

Huang Yong crossed in Dauluo Dalu and became a war orphan. After knowing that, this was still too early for the plot, and spirit Hall had not yet started to awaken civilian's spirit for free he had lost almost all hope. The system, which gave him the last hope also had a harsh condition to awaken his martial soul first to activate the system, which made him desperate again. See how Huang Yong an ordinary young man from Earth will survive in a fantastic world like the Douluo continent How will he awaken his martial soul? ……. Will he support the Empire, Soul Hall, Sherk Seven Devils, or create his force? ……. What adventures the future awaits? ……. Will he have any rival? …… MC IS A FIGHTING MADMAN BUT HAS CLEAR THINKING. THINKS WITH HIS BRAIN NOT DI*K Join Huang Yong on his Amazing Journey of Fantasy World ~ DOULUO CONTINENT #douluo #fanfiction #doupo #action ****************************************** SUPPORT ME BY ADDING TO COLLECTION. THANK YOU

Masked_Warrior_ · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs


"" RASENGAN.... ''''


The Rasengan collided with the Titan giant ape, and the whole cave was shaken.


"Cough.. Cough…"

As the dust settled, Huang Yong stood up and looked forward while coughing.

Huang Yong felt a little sweet in his throat.

In front of him, the Titan giant ape had also stood up.

"So you sacrificed your arm to defend my attack"

The Titan Giant Ape had blocked the Rasengan using its arm.

Now the Titan giant ape was looking at Huang Yong, with fear, and anger in its eyes.

"What, want to fight me?"

" Come, let me see who is stronger, me or an injured Titan giant ape"

' This beast is tough enough. It has not died even after losing so much blood.'


The Titan giant ape roared and punched Huang Yong.

Huang Yong was also ready and punched with his full strength.


Their fist met and with a loud sound the Titan giant ape took two steps backward, and Huang Yong flew to the cave walls


Huang Yong vomited a little blood.


The Titan giant ape made a sound of mockery as if Mocking Huang Yong and reminding Huang Yong who is the King here.


All of a sudden, Huang Yong came in front of the Titan giant ape and bombarded it with fierce punches.

The Titan giant ape was not to be outdone and defended with a wave of fierce punches as well.

Pa ~ pa ~ pa~ pah..

In just a matter of five seconds, they had exchanged more than 30 punches.


With a strong attack, they both retreated a few steps

"Your body does have the blood of the king of the forest"


"To fight me for this long with all these injuries, really commendable"

"Now it's time to end this play"


"Come again, haha"

Again, both of them engaged in a bloody battle of exchanging injuries.

Boom boom boom...

Pa pa pa...

"HAHA, Yes, Yes, Fight Fight more"

"I have never felt this alive before" "HAHAHAHA"

Blood was dripping all over their bodies, but Huang Yong was getting excited as time passed.


The Titan Giant Ape roared again...

All of a sudden, the rocks around Huang Yong's leg, trapped him blocking his movements and the fist of the titan giant ape came.

Huang Yong blocked with both his hands and barely defended himself.


Huang Yong flew straight into the walls,




"So you were saving this ultimate move to finish me off."

Huang Yong, coughed blood while speaking

"I have also saved something for the last moment"

He took out a root of fuzi herb and put it in his mouth, started chewing it

Huang Yong fell heat waves spreading through his stomach, and his injuries stabilised a little.

The Titan giant ape was looking at him with a little sock and a touch of greed in its eyes as if it knew that if it had herb similar to what Huang Yong ate, it could have survived today.

After recovering some strength, Huang Yong jumped at the Titan giant ape, by now the poison of the man-face spider had started to take effect.

The Titan giant ape was getting slower in its movements.

Taking advantage of the moment, Huang Yong jumped on the shoulders of the Titan giant, held its head with both hands, and pulled with full strength.



With a terrifying sound of tearing and pain, Huang Yong separated the head of the Titan giant ape from its body along with some of its spine.


Blood spread everywhere like rain.

Lifting the head of the Titan Giant ape and looking into its unwilling lifeless eyes, Huang Yong said,

"Your only mistake was thinking that I am weak"

Huang Yong jumped down from the Titan giant ape and, put a few roots of fuzi herb in his mouth.

Sat cross-legged before the corpse of the Titan giant ape and started recovering.

After a full 20 minutes of meditation, Huang Yong fully recovered to his peak strength.

But, the flesh injuries were yet to heal.

Huang Yong looked at the dark yellow soul ring mixed with purple above the corpse of the titan giant ape.

Following the steps of absorbing the soul ring, he pulled the soul ring toward himself and started absorbing it.

It was not as painful as last time Huang Yong didn't know if it was because his body was stronger than before or he had better pain resistance this time.

In two hours, Huang Yong absorbed the soul ring and was very satisfied with the soul skill he had.


BOOM boom boom...

Huang Yong punched a few times,

The punches of Huang Yong felt much heavier than before.

The soul skill increased his strength by 50%.

"System, Give me the External Knuckle Bone Of The Titan Giant Ape."

MC was ready this time and had already decided on what to choose as his soul bone.





Huang Yong did not feel any mental pain, but a little tingling in his left arm knuckles.

Huang Yong felt like his left arm possessed far more strength than before.

A beast was waiting to be released in there.


"I was expecting to get a right knuckle bone, but seems like the Titan giant ape, lost its right arm at the very beginning of the fight."

RASENGAN had destroyed the whole right arm of the titan giant ape.

The external soul bone came with an amazing soul attack of itself.


Huang Yong checked the body of man faced spider and, did not find any soul bone, or external soul bone.

After collecting its poison gall in a jade box and carefully placing in his soul tool.

Shaking his head

"After all, I am not the son of destiny"

MC stayed in the cave for three more hours and recovered completely.

Before leaving the cave, he looked at the corpse of the Titan giant ape, which could no longer be recognized.

This was the first time Huang Yong felt like he might die.

He saluted with his right fist clenched in his left palm and bowed his head a little.

"Forgive me for my hard words during the fight"

" You have my respect, King of the Forest"

Huang Yong left the cave

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