
Dothraki Dragon

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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24 Chs

Chapter 8:navy

Time passed and Meereen received a lot of ultimatums, from Volantis, Elyria, Tolos, New Ghis, and Qarth. Meanwhile were making a lot of money from trade with Qarth. They seriously lacked something for his domination plan, the navy.

The navy ran away just as it happened during Daenerys original campaign, but in a different way when Rhaego burned Yunkai, the navy from there fled to Meereen, when he burned Meereen the navy of the city fled to Yunkai, the two navies end up meeting and fleeing together to Tolos.

Rhaego has been trying to look for an iron mine for a long time but failed. So trying to build concrete ships was a no-no, consider he was no engineer, he doubted he could come up with a proper design for them either.

Due to Rhaego's preventive strike, the trees surrounding Meereen were not burned. However, the amount of wood that they could extract was limited, because the wood serves as a natural barrier against the wind to protect the crops due to the long desertification process that the region had been suffering.

With the sea trade blocked, they could not import the wood that was a base material for traditional ships' ideas. Rhaego without any better alternative flew to the Isle of Cedars and started to tear trees with his mouth and transport them back to Meereen. He recommended that they started building ships with copper sheathing to protect their hulls from attack by shipworms, barnacles, and other marine growth. Considering how much-unused cooper lays in ghiscari hills it would not be much of a problem.

Groleo, the master of ships appointed by Daenerys, would finally have a fleet to command. Rhaego wanted to burn up their neighboring enemies, but his mother forbade him from going, which annoyed him to no end. He preferred to hear her opinion rather than taking the risk of being chained or something, even if he suspected he could only be chained by valyrian steel chains.

He also thought it was the perfect time to strike, as waiting more would only give them more time for preparation. His mother's indecision was really annoying him. Rhaego had been calling Daenerys empress mom for a long time every single day trying to sort of brainwash her, into accepting the inevitable.

Neither Qarth nor Volantis wanted to jump in the ship too quickly, seeing how fast three cities in the Slave Bay fell, so they were pushing the three closer cities to make the first move. In this way, the near city gave up counting on their support and formed a new alliance

With a lot of running, they could complete only a fleet of over twenty, counting the three ships that they already came up with to Slave Bay.

"Mom, I want to fight..."Rhaego said.

"No."Daenerys quickly denied it.

"Please..."Rhaego started pestering her until she completely lost her patience and gave up.

"Ok. Ok. You will go, but you will obey Grey Worm's every command, you will attack when he says to and retreat when he said to. You hear me."Daenerys said to him.

"Ok." Rhaego said.

With his presence, their battle planes have to completely be revised. Originally they only planned to defend the shore as long as they could and spell the enemy back to the sea, which in itself seems like an impossible task considering how few ships they had.

So the battle began Meereen twenty ships against the nine hundred, from New Ghis, Tolos, and Elyria alliance and escaped vessels from Yunkai, Meeren, and Astapor. Although Rhaego's dragon form, had increased once again being now the size of Tyraxes, he was sure that attacking their enemies whose vessels may be filled with scorpions would be a pain. Given this, Rhaego had a crazy idea. He took a lot of air into his lungs and jumped into the water.

"Your highness..."His guard shouted.

Rhaego turned into a dragon, had a hard time holding his breath, and felt very uncomfortable. He guessed that dragons and sea were not a good combination, but he held on. He used his wings as a fish would use its fin.

He reached the enemy before the army, and with his teeth, he started to break the enemy vessels from below, and retreat. This movement started to hurt his enemy's morale, as people began to fear the ships were being attacked by sea monsters. No one had ever suspected that a dragon would attack from underwater.

He gained a new title to join his previously earned ones, like the dreamer, which he gained with his prophecies, and the golden child, which he gained after his titles. The dreamer seems to make his stories more convincing and increase his chance of having a dragon dream, which he did not have yet. The golden child worked similarly to the golden ruler's 'ability' in fate.

His new title was Ship Eater Monster. It made it much more comfortable for him to swim in the sea in his dragon form and he could now eat ships, which he did not because the wood still tasted terrible. He make a routine of harassing the enemy fleet every day and night, he would return every day to his mother's navy. Drogon was with his mother, while Viserion and Rhaegal were with him. He had been taking care of feeding them well, so Viserion was already the size of Drogon and Rhaegal was already the size of Mhorgul. Rhego commanded the two dragons to accompany him, however, he promised that he would somehow get a nice beef for them. So from a sea monster, there were already three of them.

So instead of an organized fleet trying to fight the small Meereense one, the result was a completely unorganized fleet, which the well-organized Meeren navy could easily tear apart gradually taking their ship, which ended with the bizarre result of a much smaller navy with much fewer soldiers capturing a much bigger one.

Rhaego decided he would pay a visit to Elyria and Tolos, and so he did. To burn some manses at there, giving the losers no time to retreat. He would have visited New Ghis, but the city was too far away. Thankfully, Rhaego was not much berated because his decisions again led to a much easier victory. With some forces Meeren have been cultivating, like the Mother's Men, Free Brothers, and Stalwart Shields; they were able to occupy the new city, the problem was that the army there did not have much experience.

After Rhaego's advice, they distributed the merit and appointed a lord to rule over each of the alliance cities from their new forces, with half new forces and an unsullied captain company to 'protect' each of the new lords, similar to how things were done in Astapor.

Each unsullied division would answer directly to the crown, it was a crude centralization, but better than nothing. Rhaego did not want their Essos territory to turn up like Westeros, a land where the rule have little to no power in his own nation and needed the support from the main houses to rule the continent.