it throughout the body, so I am still 100% human, but improved

And it is not to show off, but right now in a numerical way I am stronger than a Not Broly Super Saiyan without the need to train...

Even so, don't ask me to fight, I'm still a delicate woman that must contribute to the world with her head and charm, not her strength

That is why I have created this latest invention that feeds on my infinite energy and allows me to create the barrier that you have seen.

A barrier that curves and isolates the space, so that everything within that barrier is invisible, undetectable and unreachable for anyone

As if it didn't exist in that place

Therefore, there is no threat that can affect me

Science is amazing right?

I'm amazing right?

HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!" Bulma answered making a demonstration of how she could raise barriers that made invisible, undetectable and unreachable who was inside them

At the same time that she released her enormous Ki obtained by scientific means to demonstrate her great achievements...

Great achievements that once again impressed everyone who listened to her, and even Dr Gero, who detected another unknown Ki other than Trunks with his radar, which made him hurry up even as he fled to his laboratory.

Place where he planned to reformat his battle simulator with a baseball bat



YOUR KI IS OVERCOOL!" Ten Shinhan and Muten Roshi yelled as they witnessed that all their great efforts to become stronger always had been in vain

Bulma had become monstrously stronger than them without the need for training

"Fascinating" Gohan said, realizing that his scientific knowledge could also be applied in this area, something that he hadn't considered

"Don't fuck with me!" The Saiyans shouted upon see that they had a new competition in the new scales of power

"This is ... cheating ..." Piccolo said, who didn't want competition in this little world of increasing his own power through unconventional methods that have nothing to do with training.

"What envy I feel" Krillin said, expressing in a simple way what he had been showing throughout this saga ...

His best friend and his elementary school son were far, far, far, far… stronger than him

That was something he had already assimilated with pain and sorrow

But for Bulma to surpass him too ...

Not even in a nightmare after catching the biggest drunk of his life preceded by a hallucinogenic smoking marathon would he have imagined something like this


You never cease to amaze me…

It doesn't matter where or when you are ...

In two and a half years have you managed to do all this? " Trunks asked, who was trying to recover from all that surprises and appear to have normal mental state.

After all his young mother was a person destined to create a time machine

Surely there was nothing impossible for her

Maybe ...

Yet all of this in two years was ... too for him…

However, Bulma had even more surprises to reveal "No, it hasn't been 2 and a half years ...

Technically it has been 38 years"

Surprises that once again upset the common sense of our Z Warriors, who felt like they no longer knew the most useful ex-non-combatant in the history of Dragon Ball "WHAT?!"

And those screams of surprise were like heavenly music in Bulma's ears, who had been waiting for years to see all those reactions "HAHAHA ...

I knew you would be surprised...

You see, after Broly came into my life and helped me acquire a hundred bodies in one mind, I have had a lot of time to diversify and deepen my projects...

First I focused on improving the gravity compressors, something that was very easy for me, since I come from the family that created the space compressors, the famous capsules that everyone of Earth and soon the whole universe will use...

With so much time, resources and the help of an intelligent, hard-working, responsible and thoughtful boyfriend, I was finally able to dedicate myself to the subject that always fascinated me

And as everyone will suspect with the arrival of Trunks ...

It's time!

So thanks to old experiments of a friend of my sister, a special room that exists in the Kami Palace, the machine that creates matter and my incredible brain, I managed to create after a hard work of five years a time compressing room

An installation with all the comforts that compresses the time so that one secon outside that room equals to several minutes inside

With which I have had plenty of time to improve myself and carry out other projects

And since I don't age thanks to Broly's eternal youth and my biological improvements, I keep this beautiful appearance"


And obviously everyone was speechless again after this revelation, despite the fact that they were already a bit immunized du to all that happened today

"I don't know whether to surprise me or not ..." Piccolo said, who was beginning to fear that woman as much as he feared her couple


Does that mean training one day there is equivalent to ...

When?" Ginger said, quite excited to learn that there was such a practical and impressive technological prodigy at her fingertips ...

Although that euphoria quickly disappeared due to the furtive glance of her sister, who had not forgiven Bulma for what she hadn't done and will not do in this timeline

Don't join my enemy little sis!

"At first yes ...

That was more or less the limit, similar to the one in the Kami Palace room ...

But after many years inside the compressor I have managed to increase the limit

Right now one day can be compressed into six years

I hope I can raise the limit even more" Said Bulma, trying to find fault with her creation to seem somewhat modest

"Yes, that device you describe is quite useful and interesting, but you have lied about one thing…

You haven't achieved any of this by yourself ...

If it weren't for Broly, nothing you have done in these years would have been possible "Vegeta said, who had a kind of indirect vendetta with Bulma because of everything Yam had put him through these years.

In addition, he felt a bit insulted by the difference between the Bulma from Trunks' future and the one from here.

Not being together with him has made Bulma's life so much better?

Was this an insult directed at him?

Was he such a bad husband compared to Broly?

And although he was partly right, Bulma, who didn't like him at all, she had prepared a counterattack for his arguments "I wouldn't be so sure ...

I created a radar that allows me to track Dragon Balls when I was a teenager

With this I just need to look for them, make a wish and repeat the process every year to get what I want

With that I could have wished for an unlimited time room like the one in Kami's palace or the knowledge to create it, which is obviously not outside the limits of its power, something similar to what I have created

Or ask for a matter creator, who is also not outside of Kami's powers, who can use materialization magic

And of course I could also learn a multiplication skill, since Kami can do something similar

You see, although Broly has helped me, as every good boyfriend should do with his girlfriend ... I would have achieved all this alone thanks to my unsurpassed intelligence"

An explanation that had some small script errors, but that surprised the general public due to its great solidity

"I see…"

"And thanks to that I didn't need to make a second wish last year, just the method to spy on Gero… thanks to that I have saved the Dragon Balls in case we urgently need them for something in this situation…

In fact, I don't know why I haven't been doing this all these years...

Seriously, I don't know why I've been such an idiot, there are a lot of useful wishes that we could have asked for all these years to live better, to become stronger, richer, smarter...

What a waste" Said Bulma ending her speech by doing a bit of self-criticism and criticism in general.

For years they had been fooling around in view of all that they could have accomplished.

Something that made reflect to all the native Z Warriors on Earth that knew the Dragon Balls for decades and had used them for any practical use to improve their lives "The truth is that… you are absolutely right..."

"Although surely you have realized that thanks to Broly right?" Asked Krillin in a bastard way, almost knowing what the answer would be.

"Well ... maybe ... hahaha ..." Bulma replied somewhat blushing

This time she couldn't refute that argument ...

There was an obvious change in her way of thinking before and after meeting Broly, it was something that couldn't be hidden

"I hate to admit it, but he's an impressive guy in many ways ...

Thanks to him I also realized that I had been wasting time" Piccolo said referring to his mini Piccolos absorption routine method...

It was evident that he owed Broly a lot one and because that he had some sympathy and affection for him due to that...

Although he was still a pain in the ass on many occasions ...

"Yes, I miss Sensei ... surely he would have solved all this ...

In his own way ... in an exaggerated way ... and involving us in ways that we wouldn't like too much ...

But he would have solved it "Gohan said, who was trying to enter the Form Realm with his free premium pass right now to see his Sensei… but it was impossible

"He has saved us many times, he is a great friend…. and he cooks very well" Muten Roshi said, who would never forget how much Broly had helped him

He restored his youth, gave him a pornographic virtual reality machine, thanks to him he had a kind of girlfriend ... and he always invited him to his barbecues ...

"Yes ... I didn't think he would say something like that ... but I wish he were here ..." Ten Shinhan said, that despite distrusting strangers, Broly had earned a place in his heart ...

Especially because he also had three eyes, thanks to that he didn't feel so strange when he was there.

And obviously Trunks realized that his alternate stepfather from the past was much more loved in his mother's group of friends than his own alternate father from the past "[I see, my mother has changed a lot because of that Broly, he may be scary and weird ... but there is no doubt that he is someone who everyone trusts and respects]

By the way, where is Broly?"

And obviously his mother replied "You won't believe this...


Although his father interrupted him "ENOUGH WORDING!

Where is Gero's lab?

I'm going to scrap them"

"You are right, you can explain more about your discoveries later Bulma.

We must reach the laboratory before Gero and prevent him from activating those two androids of unlimited energy that Bulma has mentioned" Piccolo said, who had radically changed his mind from what he said three years ago…

He was no longer so excited about fighting the androids

Unfortunately, not everyone reflected on their mistakes

"Never!" Vegeta said bluntly

"WHAT?!" Almost everyone yelled, especially Trunks when hearing that nonsense

"We wouldn't do such a cowardly thing" Said Yam, who was almost as stubborn and proud as her partner

"I just want to be first in line to put the others away with my own two hands!

The Androids we just took on gave us such a poor fight, after all" Vegeta said, proving once again that the Super Saiyan had gone to his head and believed himself invincible for absurd reasons

Absurdity that Trunks knew how to identify immediately and tried to stop him in the least effective way, trying to reason with him "You must no.

You underestimate the Androids

As Piccolo-san said, we should destroy them before they are started up

If we're too late to do that, we should avoid battle until Son Goku-san has recovered from his illness"

"We don't need to wait for Kakarrot!" Yam said, showing quite hostility towards the bastard son and illegitimate alternative of his partner

"Can't you tell? We've become a Super Saiyan too!

With both him and I turned Super Saiyans, my elite skills obviously place me several steps above him!

Just like Yam!" Vegeta said, showing for the umpteenth time that his pride was leading to his downfall once again

"Now Bulma, tell us his location!" Yam yelled, who wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, finish the job and not see her again

Obviously this attitude on the part of Vegeta and Yam and how they were completely avoiding reality ... Bulma didn't like it, and she tried to warn them ... in her own way ... "Vegeta, Yam ...

Have you not heard that you are no match for those modified humans of unlimited energy like me?"

Obviously this attitude on the part of Bulma and how she believed she was completely avoiding reality ... Yam didn't like it, and tried to warn her ... in her own way... "I will ignore the insolent statement that a rookie like you claiming to be stronger than a Super Saiyan.

A fight is not based only on the level of power, someone inexperienced like you wouldn't last two seconds against me"

[Oh no…

This could end badly ...

Nee-san, remember that Broly can come back…] Ginger thought, feeling the urge to stop her jealous and spiteful sister before it was too late

"HEY!" Trunks shouted to stop that kind of confrontation that could end in a fight between his mother from the alternate past who would no longer have him and his stepmother from the alternate past that hated him

"It's okay Trunks ...

Do as you like…" Bulma said as she tried to ignore that provocation and threw a capsule on the ground.


And from that capsule came something that looked like a huge container in which there were several briefcases

"Here are some trackers for you, there you will find the location of his laboratory

However, I warned you

Don't blame me if you die" Bulma said, gently handing (sarcasm) to Yam a briefcase with some trackers that had come out of her capsule.

"Mmm this brings back old memories" Vegeta said as he put on one of the locators on his head

"Yes, but not very pleasant" Ginger said to calm the atmosphere, he knew what she meant

They had finally calmed down, they had already given them what they wanted

They would finally stop yelling and threatening them…


What nobody suspected is what the pair of pure and proud Saiyans would do next

Fiu! Fiu! Fiu! Fiu!

In a fast and synchronized way, they destroyed the container of the trackers that Bulma had taken and those that the Z Warriors were carrying except for Ginger's.

"Nee-san! Vegeta! " Ginger screamed upon see how her lifelong companions had carried out that act of sabotage against their new companions

"What the hell are you doing ?!" Everyoone shouted very outraged and alert in case these two guys taking advantage of the fact that Broly was her could reveal against them

"This way you will not find the laboratory before us or without our help

Things will be done in our way

Hahahah…" Vegeta said as he began flight and looked in the direction of Gero's laboratory.

"Follow us if you can!

Ginger, are you coming with me!" Yam said, imitating Vegeta as she grabbed Ginger

Which was forced to obey her sister

Although her intentions were the same, fighting the androids… she wasn't entirely comfortable with the method they had employed.


And in this way the three pure Saiyans flew at full speed towards their objective

"Ginger!" Muten Roshi screamed upon see that one more time her crush had chosen her sister and Vegeta before her

"Those bastards ... they will never change" Said Ten Shinhan, who always hated and will hate Vegeta and Yam...

"Father ..." Trunsk said with great disappointment upon see that his father was behaving like a real violent idiot.

But Trunks wasn't the only one disappointed with his attitude, his alternate mother was too. "Seriously ...

I don't know what my other self could see in that guy...

I must have been very desperate..."

Here you have a very long chapter

Seriously ... they had before them some guys who with a few modifications became super powerful and nobody thought about undergoing the same operation?

Meralmancreators' thoughts