
Third Trial: Final 2

Bai quickly reacted, his right sword disappeared, the sky turning white "Tch!" Bai realized that his opponent's comprehension was over him, the tornados were breaking the Retaliation All Sword, not letting Bai save energy, making it the same as Protection.

As Retaliation was useless, he quickly fused Metal to Protection, at the same time his left sword disappeared being replaced by a black one. Bai manifested a gray shield over him, the tornados violently slammed towards it, easily breaking over.

At Bai right hand a gray sword appeared, he crossed his swords trying to stop the tornados. Slaughter invaded the tornados, weakening a little while he resisted with his Protection.

Bai clenched his teeth, focusing all his strength on it to barely stop the tornados. However, the tornados didn't stop, they continued spinning pushing Bai, if something they even seemed to became stronger as time passed.

The sharp wind of the aftermath of blocking the tornados was like tiny knives that pierced towards him, making him all bloody. Making easy to know what will happen if the tornados broke his defense.

(If only I had my spirit power!) Bai lamented as he quickly arrived at his limit, cracks could be seen over the white sky and his swords "Fuck! If I must die, it won't be without trying all!"

Life and Death were complete opposites, the absence of one means the other. They were too opposed that combining them would go against the world's natural law. In his desperate situation, he put it all in this impossible chance. He clenched his swords, that in their All Sword state were more concepts rather than objects, and he joined his hands transforming the swords in aura, forcing them to join.

"Bluah!" Bai vomited blood, the mere forcing them to join was already overexerting his body. He clenched his bloody teeth, both auras touching, concentring all his mental strength in one point, trying to fuse his Slaughter and Retaliation "Boom!" Bai's aura lost control, causing a little explosion, before dispersing. The explosion wasn't big, but the comprehension behind was extremely strong, it was a taboo. He not only injured greatly his body, that was completely burned, but even his mind-space had received great damage due to the backslash.

For the tornados, they were dispersed, but it didn't even take a second before for being recreated. However, they weren't sharp as before and carefully pushed Bai away of the mountain's top. "Such a daring and ominous move." the wind carried the voice "I only was testing him." The tornados dispersed and a warm breeze passed caressing Bai "His body is not gravely injured, but his mind." the wind seemed to frown "As he is a tester, it might help him."

From the sky, a 1-meter long object started falling. Looking at it nearly, it could be seen that it was a sword. The sword kept falling at a great speed, directed towards Bai's head. Just as was about to pierce Bai, it stopped still for an instant, then it seemed to be entering Bai's forehead, Bai was absorbing it "Let's see if this is enough."

Bai found himself in his mind-space that was slowly crumbling, being destroyed "You tried to touch the realm of the impossible, your mind is the price" the Sword God's voice could be listened "Even your own soul could have been destroyed."

Cracks were spreading every, warning that it wouldn't be much time before its collapse "What can I do?"

"Nothing but wait for your demise. Even we are unable to help you as it would be against the laws."

"Shinx!" a sword cut through the sky, it arrived in front of Bai, before dispersing in particles. Bai quickly realized what it was, a Sword Fragment!

"Congratulations. You are lucky" The Sword God said "You pass your third trial, as a reward we would prevent your mind-scape from collapsing" A blindly light of multicolored light shined, the cracks of the mind-space closing "You should not force it again."

It didn't take long before the mind-space was returned to his normal state "For your fourth trial, escape from Tao Yi. You are able to use your spirit power again, use every method at your disposition. We recommend killing him."

Bai was pushed outside his own mind-space, forcing awaking him. Opening his eyes, Bai found himself floating in the air. Under him, there was a mass of air that kept him floating. The mass of air slowly went down, carefully letting him on the hard ground "You're awake. You're lucky to have survived that."

Bai sensed his body all sore, but there were some remains of having been healed. He focused his Life Intent healing his body to top condition "Who are you?"

"I am the wind." the wind sounded "If you ask about who I was, I was called Tao Yi, you can call me uncle Yi."

(Of course, he would be the target of the 4th test. But somehow, he didn't seem to try to attack me) Bai thought "What are your intentions? You attacked me before, almost killing me and now you cared about me."

"Oh? That's my test. For everyone capable of arriving at the top, I make the same test. You took it wrong and forced a taboo, damaging your mind. It was never my intention to kill you, the tornados would have simply pushed you out of the top of the mountain when you stop resisting."

"So it was my fault" Bai bowed a little "Thanks, senior for giving away a Sword Fragment. I am Ning Bai, it is my honor meeting someone with your strength and experiences."

"Some manners, it's very strange for people that came here" the wind said "Don't worry about that fragment, one visitor left it here, and I don't have any use for it. It's not my loss if I will be able to talk with someone."

"Thanks anyway, senior. Could I know if I am able to leave this place? I have important matters to do." Bai asked as he was uncertain that he was able to simply leave, that would be a too easy Sword Trial.

"Just waking up and the first thing is leaving" a breeze of wind spun "If you want to leave, it's simple. You only need to pass my test." Laughs could be heard.

"And this test in which consists?" Bai asked warily.

"It's simple, Tao Yi must die!" the wind said "Tao Yi is who I was and the body that stood on the top. If he dies, you pass. Simple, eh?"

Bai frowned remembering the recommendation of the Sword God "There are rules?"

"I will try to stop you, of course. For other rules, I will never try to intentionally kill you, always stopping when you or your body surrender, if you die forcing you too much, it's your fault. For you, the only rule is not trying to escape. Breaking it, would let me break mine and I will decide to kill you" The wind said.

(So that's why the recommendation. Escaping would be easier than attacking him, as his control would be greater around his body. However, you have infinite opportunities to attack him, but only one to escape) Bai thought (Anyway, Tao Yi seemed almost dead, there's the possibility that he dies from old age if we fight enough)

"Oh! One last thing! I won't recommend waiting for Tao Yi's death" The air trembled. Bai turned his head up, sensing something falling over "Bamm!" in front of Bai more than 100 skulls landed "It didn't work for them" laughs could be heard.

"How much time did you stayed here?" Bai asked a little afraid.

"I don't know. I stopped counting after 300 years"

(oh, Fuck!) Bai blamed.