
Hei Qi's revenge?

After some time, a black hole appeared. From it left uncle Bone and uncle Sword, Sword was holding mum in a princess carry.

I opened my eyes shocked, both uncles seemed fine, only uncle Bone has some burn mark on his robes. The worst condition was mum, she was unconscious, her soft armor was all ragged with cut everywhere, the worst part is a wound at the left side of her chest, only a few centimeters on the right and it would perforate her heart.

Looking at that, I knew how near death was mum. I couldn't stop my tears to fall.

Uncle Bone patted my shoulder "Don't worry, Xiangxie is fine. She is only sleeping, with a little of heal she will return to top condition". I sighed in relieve, but I was still worried.

"I have already warned the healer, they are coming" surprised me Maya who appeared at the corner of the room.

"Good work, Maya" said uncle Sword letting mum rest on the room's bed

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"I also want to know it" said uncle Sword.

Bone explained "After I put Bai and Mayi in a safe place". "Who is Mayi?" Interjected Sword.

Mayi at a side of the room lifted her hand "I am Tai Mayi, nice to meet you elder Sword".

"She is part of my team at the Heaven Dou Academy. Also, she is my girlfriend" I explained "Let's talk more about what happens this years later, uncle Sword. Please, continue, uncle Bone"

"Like I was telling. After I put Bai and Mayi in a safe place, I found Xiangxie fighting one of the kings of the forest, the Dragon Swordsman. They were fighting in close quarters and I couldn't find any opening to support her. When the Swordsman injured her" uncle Bone pointed mum's big wound "She was pushed away. I took advantage of the distance and attack him, the best that could do my attacks was slow a little his movement. Then Xiangxie used both of her 100.000 skills creating an opening for our escape"

"We teleported near you Sword. Because the energy around was too much, it would injure anyone under titled douluo, you were the only option" explained uncle Bone.

At that moment entered the clan healers, all 5 of them wearing white robes and started analyzing mum.

"Except for the left side wound, all the others are superficial. It seems that madam Ning evaded being damaged in any important part. After an hour she will be fine, I apologized for the speed, but with the difference in spirit power is the least that we will take. If you allow us, we will move madam Ning to the healing wing, where the risk of infection will be zero" said the healers' leader.

Hearing the professionals, great weights lifted from my shoulders.

Uncle Sword made a sign allowing it, they took mum away, bowing towards us before leaving the room.

"I am glad that all is fine" uncle Sword said.

"Bai, why was Xiangxie fighting one king?" asked me uncle Bone.

"Mayi, mum and I were walking in Heaven Dou Forest for searching for my 5th ring. It was all normal, we were leisurely without any beast approaching us until we arrived at the inner area. My external spirit bone became agitated" I explained

"At that moment, mum pushed us away from her, warning us to notify uncle Bone. Then I could sense mum fighting someone really strong" I finished.

"The Swordsman was the same as last time, as your external spirit bone came from a White Sword Dragon, the pre-evolved version of him, maybe he can detect you when you are near enough. It would be better if you don't go again to Heaven Dou Forest" said uncle Bone.

"So you were attacked both times by Hei Qi?" asked uncle Sword.

"Hei Qi?" I asked.

"It's the name of the king, the Dragon Swordsman. All who enter in his domain, never escape, unless he wants" This time, surprisingly, was Mayi who said.

"How you know Hei Qi?" asked uncle Sword.

Mayi answered "I lived most of my life in that forest. Everyone knows about him. His area is the death area"

"Yeah, we know that is one of the 5 death areas," uncle Sword said.

"You didn't understand it. That is truly a death area. There's no distinction, it doesn't matter who enters, human or beast, everyone that past the lone of his domain, die. There are other kings, some of them if you vow to work under its service they will let in their area. Or at least they will warn you before anything" Mayi explained.

"How can you know all of this?" asked uncle sword.

I facepalmed, forgetting to tell uncle Sword about Mayi's special condition "Uncle Sword, I forgot to tell you something very important, Mayi is a spirit beast who became human, before she was a Fifteen Ton Ant" I explained.

Uncle Sword made a shocked face, then he calmed "Everyone knew about it?"

"Yeah, every member of our family knew about it and it didn't matter for them, I expect that the same will be for you" I said.

"If all of you accept her, what other option I have" said uncle Sword scratching his head. He turned to Mayi "Can you continue your story about Hei Qi?"

Mayi nodded "Every beast hate him, he would be killed long ago by the other kings if not for the fact that he is the strongest one when in his domain. The steel domain is his stronghold, where he doesn't fear anyone. It's very strange for him to leave his area, so if he goes after Bai, it must be important" Mayi said.

"So, if the other beast detected Hei Qi outside his area, they will attack him?" asked curiously uncle Sword.

"It's not so easy, he is very strong, without a planned attack even the other kings will be injured, so if he didn't leave enough time for the others to group, they won't attack him" Mayi answered.

"It's very interesting, but now we were talking, why did he attack Bai?" said uncle Bone.

"The most plausible idea would be for revenge, for Bai killing his descendant" said uncle Sword.

"It's strange, there's more than one White Sword Dragon, and its not the first one to be killed. Even my brother and I killed one once, but Hei Qi never moved against us. Maybe its because you are a human" said Mayi.

"Bai, you said you obtained an external spirit bone, no?" Sword asked I nodded "Could you show me?"

I invoked my White Dragon Sword, holding in my left hand I approached it to Sword.

Sword looked attentively "It doesn't seem anything special, a very crude sword. It has some effect?"

"It improves the output of intent, 50% more or less" I answered.

"Strange, I didn't feel anything" said Sword. Sword then tried to take it. Just as he touches it with his right hand, he quickly retreats her hand. From his right finger, there was a small cut.

All of us opened our eyes shocked "How could it cut you? You didn't even touch the blade. Moreover, your a titled douluo for a weapon to damage you" I said shocked.

"It seems that this sword has more secrets than what we expect" said uncle Sword "I sense a powerful sword aura from it, even if it only was an instant" he turned to Bone "Try to touch it, Bone"

Bone approached and touch the white sword without anything happening. "Very strange, indeed. The most probable is that this blade is the cause of Hei Qi's attack. He tried to take it" Sword said.

"The best will be waiting for Xiangxie to wake up and ask her if she knows the details. For now, as a measure of prevention, you won't approach Heaven Dou Forest, Bai" Sword said "Now, there has been a lot of years without seeing any of you. Let's explain what happened these years" Sword said.

After that, the servant came to serve us tea and biscuits. I explained all that happened these years, the academy, Rongrong, my new spirits rings...

Sword explained that he was only a step aside rank 97, a little more and he will break through to it. Then he explained some adventures, slaying beast, saving people... He was waiting impatiently for our praise. I praised him about being stronger than Bone, of course, the usual happened. He started to brag to Bone and both started fighting.

After the day the fighting wasn't any serious, easily seen that in an actual fight Sword will be the winner, it was more than rock, paper, and scissors with some light hits from the winner. Light hits in the titled douluo perspective, if one of the hit me, the best that could happen will be half of my bones broken. So there was a little damage to the mansion.

"Ah!" I sighed "They're like children. We are lucky that Rongrong is not here, if not they will be even worst for her affection. They always had a more weak point towards her" I said to Mayi who was watching with me my uncles' spectacle eating popcorn.

Mayi nodded. "Where did you take the popcorn?" I asked.

"Maya" Mayi answered. (Fuck I never can detect her).

When night came Mayi and I went to our room leaving both uncles their space. Tomorrow they surely will have stopped, if not we should wait for mum to recuperate and stop their fight.