
Chapter 5

Tang Xing sat in the room prepared for him in the Spirit Hall branch of Nuoding City. The room was luxurious with a soft bed and everything else he needed, he was even reclining in a big bathtub filled prepared with a medicinal bath to help him relax and strengthen his physique.

The boy noticed quite clearly that the people here were treating him well, the accommodations were top-notch and after meeting with the branch leader he was shown around and was given anything he might want. He has been in this place for around a week now and he spent that time under the intense care of the people in the branch who gave him meals that actually let his stomach feel full and the branch leader, a healing type soul master, had used his spirit techniques to help heal his body from the diseases he had obtained from his life back in Holy Spirit Village.

Living by eating what he could from a forest and what meager rations his father provided did not give his body any help in development. By the time he arrived at the branch the doctors there diagnosed him as being malnourished and small for his age, he wasn't sickly only due to having better hygiene than most kids his age. Tang San was only in a better state by comparison due to having his cultivation technique that helps nourish the body somewhat as well as strengthen it despite the lacking situations in their environment, but Tang Xing did not have those advantages and it showed.

Thankfully, this world wasn't like Earth, and spirit power truly was quite magical in various ways, as such his physical condition has improved fast and by now he was at least healthy enough for what he intended to do this day.

It was the twilight time, the moment when the sun and moon energy was more perfectly mixed and less active. There wouldn't be a better time for what Tang Xing wanted to do than now, so he closed his eyes and concentrated.

When getting the crimsonbright heaven diagram cultivation method at tier 5 one thing that Tang Xing noted was that he did not immediately obtain that power. No, instead he got it partially blocked inside him since his body wouldn't have been able to bear it from how weak he was. If he had unlocked it at full power from that moment it was more likely that he would get internal injuries even if this was a power from the company.

It was a rather troublesome reality, however, after these days of good meals and constant medical care from the best the branch could provide, his body has finally passed the threshold to get the first level of the crimsonbright heaven diagram. The next level that fits on Tier 5 would depend on his body improving a bit further, but that would be enough for now.

Tang Xing presumed that it might be a rule of the world he was in since this world seemed to have unique rules that limit or modify the Waifu Catalog options, but that was not something he could intervene in at the moment anyway.

After being sure that no one was around, Xing began to move. To start this cultivation one must move their bodies in a near ritualistic fashion, attracting the energy of the sun and moon into their body and opening the way for a connection to be formed, his body carrying a strong ancient air to it as he moved.

Xing's final movement was to sit down in a kneeling position, his two arms hanging down in front of him, as though one was resting on the sun while the other was resting on the moon.

Utter silence.

The earlier dancing movements were only to allow one to sense the 'Great Yang' (the Sun) and the 'Great Yin' (the Moon). The balance and positive loop of energy created by those two forces are what would allow him to advance and use this cultivation technique.

Xing could feel his consciousness passing through multiple layers of the world's obstructions, his mind constantly going forward... after passing through countless layers, he entered an infinite, endless void. Deep within that infinite void were two incomparably enormous stellar bodies hanged peacefully in the middle of the void.

One was an enormous stellar body that had huge plumes of raging flames dancing on its surface. It seemed like an enormous ball of flame, and it illuminated the endless void.

The other was covered with a layer of unending ice, with an enormous osmanthus tree in the middle of the ice. The stellar body's cold light also illuminated part of the world.

These two ancient stellar bodies, one was the Solar Star (the Sun), and the other was the Lunar Star (the Moon).

"Too beautiful. Too incredible." Xing was absolutely stunned. He felt that he could even 'see' those enormous plumes of flame and 'see' the enormous leaves of the osmanthus tree.

Others, when training following the Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens, found it very hard to even hazily sense the Solar Star and the Lunar Star, but Ning could even 'see' the plumes of flame and the leaves on the osmanthus tree.

On the outside, if one was to look, one would see countless spots of starlight appear in the area around Xing. The countless spots of starlight were primarily gold and silver in color; scorching hot gold starlight and ice-cold silver starlight. They swirled around Xing, not stopping in any location. Slowly, beneath Xing's left hand, a miniature star formed beneath his left hand, and on it, an Osmanthus Tree could vaguely be seen. This was the Lunar Star.

And on his right hand, there formed a fiery hot miniature star that was surrounded by a flying Golden Crow. This was the Solar Star.

The Solar Star in one hand, and the Lunar Star in the other.

Surrounded by starlight, Xing's face seemed so peaceful, so pious.

What Xing did not expect was that, as his body was absorbing the powers of the two stars, something unique was also happening.

The purple crystal winged lion king spirit was a unique spirit, it housed in itself the fire seeds for all twenty-three heavenly flames, all just waiting to find suitable sources of energy to make the seeds bloom and strengthen. As Tang Xing's body was touched and reforged by the powers of the Solar and Lunar Star, the energies were taken not only by the body but also by the martial soul.

This would inevitably mean he would need more time to complete the training, however, it was completely worth it as the energies were directed to the Lion King spirit, the power mostly directed to two of the Heavenly Flame seeds. Namely, the eleventh-ranked Bone Chilling flame that could burn with cold energy instead of heat, as well as the ninth-ranked Three Thousand Burning Flame that was created by the energy of the cosmos itself and thus was extremely compatible with the energies that were forging Tang Xing's body.

This also meant that, as there was more energy passing through his body, Tang Xing's body would become even more tyrannical than ordinary beings that got through the same first stage of this training method.

Xing's eyes were closed, and he continued to sit on his knees, holding his two hands in front of him limply, with the Lunar Star in one, and the Solar Star in the other.

Those two miniature floating Solar and Lunar Stars were separately transmitting energy nonstop into Ning's body. The power of the Sun and the power of the Moon were quickly absorbed by the ravenous cells in his body, and Xing's entire musculature and bone structure were undergoing constant transformations.

"Swish..." A layer of ice suddenly appeared on the clothes which Xing was wearing.

But then, "Crackle crackle crackle." The back of Xing's clothes suddenly began to burn with fire.

Both frozen and blazing.

This constant interchange was resulting in his furs starting to split apart.

Soon his clothes totally split apart and collapsed, leaving Xing's back totally bare. On Xing's tender, young back, there was silver light flashing on the left, while golden light flashing on the right.

On the left, frozen side, the silver light was constantly flowing and slowly forming into a pattern.

On the right, blazing side, the golden light was also constantly flowing and also formed a separate pattern.

These are divine tattoos! Such tattoos surging were a sign of the body evolving into a higher level, a natural step to cultivate the body into a Fiendgod body that houses immense vitality and strength. Given this tattoo forming speed, it would take around two weeks or so for the tattoo to be fully formed. By then, the first level of the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] will be done, but until then he would remain as he is, focused on training as his body changes.