
Dovahkiin - Skeleton Knight in Another World

Guy does a survey and gets reincarnated with the powers of the Dovahkiin into the world of "Skelton Knight in Another World" and replaces Arc as the protagonist. harem members are Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiome (real name is Mia), and Felfi Visrotte (Dragon King/Lord)

Knight_Riku · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 13: Before the Raid Part 2

(A/n One thing to all you readers (Skim Readers in particular) I have already said that I am essentially copying and pasting the story up until he gets to Elf Village and mostly when he gets to the Hot Spring. I literally said it in the auxiliary chapter if you even bothered to read it. Now then, only few more chaos before volume one is finished then it will begin being more original, I'm only copying for now so I can reduce my writing load and get through t quickly to a certain point. Only like 3 or 4 chapters of copying and pasting left now more or less.)


Ariane: "Danka~, I want to eat those skewers! And suitable alcohol to go along with it, please. Arty, how about you?"

 So she's gonna be calling me by that name huh?

Doesn't she realise that I just met her not long ago, and she is trying to call me by nicknames? She has no sense of having different kinds of relationships with others, does she?

I guess my name is quite long, meh.

She also did grow up surrounded by the Elves and Dwarves, and they all treat each other like family.

She must not realise that calling others nicknames is...well, it doesn't matter just tell her later not to call others by nicknames unless certain conditions have been met.

Artorias: "I'll have a pint of Veeram ale and dome Dragon Wings."

Ariane: "Well then Danka, chop-chop."

Danka: "Why me…"

Even though Danka was grumbling, he still went off to place the order at the stall in accordance with her request. While watching from behind, I took a seat at the same table as her, after some time Danka brought back alcohol. After placing everything on the table, he took a seat as well.

Ariane: "Since I was battling the kidnappers in the forest, my stomach has declined. Artorias, this person's Danka Neil Maple. Like me, he's also an elven warrior, and, lately, is the one who has been gathering information in this town. Danka, the man with the mask is Artorias. He incidentally joined up and assisted me and Donnaha in the fight with the kidnappers in the forest."

Danka eyed me suspiciously when he heard of my battle prowess from Ariane, nodding doubt being suspicious of me and trying to divine my "true intentions" through his stare that could put Medusa's eyes to shame.

Standard elven names are a combination of one's own name, the name of the parent of the same sex, and the name of the village you belong to.

Danka: "And why did you help our "people"?"

Artorias: "Not all Humans are the same. There are good and there are bad ones everywhere. Just like there are good and bad Elves, or are you going to say I am wrong? I am no different. I am just a good Human. And besides, my sister was an elf, though she's been dead for 600 years now...or at least that I am aware it has been that long."

Ariane: "Hold up! Your part-Elf?!"

Ariane loudly whispered, clearly shocked by what I revealed. Naturally, I had lied, it is all part of my master plan to conquer the world.

Although I would need to follow the plot for a while which is kind of boring, I might have something planned once I reach the Elf Village.

If I can re-create a certain shout the Greybeards had used and a specific spell, then I should be able to do something else during that time.

Artorias: "No I am Human. We had the same father, but different mothers. She was a Half-Elf. Our father was...quite special, as in I was able to inherit some of his lineages which provided me with great longevity similar to the Elves."

Danka: "And how old are you?"

Ariane: "Danka! It's rude to ask for someone else's age!"

Artorias: "Come closer and I'll tell you."

He did exactly that and leaned across the table and I bent forward to whisper in his ear.

Artorias: "Ready?"

He nodded.

Artorias: "I am...older than you are..."

Ariane had been able to hear with her enhanced Dark Elf senses and was about able to muffle her laughter. Danka looked like he was trying to petrify me with his gaze.

Danka: "Ariane, do you really intend to bring this guy along on the operation this time?"

Wow, someone's salty aren't they?

she whispered something into his ear.

When she finished speaking, in the interior of the hood, his expression changed to one of astonishment. Drawing closer to me, Danka quite skillfully questioned in a small voice that was similar to a shout.


Danka: "You, is the part about using transfer magic true?!"

Artorias: "Yes. *munches on Dragon Wings*, so what? Anyone can use it with the appropriate training, just everyone in the world has forgotten it."

Danka: "Are you crazy? It requires immense focus, willpower and mana to even be able to use transfer magic!"

Artorias: "I'll teach you later."

I quite possibly can, since I wished for myself to possess a magical organ equivalent to Magnus (Sun of Nirn) I could just release it and then others can draw in the Magicka and use it like any mage of Nirn.

Ariane: "Now that the both of you are best friends now. Danka, you said that you found the base? How's the situation?"

Danka: "Ah, yes. The kidnappers' base is located in the red-light district near the eastern gate. As there's still a lot of traffic shortly after sunset, we'll wait for when the traffic lessens during the night to invade. In addition, there are also lookouts; it seems that quite a number of people are inside…"

Ariane: "Have you identified the number of people imprisoned there?"

Danka: "According to the information I got from my informant, there are four. With more expected to be brought in before long…"

Danka: "Since we thwarted their plan for new additions today, then there remains only the four captured in the base. Since we have Artorias' magic this time, the escape should be fairly easy.

Artorias: "We'll wait until the time to raid the facility, we should go over the plan in a more private location."

Danka: "Agreed."





Sorry for the short chapter, but since I had finally acquired Grammarly, hoooraayyyyy!!!!

Anyway, since I finally have it now, it has been causing me some problems getting used to it, as my writing speed is slightly slower as I am still adapting to the change in pace.

My writing speed is getting back to what it once was with each day, you'll get more chapters next time. Chapter updates will be returning to normal, look at my update schedule in the Auxiliary for when I update. I will be updating these fic chapters a little more frequently than strictly to my schedule so I can finish this fic asap to focus on my other fics.

See you next time