
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Tranh châm biếm
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77 Chs

Chapter 43 Crazy Uncle Request

"which team do you think will win?"

"i think heaven duo academy will win havent you alredy heard how they defeated the spirit hall team "

in the street of heaven duo people were talking about the outcome of the contest which team will win heaven duo or Shreak academy.


Inside a room, eight people were seated, the Emperor Team, also known as the Heaven Duo Imperial Academy Team. The conversation revolved around their planned formation.

Hun Yu asked the others, "What do you think?" as they were discussing the proposed formation.

Yu Tainheng replied, "I believe there should be no changes in the formation. We will focus on taking down Oscar and Ning Rongrong first, and then deal with the rest of their team."

Adding more information, he continued, "Let me remind you of the data I collected from my sources on the Shreak Team:

- Tang San - [Martial Spirit: Blue Silver Grass, Clear Sky Hammer; Spirit Power Level: 43; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Black]

- Dai Mubai - [Martial Spirit: Evil-Eyed White Tiger; Spirit Power Level: 45; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple]

- Zhu Zhuqing - [Martial Spirit: Ghost Civet; Spirit Power Level: 40; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple]

- Xiao Wu - [Martial Spirit: Soft Bone Rabbit; Spirit Power Level: 40; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple]

- Ning Rongrong - [Martial Spirit: Nine Treasured Glazed; Spirit Power Level: 42; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple]

- Oscar - [Martial Spirit: Sausage; Spirit Power Level: 42; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple]

- Ma Hongjun - [Martial Spirit: Evil Fire Phoenix; Spirit Power Level: 42; Spirit Ring Colour: Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple]."

Having delivered the information, Yu Tainheng took a moment to catch his breath and then sat down.

"It's not too much," Dugo Yan said arrogantly as she stood up. though she is only at level 40-41, spoke with arrogance, "It's not too much. We defeated Soul Kings, so who are these guys who aren't even Soul Kings?"

Hun Yu frowned. "Dugo Yan, I heard your grandpa, Poison Douluo, is with Shrek Academy. Won't he pass our information to them?"

The room was silent. Dugo Yan's face turned red with anger. "My grandpa is not like that! He would never pass information to Shrek Academy!"

"Even so," Hun Yu said, "I suggest you lower your arrogance. If you continue to behave like this, you will not just drown yourself, you will take everyone else down with you." With that, he left the room.

Dugo Yan was still processing what Hun Yu had said when Yu Tianheng stopped her from going after him. "He's right," Yu Tianheng said. "You've become too arrogant since our team defeated Spirit Hall. Don't forget that we didn't play much of a role in that victory."


Inside the Shrek Academy team's room, Tang San was outlining their strategy for the upcoming battle. "We'll focus on taking down Hun Yu first," he said. "Once he's down, the rest of the team should be easy to defeat."

"I think they'll target Ning Rongrong and Oscar first," said Xiao Wu. "They're our weakest links."

"That's what I was thinking," Tang San said. "We'll need to protect them at all costs."

Ning Rongrong, sitting on the side, couldn't hide her anger when she heard Hun Yu's name being mentioned. She spoke up, "Guys, can you let me deliver the final strike in the match?" Everyone turned their attention to Ning Rongrong, curious about her request. Tang San replied, "It's not a problem to give you the chance, but remember, any small mistake could change the outcome."

Ning Rongrong nodded, accepting the responsibility, "Okay." She seemed a bit dejected but determined.

Tang San, still curious, asked, "But why do you want to defeat Hun Yu so desperately?"

Ning Rongrong's response came with an angry tone, "Because my father wants me to marry him."

This revelation shocked everyone present – Dai Mubai, Tang San, and even their master. They all glanced towards Oscar, whose expression seemed troubled.

"So, that's the reason?" Tang San clarified.

Ning Rongrong nodded, confirming, "Yes."

Liu Erlong, who had been listening to the conversation, was visibly angry. "Hmm, let me go and talk to your father. How could he force you to marry someone you don't even know?" she said, ready to intervene.

But Yu Xiaogang (master) intervened and said, "Erlong, wait. We will talk about this later. Don't be impulsive." Liu Erlong, known for being independent, seemed to act like a little cat being scolded, holding back her impulsive reaction.


Hun Yu found himself wandering aimlessly in the Garden, feeling quite bored and simply wanting to sit and relax. In a few hours, there would be a match between the Emperor Team and the Shreak Academy. Eventually, he stumbled upon a bench where he settled down, looking up at the sky. Even though he couldn't see its beauty, he could still sense its presence.

As he enjoyed the peaceful moment, a man entered the garden and approached him. It was none other than crazy Uncle Ning Fengzi. Hun Yu stood up, sensing the man's presence, and greeted him warmly.

"Uncle Ning."

Ning Fengzi responded with a smile, saying, "Oh, Hun Yu, what a coincidence to meet you here." He had actually come to the garden with the intention of finding Hun Yu to discuss something.

"Hmm," Hun Yu replied, curious about the purpose of the visit.

"Well, I was just taking a walk here, but I do have a request to make," Ning Fengzi began, looking directly at Hun Yu.

"Oh, what request?" Hun Yu inquired as they continued strolling through the garden.

"It's not a huge favor," Ning Fengzi explained, "I just want you to go easy on Rongrong during the competition."

Upon hearing this, Hun Yu fell into deep thought. "Hmm, I cannot promise anything. The outcome of the match will depend on how it unfolds. If things go smoothly, I will try my best to take it easy on your daughter," he finally responded.

Ning Fengzi seemed satisfied with the response, remarking, "Well, better than nothing." He then glanced towards the garden's exit and said, "Alright, Hun Yu, I will take my leave now," before disappearing from sight.

Just as Ning Fengzi left, Hun Yu sighed, feeling like this uncle had just presented him with another problem to deal with.

He decided to sit down at a nearby table and take a moment to relax in this peaceful garden setting. In this serene environment, he felt no immediate threat and let his guard down.

As he leaned back on the bench, lost in his own thoughts, he was unaware of someone slowly approaching him from behind.

The girl closed in on him, her intentions hidden, and placed her hands on his shoulders.

Suddenly, Hun Yu felt a touch on his shoulder, jolting him out of his reverie. Instantly alert, his instincts took over, and in a lightning-fast motion, he drew his sword, aiming it at the person's neck behind him.

Hu Liena, the girl who meant to surprise Hun Yu, was taken aback by the swift attack with a seemingly lethal intent.

Reacting instinctively, she released her martial spirit, prepared to defend herself. The sword, which had been directed at her neck, came closer, and she managed to avoid a direct hit, though a strand of her hair was sliced off and immediately disintegrated.

Hun Yu, now fully aware of the situation, recognized Hu Leina. He looked at her for a moment and eventually uttered an apology, lowering his sword.

Hu Liena, still in a defensive stance, cautiously withdrew her martial spirit and inquired, "What just happened? Why did you suddenly attack?"

Hun Yu was perplexed himself, trying to comprehend the inexplicable actions of his body. "I don't know," he replied, puzzled. "It just happened automatically, on its own." He couldn't fathom why his body had reacted so swiftly and aggressively.
