
Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan

I died... who cares? Now I have the opportunity to reach beyond the gods ... of destruction Yes… Due to the bad luck of dying, to the good luck of dying at the right moment, to be deceived by a god almost on top of the realities and know how to bargain with him… I was able to reincarnate in the body of the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly However, unlike him, I will take the reins of my own destiny. In addition, this time not only has anger and muscles ... I understand the structure of this universe ... and of the entire multiverse. I know its entire immensity I know how insignificant I have been ... and how insignificant I am still. I don’t plan to feel that way again… HaHaHa Gods? Wait for me Beerus Wait for me Daishinkan. Wait for me Zeno. I WILL BE ABOVE ALL OF YOU! -------------------------------------------------- This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Dragon Ball. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. PDT: Read the manga of Dragon Ball Super, the history has more sense

Meralman · Anime & Comics
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281 Chs

Fighting with flashy androids

Vegeta and Yam destroyed the other trackers, almost kidnapped Ginger and disappeared from the crime scene at full speed while everyone looked at them with some contempt.

"Trunks, are you sure Vegeta, Yam and Ginger won't be able to fight them?" Piccolo asked, who wanted to be sure from someone who had faced those two instead of Bulma's scientific assumptions

"I can turn into a Super Saiyan as well

However, there isn't any way I could match up against hem, not even with Gohan

They have unbeliable strength

I'm going too…

He may be a jerk, but I'm not going to let my father die again" Trunks said before taking flight to catch up with his alternate father from the past, his lover, and his lover's sister.

"Gohan, how are you?

Can you give us a hand?" Piccolo asked his student, who under normal circumstances but for a limited time and with risks he was by far the one who had the highest combat power among them

"I'm afraid I won't be of much help ...

I have recovered all my energy thanks to the Senzu Bean, although only the 99%, since the other 1% that is currently with my father and mother

However, without my tail I don't think it will be of much help ...

I can't even reach the strength of a Super Saiyan now" Gohan said, apologizing for not being able to be of help in those moments, regretting having lowered his guard so much in the previous combat, in which he lost the best weapon they had.


It is true…

Haven't you regenerated your tail with the Senzu Bean?" Krillin asked, who was eager for answers ... and for immediate solutions.

"Senzu Bean don't regenerate everything, only what is considered a wound…

And the loss of the tail doesn't consider it as a wound, rather it is like having lost hair ...

This is why suddenly your shaved hair doesn't grow when you eat one, although was cut from your body" Bulma replied, revealing some of the results of her research on Senzu Bean.

"Let's talk about what's important again ...

Bulma, do you have any more trackers? " Ten Shinhan asked, that although he would love to hear more about these fascinating details, he hadn't forgotten that they were in the middle of an emergency.

"Unfortunately I have no more in stock ...

And those two beasts have destroyed the remote control that was stored in that container to destroy the androids in case you couldn't defeat them

I'll have to go back to the lab and make another one" Said Bulma lamenting that the bad kids in the yard broke her toys


DID YOU HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" Everyone shouted all at the same time, once again surprised by Bulma's foresight

"Obviously, I need to have some countermeasure in case you fail ...

Now you will have to hold them for a few minutes until the remote control is ready" Bulma replied


I'll send another 1% with Bulma, to let her know what the situation is in real time

Then we will also go with my father" Said Gohan, proposing a logic idea so that everyone could have accurate information in real time

"Well, we better go after Vegeta and the others ...

Again…" Piccolo said, who was in charge of leading the team one more time in Goku's absence.


Dr Gero managed to reach his precious laboratory hidden in a cave without incident much earlier than in the original version, since this time Gero flew at high speed at low altitude instead of running and jumping stupidly through the rocks...

Moreover, just like in the original manga, he activated C-17 and C-18 to save his shiny, metallic ass.

However, the brilliant doctor was fooled like an idiot by the two twin brothers and while he naively believed that those two were obeying him they took away his remote control of biologically modified humans with some robotic parts...

Obviously after destroying that remote control the two androids had nothing to fear anymore, so they stopped acting and started doing whatever they wanted, such as declaring that they wanted to reactivate C-16, something that Gero strongly disapproved of.

But finally the Z Warriors reached the door of Gero's laboratory. After unnecessarily rambling about what to do from now on

And since they were unable to open a fucking door despite the fact that they could destroy entire planets with ease...

"Out of the way, you jackasses!"

They decided to enter destroying the door with an energy attack


So for the first time our heroes and Vegeta could to see the terrifying sexy androids that Trunks hated and feared so much, but Krillin seemed to like them in a way ... and for some strange reason they too.

"Those are the friends of Son Goku that I told you about.

Don't take them lightly

C-17, C-18 take care of them immediately!"

However, the brothers were more interested in touching what they had been forbidden to touch… for example, freeing a new android that at seemed very dangerous due to what Gero was saying (for reasons that we still don't know, he only wanted to kill Goku and take care of little animals without disturbing anyone) ...

The existence of such a powerful and dangerous new android terrified Trunks excessively, terrified many of them (the prudent ones like Krillin, Roshi, Ten, Gohan and Piccolo) made a few reflect (Yam y Ginger) and that excited a certain arrogant idiot upon see that he could demonstrate his Saiyan superiority against more obstacles

And as for the androids they had other things in mind, but above all...

Kill Gero...

"C-17… W-why you?

I'm the one who made you!"

A prophesied murder of a fucking scum that apparently caused a great impact on our protagonists (seriously, Trunks already told you that they killed him, don't be so surprised), but more shocking was that they were about to release C-16

And obviously Trunks didn't want any more unknown androids, so he tried to destroy the lab with everything inside.


However, he achieved nothing with that attack, only losing energy.

C-17 and C-18 had managed to activate C-16, the quiet giant that we all love and respect, and they went in the direction of Goku's house, taking stupid detours to make the situation more fun

"Let's take out time and enjoy ourselves as we go.

There's no reason to hurry

Let's go by car.

Before long an automobile should pass by.

We'll go in that" Proposed C-17, who at this point had as much or more ego than Vegeta, but without looking excessively arrogant

"You boys sure do like this pointless stuff" Said C-18, which said a quite sexist phrase, but since that phrase only left men in a bad place, no association of people obsessed with gender equality boycott the show

And the Z Warriors after stupidly rambling about what they should do and having Vegeta and Yam hit Trunks for insisting over and over again that they should wait for Goku to recover before going after the androids, being Vegeta who was leading that expedition ...

So after a few seconds, thanks to the tracker of Bulma (although it is not known how he found them in the original show, they don't have ki and didn't made anything flashy) he was able to find them easily.

"I didn't expect to find you dallying around here like this" Vegeta said, landing in Super Saiyan mode in front of his three new enemies

"What's this? There's a different kind of air about you than you had earlier" C-17 said without much astonishment

"And also our hair has turned blonde

Haven't you noticed that?" Said Ginger, who believed that at least that detail would surprise them

"You are heading directly to Goku's house from what I feel

True?" Yam asked to make sure they assumption were correct

"That's right, we are going to kill him

Was it so obvious?" Answered C-18

"So we were right.

You won't be able to make it there

That's because I'm going to put you all away" Vegeta said with an excess of arrogance that went off the scoreboard

And that obviously seemed funny to the two brothers, who didn't feel threatened by Vegeta and his bravado.

"Is that funny? Laugh all you want while you still can" Said Vegeta, who felt a bit annoyed by the arrogance shown by the two brothers (Our prince believed that he had a monopoly)

Saiyans are so overly sure of themselves…

Son Goku seems to be the same way.

Because of that pride, the more unprepared they are, the sooner they die" C-17 said, that at this moment his level of arrogance was certainly higher than the Saiyan prince of the arrogance

"Oh oh ..." Ginger said with some concern, since she knew that comment was more or less taboo for her two companions

"I really want to destroy that pretty doll face that you have" Yam said with great hostility towards C-17

"You spout that ridiculous blather quite well for a puppet!

I'll smach you to bits

Which one of you is first?

The kid? The woman? The big dunce?" Vegeta shouted in great anger at having heard that racist comment directed towards his race… that because they weren't considered an oppressed minority by people who use identity politics for political purposes, no one went out to protest, take out shops and burn the streets

"Mmm ...

We are three and you too.

C-16, I want to see your power, what do you think if each one fights against one of them? " Asked C-18, who wanted to see the dangerous and huge C-16 in action

"I decline" replied the pacifist C-16

"Looks like that one has at least figured out our ability" Said Vegeta, who never stopped believing in himself

"I think that's not it ...

This guy is just weird" Said Yam, who hadn't stopped looking at C-16 since she learned that he was an unknown android for Trunks

"He's a strange one.

Says he declines…

It's a pity, this way we won't be paired ...

One of them will have to watch or one of us will have to fight 2 v 1" C-17 said somewhat disappointed, he wanted to have individual matches in which the best of three won

"Well ... if you want to fight so much I will fight with you, or if you want you can come all three at the same time" Said C-18, who was as arrogant as his brother for now

And that made Vegeta even more angry, the most arrogant in the universe.

"Damn whore!

The three of us against you ?!

You're kidding!

It is quite the opposite, I am only enough to turn you into scrap!


Yam, do you want to fight her?" Vegeta asked, who in a mysterious way and for various reasons offered Yam to fight C-18 first.

"Why? Because she's a woman?

Are you afraid of hurting her?

The typical saying of the ladies first?

No, you're not that chivalrous

Are you afraid that I will become jealous if you touch her?

Don't worry about that, I'm not that possessive" Yam replied to Vegeta, who was beginning to regret suggesting that pairing

Meanwhile, Ginger felt like a chandelier and regretted having followed them.


I haven't said anything!" Vegeta said, quite angry and annoyed, especially by the denial of the attacks of jealousy that he had been suffering these years

"Will you fight or not?" Asked C-18 that it was starting to bother her to waste so much time

"Let me warn you now

I won't be pulling any punches just because you're a woman

Then again, you're an Android.

You aren't a woman, are you?

After you I will take care of the Kid" Said Vegeta, the first advocate of true gender equality in anime

"Ok, then I'll wait my turn, if it comes ...

Although I doubt it a lot ...

Don't worry girls, I'm not going to intervene unless you do it first.

So if you want to fight me officially, you'll have to wait for Vegeta to lose and for C-18 to do it too.

Something quite unlikely" Said C-27 as he he took this fight to the death as a game and competed in arrogance with Vegeta, but in a less irritating way

"Oh, how nice

I'm starting to want them to knock each other out" Yam said sarcastically while showing great hostility towards C-17

While ... Ginger tried to hate C-16 too, but ...

I couldn't ...

It puzzled her quite a bit that he was looking at the birds like some kind of idiot ...

And instantly the blonde fight started!


With the typical pattern of frenzied Dragon Ball attacks in which both hit each other repetitively to save animation frames


Until at one point during that monotonous exchange of blows, Vegeta managed to dodge one of C-18's punches, grab her arm and throw her against some rocks (something that shouldn't hurt too much, she can take worse things than nuclear explosions, collide with some rocks must be something trivial)



Obviously all that noise scared the birds, who fled due to the noise, something that worried C-16, who followed them with his eyes


Does that android like birds?

Why would someone design him in that way?

Gero robots have random personalities?] Ginger wondered, who couldn't take her eyes off C-16 even though Vegeta was fighting.


He's got a much greater strength tan in the information Doctor Gero provided us

Not too bad" C-17 said seeing the great advantages of the Super Saiyan without knowing what the Super Saiyan is

"There's no way I can tell if you wind-up mannequins suffer damage or not

As shuch, I'll just have to blow you to pieces

Enough so that you'll never smile again" Vegeta said as he aimed at C-18, prepared to launch his Big Bang attack.

What none of them expected (an didn't cared) is that at that moment a truck driver would arrive and complained that they were cutting off traffic

Obviously this was a setback that Yam tried to warn "Vegeta, wait you have to ..."



Vegeta didn't care, he shot C-18 destroying everything in his path, including the truck and the trucker.

But who outraged this the most was Ginger, who had taken the strategy of peacefully living with humans more seriously than anyone "VEGETA! HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY!?

You cannot…"

But Vegeta wasn't the least bit interested in someone lecturing him on things he didn't give a shit "SHUT UP GINGER!"

And after shutting up his sister-in-law, he continued to brag in front of C-18, who had easily dodged that attack "You're vere fast…

You havent been giving me your all, have you?"

I haven't giving it my all, either…

You'd better give me your best while you can, of you'll regret it later"

"Well then, I will" C-18 replied, which instantly when saying that ...

He flew at high speed towards Vegeta and gave him a brutal head butt on his large forehead, which made him bleed on first contact.

"Damn Bitch!" That was something he didn't like too much, so he flew at high speed towards her to punch her in the stomach ...


However, he didn't reach her, before that C-18 had already hit him hard with a kick in the same area that he wanted to hit her

Something that almost made the arrogant Prince lose consciousness...

And then…



With only one punch he was embedded in the wall, creating a tunnel in the shape of his silhouette


Without a doubt, that show of strength and skill surprised the two sisters

[This woman…

It is very strong!

Vegeta is in trouble…] Ginger thought, as she locket her sister concerned face

[It seems that Trunks wasn't exaggerating, they are quite strong ...

So the other 2 are as strong as her?

This can be problematic] Yam thought, who for a moment put her renewed Saiyan superiority aside and began to analyse the situation without ideologies involved.

It was then that Piccolo, Trunks, Gohan, Krillin, Roshi and Ten also arrived to see how Vegeta was being overcome.

"Let's go ou of here, Vegeta-san, Yam-san and Ginger-san.

If you get killed your pride won't be worth crap" Trunks said upon arrival, insisting over and over on trying to made Vegeta reason correctly

"Ginger, please listen to him" Roshi insisted with Trunks, who was beginning to understand that the Saiyans couldn't defeat those models of unlimited energy

"If you want to run you're free to do so

We don't have any interest in that which flees" Said C-18, that she didn't consider them a threat nor did she want to get her hands dirty fighting them

"Don't be ridiculous

Why should I fin it necessary to run when I'm about to biliterate you?

Get this straight-If it come down to fighting alongside Earthlings, o Namekians

Or Kakarotto, or Gohan, for that matter…

I'd rather fight by myself and die!" Vegeta replied, showing once again that he was delirious due to the self-image he had of himself and that he wanted to have of himself.

Delusion that had been increased by the accumulated inferiority complex that he had for years towards Kakarrot, Gohan, Piccolo and Broly

"Very nice commentary

Hello guys

C-18 and your friend are fighting right now, I hope that like your other friends you respect the one-on-one duel format, otherwise I will be forced to interfere" Said C-17, warning the newcomers about the rules that had been set by him

"These guys are cowardly pacifists

You don't have to trouble yourself for them to stay out of it" Vegeta said, once again despising those who had helped him so far

"C-17, I have a question.

Was it you who have destroyed that vehicle?

Was someone inside?" Asked Gohan, who had found indications on the ground that a vehicle had been destroyed by the combat of C-18 and Vegeta, since he had found certain charred pieces that had been scattered by the explosion

"Yes, there was a very noisy guy inside

But it wasn't us.

Vegeta did it alone.

We haven't even provoked the situation

Your two friends will be able to confirm it" Replied C-18, who obviously didn't want to be blamed for something she hadn't done

"WHA?!" The newcomers screamed upon hearing that accusation, especially Trunks, who still had some hope that his father wasn't the monster he was beginning to believe he was.

But Yam's face of regret, but especially Ginger's, which was more expressive, confirmed the obvious ...

Vegeta had killed someone innocent again

And that was something that filled the Z Warriors with hostility again.

"Bastard ..." Gohan said, who could barely resist the urge to join C-18 to beat Vegeta for everything he had said towards them, but above all for what he had done and planned to continue doing.

A urge that everyone was repressing for their own good

"Shall we keep going?" Asked C-18 with indifference and arrogance, to quickly end their combat, end their mission and decide what to do once their programming had run out of objectives

This week you will have a double chapter


Meralmancreators' thoughts