
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

Give Yourself a Treat,

* * *

Mo Laotian and Daniel stayed at the Mos ancestral private memorial park until three o'clock. They were supposed to stay at the place until 11:30 am and then Laotian was planning to bring Daniel to a lunch date with Luangmin but since Daniel insisted that they just order fast food, Laotian had no choice but to agree.

In the end, they stayed at the memorial park until three. If it wasn't because Daniel and Laotian had to prepare for the grand celebration later that night, Daniel would have wanted to spend his whole birthday with Laungmie since he had missed her so much.

"We can always visit anytime you want. For now, let's go back and prepare for your birthday celebration. Okay?" Laotian cheered as he drove away from the place. Daniel nodded, he understood that they could not stay there for too long.

Aside from they had an event coming, the place had become a little bit chilly in the afternoon and that might cause Laungmin to get sick. Daniel had to agree at last. Beside what Laotian had said was true. They could always visit again anytime they wanted.

The drive was only short and they quickly arrived at their next destination. Empire Hotel, one of the most prestigious 5-star hotels in the country. It was the very same hotel Daniel and Laotian spent a night on before they had gotten married. The hotel build by Mo Laotian when he was still 21 years old. It's the establishment that made his name known in the business industry.

Stopping at the front of the lobby, Laotian first got out of the car. He walks around to the passenger's side and opened the door for Daniel, and later to the back seat where Luangmin was. The event was going to be held at the Empire hotel because there will be many people attending and the Mo estate can't cater to many people, especially when the media is coming as well.

Since this was the very first grand event held as an introduction of Daniel Sullen as Mo Laotian's beloved wife. Everyone will be invited as long as they follow strict rules. People from the business industry, entertainment, politics, family and friends will all be becoming for the grand birthday celebration. There was no doubt no one will let this event pass without attending.

With Laotian handing his car keys to the valet, he and Daniel started trailing inside the hotel. David and his trusted team were already waiting for their arrival, they caught people's attention and so visitors who were at the lobby for later's event gathered to observe the couple walking.

They wanted to greet the couple but since Mo Laotian was not someone they could just approach without a connection, they just silently watched the family of three in admiration as they marched towards the elevator with five other men who came to fetch them.

Men and women aiming for one of the Mo brothers felt insecure but they could not do anything but look and dream it was them who married Mo Laotian. They felt it was so unfair that Daniel Sullen already had an upper hand since the Mos and Sullens family are long time friends. Daniel Sullen had many chances to see the Alpha compare to them.

Still glancing at the lovely couple with envy, Laotian and Daniel finally disappeared to the elevator.

"That Daniel Sullen is so lucky. Even as a submissive Omega, he managed to make Mr. Mo fall for him." One of the female Omega sighs to her friend. Her father and Mo Laotian once became business partners but she had not once met the Alpha face to face.

Because she was Omega, even though her father wanted to take a chance and introduce her. The Alpha was never interested and avoids crowds. Mo Hanlu, on the other hand, was nice to her but she could feel something was not right. It's as if behind his smiles and warm approach was a man far beyond his older brother.

His smiles showed no emotions, if that made sense.

"They are waiting at Second Young Master's room." David informed pressing the number of their floor. The event was to start at 7 pm but Laura Mo insisted that there will be so much more to prepare especially preparing Daniel for his appearance later.

"Mommy and Daddy there as well?" Daniel asked cradling the dozing Luangmin on his arms. His soft and chubby cheeks rested on his chest. He must have felt tired after their picnic earlier plus the ride.

"Yes, Master Daniel. They're all waiting for you." David replied. Daniel nodded cheerfully feeling excited and on cue, the elevator stopped with a 'ding'. They all walk out and soon trailed the way to Hanlu's room.

The second they went inside, Daniel was beyond amazed seeing the french renaissance interior. There was so much gold in the room that Daniel questioned if he was still at the hotel. Mo Hanlu's room was completely different from Laotian's who only had the most necessary things. It was so modern and dull compared to Hanlu's white and gold french renaissance theme interior.

"T-This..." Daniel started but didn't finish looking for the right words to say.

"Oh My God! Thank goodness you're finally here. I was starting to worry whether we could still get that spa or not." Laura Mo exclaimed seeing the couple finally arrived. She immediately puts down her tea and stood along with Diane. She then walked to Daniel and Luangmin for a hug and kiss.

"S-Sorry. We had so much with our picnic." Daniel tried to explain as he neared the two woman.

"I know dear. But we need to leave now okay? Let Xiao Lao handle Minmin for now." Laura suggested. Laotian didn't complain and just carefully picked Luangmin from Daniel without waking him up. Everything moved quickly that he just found himself being dragged away by his two mothers.

Seeing his wife leaving with his mother and mother-in-law, Laotian finds himself a seat joining in the group of men who were previously talking about business.

"I told mom I wanted to come but you two left me." Hanlu pouted, upset that he couldn't come again. He just left to talk to his father for a minute when he came back Daniel and Laotian were gone.

"I didn't want you to come." Laotian simply replied. One of his palms at the back of his sleeping son. Hanlu pouted again at his older brother's reply.

"That's so mean!!!"

"You two had a lot of fun." Mo Chendong commented listening to his two sons talking. Earlier this morning he was asked by his wife to distract Hanlu so Laotian and Daniel could leave without someone following them.


"Then it's our turn to visit." Mo Chendong replied with a faint smile after sipping on his tea. He knew from the very start where Laotian was going to bring his wife since it was his ancestral's memorial park. He will know if someone was to visit the place because all the employees there work for him.

He would be notified if there are any changes in the cycle even if it was Mo Laotian. He also knew from the very start that his granddaughter's ashes were to transfer at their ancestral land. The only reason he didn't visit despite knowing all this time is that he didn't want to spoil his son's surprise for his wife.

"Hmmm," Laotian replied with hum again after a couple of seconds. This time he closed his eyes as well not wanting to talk now that Daniel is gone with his mother and mother-in-law. He also doesn't have the mood to talk about business. If it was before he would have been enthusiastic about it but now, he just wants to focus his mind on Daniel.

On his beloved wife's birthday.

Seeing that Laotian had no plan of engaging in a conversation now that his wife left, Mo Chendong didn't try to talk to him and just focus on his newfound friend Armand Lopez. They were currently talking about furniture and the specifics of the design he wanted for his ranch.

Mo Chendong had already seen the design the man proposed for the new building the Mo Empire was constructing and he could not deny he like it. It's different from other furniture companies and so he's currently negotiating.

"Where? Visit where? This is so unfair, why don't I know anything?!" Hanlu questioned curiously feeling left out.

"You'll find out tomorrow." Mo Chendong said monotonously making Hanlu pout again. He instantly stood from his chair like a little kid on a tantrum before he walks away somewhere mumbling something they didn't hear.

After Hanlu left, Armand shifted his sight to Mo Chendong and smiled awkwardly. "It's still very difficult for me to believe the president of Mo Empire acts... juvenile?!" He commented which made Mo Chendong sigh in defeat.

"Sometimes it's difficult for us to accept he had this personality as well." Mo Chendong agreed. Armand also sighs in defeat as he drunk his tea. The room falls into silence, both men are silent types so after their short exchange of words both of them chose to enjoy the view of the faraway city.

Hanlu didn't come back and so when it was Luangmin's time to wake up from his short nap, the two grandfathers busied themselves playing with their grandson. It's not always that they get the chance to play with him after all with their wives and Hanlu on the way.

Daniel, on the other hand, was dragged to a place. Currently, he was forced to undergo a body spa along with the two woman. They just finished with the relaxing massage and now they're having a facial treatment, later the two woman was planning to have mani-pedi before really preparing for the event later.

"Mother, do I really need to do this?" Daniel asked, even though it's quite relaxing, he doubted he needed to have this amount of preparation just for a birthday party.

"Of course darling, we need to do at least this. I know you're already gorgeous but it's not bad to put extra effort to look even more dazzling. It's your birthday so give yourself a treat." Laura Mo insisted that Diana Lopez agreed. Daniel thought for a moment and nodded smiling. They're right, he should treat himself sometimes.

With all that's happened to him for the past years, this is the first time that he considered relaxing. It's his birthday. He deserves it at least today. Additionally, his life with Mo Laotian and Luangmin will nothing but happy from now on with Daniella being captured. He should enjoy this moment as treat to himself.

The beginning of his peaceful and happy married life with his little family is finally happening after tonight.


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