
Chapter 6

As the days passed and Tang Xing continued in his meditation epiphany and rumors accompanied that.

While it was a fact that spirit masters could live a long time without food and sustenance, that was still mostly valid only for those with a strong cultivation level and only someone at title douluo level could truly go without food for months on end.

For someone who hasn't even obtained the first spirit ring, spending several days without eating or drinking anything, simply wasn't normal. The only reason why there wasn't a stronger reaction was due to the changes that the branch leader, Ming Ke, detected in Tang Xing.

As an auxiliary healing type spirit master who was a Spirit King, Ming Ke was very well equipped to see the situation in the body of Tang Xing. And, as he looked it over, he could only say one thing.


The body was being constantly forged by the conflicting energies of fire and ice, the power that was raising in that body was not something that the old soul master had ever seen before, much less at such speed.

After detecting the situation Ming Ke would come every day to see the situation of Tang Xing's body as its strength kept climbing.

100 jin.

300 jin.

500 jin.

800 jin.

The power of that tiny body kept on growing constantly and by the time the representative of Spirit Hall arrived...

"2000 jin of strength?" The shocked voice of Crysantheno Douluo sounded out as he heard the report given to him by the branch leader.

"Yes." Ming Ke said piously. "Young Tang Xing has entered a unique situation and his physical strength keeps increasing constantly. I didn't even know one could have such strength without being at least rank 33 and being a power type!"

Yue Guan nodded, walking side by side with Ming Ke as they approached the room where Tang Xing was.

Entering inside, the title douluo could feel the situation much more clearly than Ming Ke could, and even then Yue Guan could barely understand what was going on, simply creating a conjecture about it.

Namely, he sensed the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King that was devouring the energy of the sun and moon to help nurture the heavenly flames in its body. With a quick thought, Yue Guan came to a conclusion he reasoned would make the most sense.

Namely, something trigged this spirit to start absorbing those two energies and that absorption was helping nurture the body and perhaps causing those tattoos to appear.

It sounded ridiculous, but the world of Spirit Masters has plenty of weird and unique matters that are abnormal and hard to explain, so it wouldn't shock Yue Guan for such a thing to be a possibility. Especially since the kid was a twin Spirit master, something that rarely ever happened and little conclusive evidence was known about.

Unique cases have unique circumstances, it was as simple as that. Besides, which Title Douluo wasn't unique in some way when growing up? If any random nobody could have become Title Douluo, they wouldn't be so few in numbers.

Yue Guan thought for a bit about the situation and, after a short while, decided.

"I will stay in town for another two days, if he doesn't awaken until then I will move forward as I have other especially promising recruits I was ordered to bring back from this region, after collecting them I will return and see how things progress from there." Yue Guan said.

And so it went, two days passed, and as Yue Guan observed the boy the more shocked he got as the power in the child's physical body kept increasing.

Yue Guan felt torn about leaving without the kid right away, but he would do as he must. For some inexplicable reason, there was a sudden influx of young geniuses that wanted to join Spirit Hall in this kingdom. Yue Guan as well as Gui Mei were ordered to bring them back without harm as well as investigate if anything weird has happened since so many kids with top spirits and innate full spirit power appearing all of a sudden was not a natural event.

Hells, the Golden Generation they were currently training was already a rare existence by having three people with high potential of reaching Title Douluo and one having innate full spirit power, but if the information that the pope was given was any indication there would be five new kids who wanted to join who all had the same level of potential as Hu Liena.

So, with much trepidation, Yue Gun left while leaving behind a few words.

"Look after this kid well and do not let anything happen to him, otherwise I will let the Pope decide what she wants to do with you all."

It was a domineering statement that was even scarier than most would understand since the pope was not known for being merciful to those who displease her.

Tang Xing continued his meditation for several more days, in worry Ming Ke even called in the hailed strongest grandmaster, in theory, to see what was going on, but it was useless as the man couldn't give any advice except to wait.

By the time Yue Gun returned he was even more shocked at not only the fact that Tang Xing was still in meditation, but two other things.

First, he used his mental energy to prob Tang Xing's body and he sensed that the boy's physical strength and resilience were truly extraordinary, his body seeming to be close to completion of whatever he was going through but reaching the point of being equal to a pure power Spirit King using his martial soul!

And that was before he was even trained or had obtained his first spirit ring. Later, as his spirit is strengthened and his ranks grow, his body would only ever become stronger and stronger.

"... Is this an awakening of some divine body?" Yue Guan wondered, having heard about those in the long records of Spirit Hall.

There were a few such examples of what one calls a Divine Body, a person whose body was naturally much stronger than anyone else of the same rank and could jump entire realms to fight. However, such people had a natural difficulty in improving their spiritual power as their bodies are too unbalanced with their excess physical power.

Regardless, Yue Guan's shock wasn't purely from this, but also due to the girls he brought back.

They all had innate full spirit power with twin spirits, as strange as that may be. They all had a regular shroud as one of the spirits while their second spirit was always unique. One had Ultimate Fire, one had Ultimate Ice, another one who had a very strong and unique sound-based support spirit, and the most terrifying was the girl with a key spirit that seemed to have the extremely rare Ultimate Space attribute as well as a natural sealing ability!

People with the potential these girls had were rare throughout the mainland, to have found all of them at once was even rarer.

As an elder of Spirit Hall Yue Guan understood their importance for their hall and future plans well and had decided to bring them all together towards the Heaven Dou forest to help them get their first spirit ring. That place might be a rather low-level location in terms of spirit beast quality, but there were some sections that only some of the higher ranking members of spirit hall could enter where they keep the rarer beasts that were of higher quality.

That was a bit of a secret of spirit hall, taking and putting those unique beasts of much higher quality than normal in those places for the talented young spirit masters to get the very best spirit ring. It was only possible until around the third ring as, after that, it was hard to put such a beast in a secluded location where only they could reach, but it was enough to give them an edge.

And finally, four more days since Yue Guan returned to the city, Tang Xing opened his eyes.