
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 21 - Tang clan and Spirit Harmonization

"Okay! Okay! Bao'er I'll stop, just let me introduce myself to them", Xingyun compromised, which shocked the 4 newcomers, even if they heard that he is a very mischievous fellow, they thought that as a genius he still has his pride and wouldn't back down when his sister threatened him, but that is clearly not the case, they wondered why the very talented Xingyun is scared of his little sister.

"Hello! I'm Mao Xingyun from Mao clan and this is my sister Bao'er", he introduced himself to the 4 and reached out to Tang San for a handshake.

"Tang San", Tang San shook Xingyun's hand and also introduced himself, when Xingyun heard his name he feigned a surprised expression, which baffled the others.

"Oh, are you from the strongest clan in the continent? The Tang clan?", Xingyun said, which made the others surprised and looked at Tang San with a look that says 'Is that true?', except for Tang San and Xiao Wu.

"Tang clan?", this is the first time Tang San heard of it.

"Yeah, Tang clan, they are the most powerful clan in the continent, sadly they hid themselves because they are being chased by their enemies, since the time they hid until now, there's no news of them appearing in the continent at all, thinking of it, it's impossible for you to be part of Tang clan right? Someone as talented as you in my opinion should be hidden by them", Xingyun wants Tang San to realize that he is part of the Tang clan earlier because it would benefit him, if he knew how dangerous his circumstances is, he will train harder and become stronger, which is good for him if he wants strong allies.

"Why are they called the strongest clan?", Tang San asked, he is getting intrigued by it now.

"Very strong, they have the strongest tool spirit in the continent! They also have geniuses like Tang Hao, who is the youngest titled douluo in the continent", Ning Rongrong cut in at this point, when Tang San heard this, he became dumbfounded, he had a hammer as a spirit and he had a father named Tang Hao, 'Is this all just a coincidence? It should be right? I don't believe that father of mine really is the genius they're talking about'.

"Well, let's just forget about it, there's no point talking about it now, I doubt that the Tang clan would even let a good seedling such as Tang San here to roam the world, given that if his identity was found out by their enemies, he will be hunted to the ends of the world", Xingyun just dismissed the conversation, this is enough to make Tang San realize his true identity, Xingyun then also asked for a handshake from Xiao Wu, who was still a bit dumbfounded by what she heard earlier and Ning Rongrong.

"Mao Xingyun", he asked for a handshake from Zhu Zhuqing last.

"Zhu Zhuqing", Zhuqing took his hand to shake it, but the moment their hands made contact with each other, they felt a connection with each other. Zhuqing is a bit dumbfounded when she felt this, Xingyun is also dumbfounded, but he snapped out of it immediately, then he grabbed Zhuqing by her hand and he took off running with her. "Brother Mubai, I'm taking her to dean Flender! You take the three to the final test!", he shouted before disappearing from their view.

Dai Mubai felt a bit conflicted when he saw this, but he didn't stop them in the end, the others were baffled by what he just did though, "What kind of a man is he? Just taking a girl with no reason at all", Xiao Wu finally said after a few seconds of being baffled.

"Maybe brother found out something about her, don't worry he's not like that, honestly it would be a miracle for that brother of mine to make a move on her", Bao'er isn't worried about Zhuqing at all, she knew her brother and she knew that whatever the reason was for him taking Zhu Zhuqing, it wasn't for any malicious reasons, "C'mon let's go the 4th test now, I'll lead you guys to where it is".

When everyone heard Bao'er's reassurance that nothing bad will happen to Zhu Zhuqing, they finally relaxed and followed her to the venue of their last test.

Meanwhile, Xingyun is leading Zhu Zhuqing by the hand and running straight to where Flender's office is, when he came across Zhao Wuji on the field where the test is going to happen, he notified Zhao Wuji of him taking Zhu Zhuqing straight to Flender, even though Zhao Wuji is a bit confused he didn't have time to ask what the reason is because Xingyun and Zhu Zhuqing is now too far gone, in the end he just scratched his head in frustration and let it be.

After a minute of running, they finally reached Flender's office, Xingyun barged in excitedly, "Dean Flender! I think me and this woman might have a high spirit harmonization!", Xingyun excitedly informed Flender while Zhu Zhuqing is still dumbfounded, she became dumbfounded when she felt the connection and when Xingyun took her by the hand, she didn't have time to react because he's just too fast! In the minute that he ran off with her, she didn't have any time to complain because she could barely keep up with his speed.

Flender who is sipping tea quietly in his office was startled, he almost jumped off his seat, "My god Xingyun! How many times do I have to tell you, knock before you come in! I'm gonna have a heart attack because of you".

"Hehe, sorry dean I forgot, I'm just too excited to inform you that we two have spirit harmonization, can you please look at it?", when Flender heard Xingyun's reason for coming, he was shocked and he immediately checked how much compatibility the two had.

"90% compatibility, this is quite the surprise, we're gonna check what your spirit fusion skill is tomorrow, we can't right now because there is too many people in the school right now, the commotion it will make might be too much", Flender planned what to do tomorrow, "Congratulations, what's your name?.

"Zhu Zhuqing"

"Ehem, congratulations Zhu Zhuqing, I welcome you to Shrek, to be able to at least have a spirit harmonization with this little monster right here means that you're a monster yourself, now will you two kids please leave me alone now? I'm having my quiet time here when you two barged in", Flender congratulated Zhu Zhuqing, then after that he shooed them away.

The two immediately came out of Flender's office, then Xingyun led Zhuqing back to where the others were, "Can you let my hand go now?", Zhuqing said while blushing, she never had a guy other than Mubai touch her hand, so it was a bit embarrassing for her.

"Im so sorry! I'm just too happy I forgot about it", Xingyun also blushed when he realized what he did then quickly took his hand away.

"It's okay, it's not a big deal, where are we going by the way?", Zhuqing said, her serious face is back on.

"We're going back to watch them fight vice dean Zhao Wuji, if you want you can still join the test, if you think that it's unfair that you got accepted because of our compatibility, you can still take the test", Xingyun said.

"Let's go then, I still wanna take the test, it's unfair to them if I just got accepted just like that", Zhuqing responded and the two quietly and awkwardly walked back to the clearing where the test will happen.


(author's note: there's been a lot who hated Xingyun's attitude last episode, just wanna remind you guys that he didn't have any interaction with anyone, except for a few who left him afterwards in his last life, basically, he didn't have any kind of experience because of his circumstances, so when he reincarnated he is like a blank slate, in other words a baby, his 25 years of living in his last life doesn't mean that he will be so mature that he will become an edgy guy, in the contrary because he didn't get to experience anything in his last life, he's trying his best to enjoy his life to the fullest in his new life add it with the fact that he didn't know how to communicate with people at all and we get a guy who gets excited by everything he sees.

and what I mean in the last episode that he's being looked down on by every villager in the village isn't what you think that the village is a toxic place, just picture someone who will be the one to lead you acting like a bumpkin when he saw something that interests him, you will doubt whether he's really a fit successor to the clan at this point and they look at Bao'er, as if she is the one they think that really suits the heir title, this infuriates Bao'er because she doesn't like seeing her brother being seen like that so she did what she did to control him, and Xingyun who never had familial love in his last life, felt like being tortured just thinking about losing his new family.

btw I read a comment about spirit masters, that they can cripple themselves when they didn't absorb a spirit ring immediately when they reached the appropriate rank to breakthrough, and I seem to have memories of it I just forgot lol(it's just been so long since I last read the canon so sorry), just wanna ask what the exact details of this is, so I can edit my story. that's all thank you for your support, and I hope that you guys understand that this is just my first time writing a story so I'm still not very good at it and still in the point that I make lots of mistakes, but I promise that I'll get better as the story goes on)