
Dovahkiin - Skeleton Knight in Another World

Guy does a survey and gets reincarnated with the powers of the Dovahkiin into the world of "Skelton Knight in Another World" and replaces Arc as the protagonist. harem members are Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiome (real name is Mia), and Felfi Visrotte (Dragon King/Lord)

Knight_Riku · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: Raid and a Cat

The three of us had waited for a good few hours for sunset and the sky to go dark.

We made our way to the red-light district which stretched across the area near the eastern gate of Diento.

The place was dotted with people who were dead drunk, In a short while, the vanguard Danka abruptly stopped, after which Ariane's feet also stopped.

When Danka peered out of the corner of the alleyway, jerking his chin towards Ariane, she turned her eyes to the previously indicated building.

It appeared that we'd arrived at the building of our target.

I spotted signs of two people guarding the back of the building. It was a three-storied building made of stone that, considering it was located near the eastern gate, was still wide.

Danka's gaze at Ariane asked about what we should do. When Ariane turned her eyes, looking towards my direction, the edges of her charming lips that peeked out from below the hood raised slightly.

With that, she calmly spoke out, pointing to a small window on the roof of the building.

"Can you get us to that small window over there?"

"Yes, hold onto me and I'll teleport us over."

After confirming that Ariane and Danka had placed their hands on my shoulder, I turned my gaze towards the roof near the small window.

I cast my spell and we teleported over with no problems, we even landed perfectly and didn't stumble despite the odd footing we had.

Danka: "Amazing…"

Danka, muttering while viewing the state of the surroundings.

Ariane: "Come on, let's go."

We approached the nearby window, Ariane was at the head and looked inside through the window.

Ariane: "Okay, there's no one inside. We can enter from here."

Saying so, she hereupon opened the window fully, but her body as she tried to slip into the room was hindered by her voluptuous chest and buttocks, making her have to squirm slightly to get through.

Danka and I had turned around to not peek at her out of respect...SIIIIIKKEE!!!!

Why would I ever do that?

I was actually still looking at Ariane, not just from the back, but also from the front as well.

I had made a special spell during my waiting time and while using many divination spell books I had in my inventory to create it.

It was a multiple divination spell where it acts similar to a [Aura Whisper] shout and the classic divination eye spell mostly used in fantasy and stories, the [Planer Eye]

Once I was done taking in the glorious, magnificent view that had fulfiled my cardinal desires, I promptly teleported both me and Danka inside.

Ariane: "Hey! If there's such a method, say so earlier!"

She shouted in a barely contained whisper as she blushed and tried hiding it through her anger.

Danka: "This place seems to be similar to a storeroom…"

Ignoring her voice of protest, Danka did things at his own pace, muttering in a low, carrying voice while analyzing our surroundings.

We quickly left the artistic storeroom and made our way to a series of corridors that spread out throughout the complex.

I knew I needed to find the room that Chiyome would be in, it should be the master Solar room.

(A/n Solar is like the private workroom and bedroom of an important person. Game of Thrones rooms.)

As we checked each room, we smelt the stench of death coming from a few of them.

Four men were lying in their beds, but each person's throat was stabbed, with all of them dead from the loss of blood.

Danka: "Their blood is warm, they were killed recently."

Artorias: "I suggest checking the dungeons in the basement levels below, if Elf children are being held captive, then they are most likely being held there."

Ariane: "Got it!"

Danka: "What will you be doing?"

Artorias: "I'm going to investigate the other rooms, I'll be with you two shortly."


Danka and Ariane had left to save the children, while I made my way down many hallways have followed the trail of light that my [Clairvoyance] spell showed me to the main Solar.

I cast[Detect Life] and I can see the outline of Chiyome inside, she must have detected me as she quickly hid.

Not bad for a Ninja, but I'm the freaking Dragonborn! A Multiversal+ being that can defeat Alduin, an aspect of Akatosh the Dragon God of Time.

Artorias: "Bex! (Open!)"

I unlocked the door and entered, the middle of the room had a coffee table with a leather-covered couch, with an amber work desk further inside the room. A fat well-dressed man was sprawled with his face laying on the desk, not moving an inch.

Furthermore, illuminated by the lamps, three bloodstained armed ruffians collapsed around the vicinity. I could tell that all of them were already dead…

Chiyome snuck up on me and placed a blade to my throat.

Chiyome: "Who are you? You aren't with these people with your attire."

But Chiyome was in for a surprise as she had felt a blade on her throat. Justthenanothervoice spoke, more specifically, my voice

Artorias (original): "You aren't really in the position to be asking questions now are you? Though since your a Ninja, you won't answer anything anyway."

Chiyome looked between the two me's and saw that the "me" she had thought she had a knife to, was vanishing before her eyes.

That "me" was an illusion that I had dispelled.

Artorias: "I am going to let you go now, you had better not attack me, else I will retaliate in kind. My quarry is not with you, I am here to rescue some captive Elf children."

Chiyome's ears perked up when I revealed more of why I was there, and she started sniffing with her nose.

She definitely smelled my Breton (Half-Elf) ancestry. I look like a perfect Human in my appearance, which is why many Elves and "People of the Plains and Mountains", aka Beastman, wouldn't recognise if I was a beastman or not.

I released Chiyome and she didn't attack, good.

The person before my eyes appeared to be a petite young girl. Her whole body was covered with clothes made of black fabric, an outfit absolutely worthy of belonging to a ninja. Her legs had greave-type protectors made of metal, with gauntlets for her arms, and worn on her head was a black scorched metal-plated headband with a gold crown sewn on, with a straight-bladed dagger visible on her lower waist. on top of the hood, black triangular-type animal ears were attached. I also saw a black tail attached to her waist with a belt-like shape, with the tip of the tail sometimes moving in a flutter.

Chiyome: "You don't seem to be a human, you certainly do smell like an Elf. The Elves are being held in the dungeon. The object I'm after wasn't here. I was just considering what to do about the elves captured here…but, apparently, it seems that I can leave them to you guys."

I wonder if the object she is after is either the Spirit Crystal that, her adoptive brother and the Wind Elemental Ninja, Sasuke is looking for or about the captured Beastmen.

If it's the former, n I'll be sure to tell him or Chiyome not to go to the Southern Continent to the Holy Church HQ there.

Thanatos will end up killing him and will turn him into an Undead minion if Sasuke goes there.

I'll kill Thanatos eventually and get the Spirit Crystal for myself to experiment on. No need for him to go to his death.

As I finished planning my future actions, Chiyome walked over to the desk and pulled a large heavy-seeming leather bag that was placed on the desk, then she shouldered it, securing it tightly with a rope. Stopping at the opened window at the wall across the room with her foot set atop it, the young female ninja turned around to bid farewell.

Chiyome: "I'll leave the rest to you; since it's you, the chance to meet again is probable. Well then, let's meet again… Oh, about two elves are captured in the feudal lord's castle…"

The heavy sack she was carrying might have been filled with the money. But judging from her demeanour and appearance, she only did this to cover up her true intentions here as a robbery.

I pick up one of the parchments from the safe. Removing the bindings from the documents, the contacts turned out to be a sells reports.

The amount on the contract was exceedingly high for just a single slave, it exceeded well over 10,000 suk.

The 10,000 gold price tag was the cost of the elves being sold here.

 The reason why the prices were so high was that:

A - They are Elves, any vile person would leap at the chance to have them as their s.e.x. toy.

B - If a female Human has s.e.x. with an Elf male, then the child will inherit the Elf lineage to be able to use magic while maintaining their Human appearances.

Now that I think about it, wouldn't that make them a "Breton"?

There were six more contacts just like this one, seven in total.

The contracts included the names of those that had already been auctioned off. They also had the names of the buyers as well, so it might be possible to track down the elves that had been sold.

I know that some captive elves are currently being transported to the Empire.

I should go save them before it is too late and they cross the border.

Fortunately, it showed who had bought them originally and sold them to an unknown client.

I know most of these contacts from the Light Novel and Manga, which made deducing the Empire contract a simple job.

When i was done, i quickly made my way to Ariane and Danka in the dungeons.