
Gains and explanations 2

I wake up feeling my neck sore and with a little headache (Waking up from unconsciousness, it has become a routine). I walk to the window seeing the sunrise (It must like 8 o'clock). I decide to go to the dining room and have breakfast.

When I enter, I can see my parents and only grandpa Bone (Strange. My sister surely is still sleeping but grandpa sword should be here).

"Where's grandpa Sword? And why he hit me yesterday?!" I say angrily.

"Xin is traveling outside for a special mission and won't return at least in a year" Papa explained "Don't blame Xin, if he didn't stop you would have a backslash of your abilities and the damage, it would have been a lot worse than a little headache. As with my spirit, you shouldn't try it over high rank people. It would casuse you a big backlash for supporting over rank, and this even if you're at perfect conditions, you can even have mental damage" Reprimand papa "You must never use something that you don't have any control" he thinks a little and continue "Maybe in extreme situations but that wasn't one".

"So how will I know it without trying it out?" I ask a little angry.

"You didn't read through all the spirit manual that we give you last year?" papa asks.

"Maybe I skip some of the most boring parts" I answer a little guilty.

My papa sighs and say in low voice very difficult to listen "Like mother like son" then return to normal volume "Once a ring is absorbed you must meditate, concentrating all your mental power at your spirit, especially at your new ring. After some time, you will gain insight of the ring, its properties and its effects on you. Similarly as when you know the name of your spirit when it's awakened. This case can be observed in your mother, she didn't use his new spirit skills but knew what are and how to use them".

"Soooo I meditate and I will know my skill?" I ask.

"Yep, simple, no?" says mother "But even when you learn about your skill, it will better not to use it. You're not totally recuperated so it will be better to wait 1 week to stabilize your spirit energy. Meditate and cultivate a little before trying anything".

I nod and take one apple of the table, quickly eating it. Then, I sit in a position lotus and start meditating. My papa sighs and saying "You can find a better place to meditate and I hope that your breakfast will be more completed".

I lost sense of my surroundings manifesting my sword and posing it over my two hands and legs, focusing only on it. The purple ring manifests shining brightly.

I open my eyes but I don't see the familiar dining room. I see a fiery scenery full of red flowers, I sense the fire energy of them and also something more abstract like power. There's also one silhouette of a person with a sword in the middle of the flowers difficult to recognize. I approach finally identifying him. It has a resemblance to me, but being red-headed and having a completely red sword red.

He looks at me. Suddenly, from the flowers, flames erupt with a power of at least a 1000 years old beast burning the red-me, or not. After some time the flames extinguish and red-me is there completely fine, only a little burned like being burned by a lighter.

He grins me and grabs the sword with both hands, pointing at the sky. Suddenly, I sense some energy leaving me, feeling weaker and that energy goes to red-me. Not only me, I can see that he is also absorbing from the flowers. After 0.5 seconds, he dashes forward, trying to slash me.

I rapidly invoke my sword and with a two-handed close guard, I try to block his attack. When both swords collide, I sense it. His strength is a lot stronger than me, me being pushed 5 meters behind. (It's like his actual power is higher than 50% of mine). Without losing focus, I recuperate my guard and wait for the next attack that didn't come. Red-me is grinning and dispersing in red light.

I slowly close my eyes to open again and see the familiar faces of my grandpa Bone, parents and sister.

"So? How is it? What skill do you acquire? Is super powerful?" My sister rapid-fire asked very excited.

I hug my sister, rubbing her cheek with mine "Yep, super cool! You're big brother is the best and will protect you" (Ah, I'm healed. To recover from all the serious talk and the fainting there's nothing better than little sister's energy.).

"Let me go! You meanie! I'm a big girl now, being 4 months from 5 years" Pouts my sister even when it's easy to see her smiling face.

"Yeah, yeah. Rongrong is the biggest and the cutest of all" I answer freeing her of my embrace.

I turn a little more serious and say "I gained a skill I think that a have an idea of what it does but to be sure, I will prove it the next week. Also, I gained resistance to fire, being necessary a fire of more powerful than a 1000 years ring to damage me"

"It's normal, having survived my fire. is to be expected to gain some resistance" Says mama proudly.

"We will wait one week while you're training and cultivating to your best condition and then we will prove your skill" says father. Then, he looks at my confused face and asks "It's everything okay?".

I answer "Yeah, but there's something that I still don't really understand. At the ring absorbing day, what was the light that showed my sword? I could see a white one that destroyed door and a black one that absorbed some fire but I don't know what they were or how to use them another time"

"AHH! Yeah I forgot to explain, my fault" my mama tehepero {I know it's japanese but I really like it} "The white light was your sword intent" She manifests her sword and without using any spirit energy a red aura surrounds it.

"See? It's a power created by your will. I think that in that extreme situation, you put all your will and accomplish the state of Sword Intent unconsciously. In my case, it's battle and growth to continue fighting strong opponents. Years ago, I was a famous battle junkie." She explains with a longing smile."

"For your case, the most probable is that the intent was protection, so it will be better that you remember that feeling so it will help to control your intent." Mama explained "Until you accomplish the conscious manifestation at will, you're not considered at this realm. But it's a big step, nevertheless the first step it's always the most difficult. In my case, I arrive at the realm of Sword Intent when I was 8 years and people called me a genius. I don't think that you will spend more than a year to arrive so if I'm a genius you're a monster" says my mama proudly of me while moving up and down her arm "For the black light, I don't have any idea".

My papa interrupts saying "I think that I know what that light was. If my calculations are correct, this was a forbidden technique of our clan named Glazed Light. It's a forbidden technique that overworks our pagoda turning it golden, permitting stack buffs to the same person. It would damage our spirit and shorten the user's life force. In your case, due to your mutation, your spirit main ability seems to be absorbing. So when using this absorption, grew permitting to absorb some of the fire energy."

(So I lost life force and damaged my spirit, Fuck!) my papa sees my contorted face and say with light voice "You don't have to worry about the life force or damage absorbing the fire as it seems like you recuperated the energy and improved your spirit. According to Maya's test, all seems good".

I sight in relief saying "Buff, great! I will go to the training room to cultivation and train" I say while running away "See you later".

Arriving at the training room, I start meditating and cultivating, stabilizing my spirit rank and deepening in my sword realm. After some time, I stand up and see that someone had prepared my lunch and left it on the ground. I eat it and start doing my foundation routine of sword-swinging, piercing and slashing. When I finish it's already night so I eat dinner and go to sleep. I repeat this routine during one week.

So another chapter another explanation. I usually write 1 chapter at a time but then a write this and was so long comparing to before that I decided to divide in 2 chapters I will post the other later

picacocreators' thoughts