
New path

I looked at the tree remains and at my swords at hand alternately. Seeing the difference between them.

(The cut of the spirit bone are cleaner) There wasn't almost none splinters in the cases of that cut, Paul both cuts were cleaner than mine, but the one with the Nine Treasure had residues.

[It seems that you finally realize]

I passed my index fingers along the edges of both swords (My Nine Treasure Sword is losing its edge)

Paul grinned extending both arms [Correct! You're following a pure defensive path, so it's normal for your spirit to follow along, becoming easier to use. The edge of a sword are concentrations of forces, becoming some weakness of the sword. Of course, if you want to cut with it, they're the most essential part of it. But, in your case, you that go for a full defensive path, they're only for ornament, it will be more practice if they were round. This is the cause, that you're losing the edge, rounding with time. If this continue, you will have a bat instead of a sword. Of course, it will be more resilient with a greater defense and the cost of it cutting power]

(I will lose most of my attack power if I continue like this)

[Yeah, this is the cause that when you clashed with Tang San, even if you won the clash, you could only push him away. Your sword it isn't made for cutting. You must change this, if not that spirit will be useless in the future for me]

I glanced Paul (Maybe it will be best to do so, it will make more difficult for you to control)

Paul shrugged his shoulders [You can, of course, but did you really aspire to that? Not having any attack power, always a support depending on other. For this destiny you worked to hard]

I looked at the ground, clenching my hand. Fuck. Paul was right, even if I wanted to protect my loved one, I didn't wanted to follow dad's path as a support. I was happy to break the clan customs, becoming a fighter, if I continue like this I will make a mere supporting shield, overshadowed by Mayi and even Chenxiang power.

I lifted my gaze to Paul (What can I do?)

Paul grinned [Now, are you asking for my advice?]

(This also affects you. And please and not stupid enough to give you control, even knowing that is will surely give edge if you take control)

[Taking the control it will be the easier and more effective method, there's no doubt. With my death intent, I would only need a year to return the sword at its original edge, even going further, much further away]

I glanced at him [Of course, I know that you won't accept it. As this also will affect my future, I will help you in this. The method it's simple, but being simple doesn't mean that it's easy. If your own path of protection, lacks attack power, change it. Develop another intent, a more offensive one]

(I can't access the other personalities and their intent until I arrive at spirit sage, at that time it will be too late)

[I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about another, completely different intent, develop another one]

(You're crazy!) I shouted (Start from zero, it will be like throwing away all my comprehension, all my hard work of this year)

[You already took advantage of my comprehension, I new development won't cost much time, it may help you in later time, creating a new path]

(Don't laugh at me! The Protection is the path that I follow and the one for me, the best one for me to follow and the easiest one. Starting to find another intent it will take time, and even with that it will be very hard to improve it)

[Sometimes you are not so idiot] Paul smiled causing me to glance him [But what will you think if there was a perfect place to develop a new intent. A place full of it, with only staying there your intent will grow, not only that, this intent is one of the most offensive one, the perfect one to contrast your own protection. And it doesn't mean that you should discard your Protection, you can follow both path, as in this world both path are perfectly compatible]

(How can be such a place? The best mimicry environment to develop an intent? What are you talking about?)

[Slaughter City]

(I never listened about it)

[In that case, we should find information about it. In that place you must kill to stay alive, killing is as normal as breathing, it will easy to obtain the Sword Killing Intent in there. If you go there, I'm sure than in less than a month you will have the intent. It won't take much to develop it to a domain]

(Do you think that I would kill innocents for my own gain, I'm not a monster!) I said indignantly.

[They're are all except innocent. Is place where the scum of the world reunite, where assassin, rapist... the worst class of people escape when they don't have any other way to go. Killing them is not wrong, you will greatly increase your power only killing rubbish]

I thought of it. I hadn't killed any human yet and I know that in the martial path it's impossible to continue without killing anyone. If Paul is right this place will be the best place to start without too much damage in my conscience.

[Ah, I forgot the most important part] I looked at him curiously. He grinned [In that place there's the key, the path to godhood]

I fully opened my eyes shocked. Godhood! The famous level 100, there's not any record of some arriving at it, only mere legends of some people ascending. I thought that it would only be rumors, it didn't matter how talented someone was, the limit will be extreme douluo, rank 99. And even them are very scarce, and are like god-beings.

(How can godhood be reached?)

[For one alone it is almost impossible, you will need to follow the path of a previous god. One that left his inheritance to find someone to take their god position. Slaughter City is that place, a god inheritance, if you can complete it, you will be have the possibility to obtain his inheritance and reach godhood. It's also the only way to quickly grow in strength and be possible to fight future risks. Without help of a god, you will require to create your own understanding and obtain faith to reach, something that it will require countless of years]

The temptation was very strong. Not only I could improve my strength, it may be the only path to reach god, arriving at the apex of the world and obtaining immortality. I decided, I will trust Paul in this, I don't think it would be a trap, as it would also be very helpful for him in the case he took control. Paul usually is very cold, but he prioritize our survival and strength.

I looked at Paul (Okay, I will follow you advice. I will go, obtain my new intent obtaining both the best defense and offense, even trying to follow the path to godhood)

[Good. Finally your sword will become useful]

(Where is it that city?)

[I don't really know the exact position. As an unlawful place, hided from the empires, it should be aside from them. I suppose that it would be in some place of Star Duo Forest. You should try find some information for your own]

I nodded [Keep in mind that every opportunity goes with an according danger. That place has the spirit skills sealed. But with your sword skills, you should be able to survive]

(To restange the use of spirit skills, there must be a very powerful domain. I'll need to improve)

[One last thing. You should go alone]


[I have my doubts of that place, but maybe it will force you to kill the people with you, so it's best to go alone. Anyway, this trip will be to you to improve, it would better to go alone and not depend on anyone]

(You're right. I will need to abandon everyone, at least for a time, but it will be necessary if I want to protect them at the future. I decided! I will go now! It's not like the tournament matters a lot now that was overshadowed by Tang Hao, and with my injuries dad will make some excuse for not being there. Anyone will expect me from leaving now, I will take advantage from the chaos and leave unnoticed. I will only leave some letters. Do you know how much time it will require?)

Paul shrugged his shoulders [No idea. At least a year, but I don't really know]

I nodded, having decided my future path I left the mind space leaving Paul there alone.

Paul stood there alone and started talking for himself [I can only pray that it would follow the novel and not the manga. I never understand the manga part, really too fast]. Paul then grinned, the biggest grin from date [If it goes all according the plan this will change all. HAHAHAHA] and started laughing like a madman.