
Chapter 42 Red and Black sword

Timeskip 3 days.

One day before the showdown between Heaven Duo Academy and Shreak Academy...

"Master, do you think we can win?" Dai Mubai asked Master Yu Xiaogang.

"Why do you doubt our chances against Heaven Duo Academy?" replied Yu Xiaogang. "You don't have to worry much; Heaven Duo Academy won because of the kid with the bow spirit. Since we've defeated them once before, we can do it again."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai looked motivated and left the room. Shortly after, a woman with black hair entered the room. She was Liu Erlong, a woman lost in the way of blind love.


"Now it looks good," said Hun Yu, holding a beautiful sword with a black metal body.

During these three days, Hun Yu practiced and discussed strategies with his team. Sometimes, he would accidentally encounter Hu Leina, though it seemed less like an accident as time went on. He also took the sword to a blacksmith, ensuring it was in its best condition for the upcoming battle.

With the sword in hand, Hun Yu now had a weapon he could use effectively in close combat against opponents. Despite only having one day left before the final match, he decided to go somewhere to practice with the sword, as he found it better than sitting alone in his room.

As he searched for a silent place to practice, he explored the city but couldn't find a suitable location. He didn't want to return to the place where he had encountered Ning Fengzi, as he had no interest in encountering that eccentric uncle again.

On his way back, he heard someone calling his name. Recognizing the pink energy, he knew it was Hu Leina.

"Where are you going?" asked Hu Liena.

"Just heading home," Hun Yu replied.

"Don't lie to me. From your expression, I can tell you are trying to find something," she said.

Hun Yu touched his head and chuckled, "Is my face that easy to read?"

"Well, you can tell me what you're trying to find, maybe I can help," Hu Liena offered.

"Hmm, I'm looking for a good place to practice with the sword," Hun Yu said. Hearing this, Hu Liena quickly replied, "Well, well, I know the best place for that, but usually, only people from Spirit Hall can practice there."


"I can let you practice in the area I use for one day. How about it?" she proposed.

Hun Yu smiled and asked, "And what do you want in return?"

Hu Liena's eyes lit up, not expecting anything in return, and she said, "How about you help me in the future when needed?"

Hun Yu thought it wasn't too much of a request, so he agreed, "Sure, it's a deal then."

"ok then lead the way"

After a while, they arrived at a splendid residence, and Hun Yu couldn't help but admire, "Spirit Hall is quite rich, isn't it?" he remarked casually.

Hu Liena smiled proudly and responded, "Indeed! It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Well, let's put that aside for a moment. Could you tell me where I can practice my sword skills?" Hun Yu inquired, getting straight to the point of his visit.

Observing that Hun Yu was focused on training and not too interested in her lavish home, she quickly shared the location of the training ground. They headed there, and once they arrived, Hu Leina took a seat on a nearby bench while Hun Yu prepared himself to practice.

The challenge was that Hun Yu didn't have any knowledge of how to use a sword. However, he motivated himself, believing that everything starts from scratch. He picked up the sword and began swinging it around, trying to grasp the correct technique.

Hu Liena, observing his awkward posture, couldn't resist asking, "You don't really know how to use a sword, do you?"

Hun Yu replied with honesty, "Well, it's my first time using one."

In response, Hu Liena stood up from the bench, picked up a sword, and said, "Let me teach you then." She held the sword gracefully, pointing the blade toward Hun Yu.

Surprised by her proficiency, Hun Yu asked, "You know how to use a sword?"

Hu Liena responded confidently, "Obviously! Being titled the Saint of Spirit Hall isn't just for show; I have to train rigorously every day."

Feeling a bit embarrassed that someone as prominent as the Saint of Spirit Hall had to instruct him, Hun Yu agreed to her offer, and they began the training.

As the evening approached, with the sun gradually setting, Hun Yu and Hu Liena found themselves sitting on a bench, catching their breath after an intense practice session.

Curious about Hun Yu's motivation for learning swordsmanship, Hu Liena asked, "By the way, why are you learning swordplay?"

Hun Yu replied with a determined expression, "Obviously, it's for the finals match tomorrow."

Hu Liena couldn't contain her laughter, finding the reason quite amusing. She looked at Hun Yu playfully, as if he had said something hilarious.

Confused by her sudden burst of laughter, Hun Yu asked, "Why are you laughing?"

After regaining her composure, Hu Liena explained, "You see, it's a rule that teams cannot use outside weapons or anything of the sort during the finals."

Hun Yu was dumbfounded by this revelation. He stared at Hu Liena in disbelief and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Hu Leina shook her head, confirming, "No, I'm not. It's true."

"Do you even know all the rules?" Hu Liena asked casually.

"Hmm, it's not like I'm completely unaware of the rules; I might have missed one," replied Hun Yu.

"So, what's your plan now?" said Hu Liena, leaning towards Hun Yu.

Hun Yu stood up confidently and said, "Well, it's better to know something than nothing. Even if it doesn't seem useful now, it might come in handy in the future."

"And I saw you with Ning Fengzi yesterday. What's going on between you two?" questioned Hu Liena, noticing a certain charm and fragrance about him.

"Nothing special. He just approached me out of the blue and asked to talk," replied Hun Yu.

"Oh, really?"

"And what does the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda want to discuss with you?" asked Hu Liena, displaying a keen interest.

"Hmm, you seem quite curious about my affairs," Hun Yu teased.

"Well, I can't help being a bit curious," said Hu Liena, smiling coyly.

"He proposed to marry his daughter to me," revealed Hun Yu.

Hu Liena's expression showed surprise, but she quickly recovered and asked, "Did you agree?"

Hun Yu waved his hand dismissively and replied, "Of course not."

A small smile briefly appeared on Hu Liena's face before she hid it.

"That's good you rejected it," she said.

"Why is it good?" questioned Hun Yu.

"Isn't it obvious that Ning Fengzi was trying to entice you into joining the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda? But it seems his plan failed," explained Hu Liena.

"Oh, I see."

"By the way, will you join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?" asked Hu Liena.

"Why would I join them? I'm not interested in joining any of these factions. I prefer a simple life, and I can manage on my own," said Hun Yu confidently.

"Well, we'll see about that in the future," said Hu Liena, smiling mischievously.

As Hun Yu was walking towards his home, Hu Liena called after him.

"Hun Yu, don't you think calling you 'Hun Yu' is weird?" she asked.

Hun Yu stooped and looked at Hu Leina. "Why? Is my name weird?"

"No, not that. It's just that we are both friends, and calling each other by names sounds weird every time," she explained.

"We are friends?" asked Hun Yu, seeking clarification.

Hearing this, Hu Leina looked at him and replied, "Aren't we? I saved you, gave you a gift, and helped you with learning. That's what friends do." She gently folded her hands beneath her not-so-big breast, reminding Hun Yu of everything.

As Hun Yu was walking towards his home, Hu Liena called after him.

"Hun Yu, don't you think calling you 'Hun Yu' is weird?" she asked.

Hun Yu stooped and looked at Hu Leina. "Why? Is my name weird?"

"No, not that. It's just that we are both friends, and calling each other by names sounds weird every time," she explained.

"We are friends?" asked Hun Yu, seeking clarification.

Hearing this, Hu Liena looked at Hun Yu and said, "Aren't we? I saved you, gave you a gift, and helped you with learning. That's what friends do," while gently reminding him of their past encounters.

"Oh, so you are my friend?" asked Hun Yu.

"Yes," replied Hu Liena with a warm smile.

"Good, good," Hun Yu said in a low voice.

"From your tone, it doesn't seem like you are very happy about being the friend of this saint," said Hu Liena, noticing Hun Yu's response.

"No, no, I am blessed to have a friend like you. How can I not be happy?" said Hun Yu with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, very happy," Hun Yu muttered this in his heart,

"Then what do you want to call me?" Hun Yu asked Hu Liena, genuinely curious.

Hu Liena paused for a moment, contemplating the question. Finally, she playfully suggested, "How about Bother Yu?" finding some humor in her own idea.

Hun Yu chuckled and nodded in response, not taking the suggestion too seriously.

As the topic settled, Hu Liena's curiosity led her to inquire further, "And what are you going to call me?"

Hun Yu thought for a moment, not yet certain about the perfect name that would her. "I'll let you know after the tournament," he replied, honestly unsure of what moniker would be the most fitting.

Hun Yu reached his room and soon got onto the bed to sleep because the next day was the final match between his team Heaven Duo Academy and Shreak Academy.

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