
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

Eerie Smile,

* * *

With the most sought after classical musician playing, soft music emanated across the massive ballroom where more than a hundred people in a black-tie dress crowded. They formed small groups as they socialize with each other while waiting for the event to officially start. Everyone looked dazzling and elegant on their own suits and dresses but at this moment, none was actually paying attention to the dress.

This is a once in a lifetime event where all members of the Mo family gathered in one room. Even though people were all socializing, their eyes were vigilant for the right moment to be able to talk to one of the Mos. As expected it was not that easy because they were too many eyeing for the opportunity.

The music continued to play, food and drinks were served none stop. There are others who completely gave up trying for the Mos and instead aimed for the other big CEO's, building as much connection as possible. This was just a normal norm in the business and political industry.

When the clock finally turned to 7 pm, Mo Chendong excused himself from his friends after the organizer came to remind him of the time. Since he was the previous Chairman of the Mo Empire and head of the Mo Household, it was only right for him to start the event since Mo Laotian was going to appear later with his wife, Daniel Sullen Mo.

Walking towards the front, the music stopped and people automatically shut their mouths and followed his figure. The MC briefly introduced Mo Chendong and receiving claps from the guests, Mo Chendong received the mic. He momentarily looked at the audience with a smile.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen," Mo Chendong started, people nodded in acknowledgment.

People from the media who are also wearing the proper attire had their audio recording quickly turned On while taking as many pictures they needed for their report in their mini cameras. Since this was a formal event, a video recording or camera device that was bigger than a small purse was not allowed inside the venue.

Media reporters, journalists, anyone related were also limited to one from each agency. Although everyone known was most probably invited, the event was still exclusive because of the strict rules. A week before the event, Laura Mo made it so that those who were to attend would undergo a basic background check and needed to be put on the list after before they could take part in the celebration.

Laura Mo made sure that everything will be safe especially for Daniel who had suffered enough after knowing that Daniel nearly died in Hawaii, plus discovering that they already lost a grandchild. Laura wanted to make sure that everyone who was attending was on the list and already gone through a background check.

"Thank you so much for joining us tonight, for this wonderful celebration. You must all know already that my eldest son is now a married man and with a child with his wife, our tonight's birthday celebrant, Daniel Sullen Mo." Mo Chendong added and people briefly clapped their hands at the mention of Daniel's name.

"But before we go into that. I would like to say my piece into how this suddenly happened and clarify the case regarding our family's recent scandal even though this night was clearly about enjoying. However, everything has not been fully explained from our side and many had become confused and doubtful,"

"Truthfully even us, we members of both families were surprised to discover that Laotian and Daniel had married and weeks later suddenly already expecting a baby. My wife and I are always very insistent into having both Laotian and Hanlu getting married but gentlemen and ladies out there all know both had been stubborn." Mo Chendong joked and viewed those men and woman who had been once asked to blind date either Hanlu and Laotian in the past.

Those people who knew, especially both Mo Chendong and Laura Mo's friends laughed at the remark when it was their own sons and daughters who once had dinner dates with one of the two. If it was that easy to push both Alphas into a contractual marriage, it would have happened years ago. Seeing that Laotian and Hanlu stayed single at 30's showed that it wasn't.

"So when my old-time friend Gabriel suggested introducing his grandchildren. My wife and I were ecstatic, we were not planning to force a marriage between our families. But we didn't expect Young Daniel and Laotian would fall in love so quickly and married without us knowing."

"For our stubborn eldest son to suddenly fall in love and getting married on his own, my wife and I almost could not believe it. But they did and now we are very blessed to have such kind and loving son-in-law." Mo Chendong smiled. He was truly happy his son had a good taste.

"But frankly, we're still upset about the sudden marriage. Our eldest son had gotten married and we weren't even invited?!" Mo Chendong frowned this time but it soon disappeared.

"We still haven't forgotten that so we're forcing the two to marry once again with all of us attending this time. Surely, like tonight everyone will be invited." Mo Chendong declared proudly and the crowd once again clapped their hands along with their cheers. Surely such a wedding would be compared to a royal wedding. The country's very own.

"Now about the Young Miss. Sincerely, we all feel bad about it. She was like a family. But her attraction towards our son was unpure and so all that had to happened had cost her so much. What she did was relentless. Everyone must already know what had happened between her and our family but all of that had already been dealt with yesterday. And at last now, we're choosing to put it all in the past."

"Our spite towards the young miss will not reflect our relationship to the Sullens. The Sullens and the Mos are friends, nothing will change that." Mo Chendong assured. Even though they were upset that the whole Sullen Family treated Daniel like an outcast, but as respect and request from his old friend, Gabriel Sullen. There was no need for people to mistreat the other member of the family.

Even though Gabriel, decided to remove himself from the Sullen household. It doesn't mean he wanted his only family to suffer. Gared and George are still his sons with his beloved Mia. He will not forgive himself if he could not at least protect them in the dark.

"And the proof of that friendship is the union of my eldest son, Mo Laotian and the heir to the Sullen Corporation, Daniel Sullen Mo. Please, let us welcome our tonight's birthday celebrant." Mo Chendong finished and on cue, Laotian and Daniel on both their suits walked down from the stairs from the other entrance of the room.

People from the crowd watch the mesmerizing couple and clapped their hands as they suddenly felt happy seeing the Alpha and Omega together. Laotian and Daniel looked so good together. Those who still doubted that their marriage was contractual, suddenly thought otherwise seeing how the formidable current chairman of Mo Empire, showing a very soft and loving gaze towards his wife.

Just by that look, it was confirmed that the two were truly in love with each other. Just by how he held Daniel, showed everyone that he truly cared for his wife. That he would do anything for him no matter what it was.

"Please enjoy your evening." Just as they were at the end of the stairs, Laotian took the mic from his father and said briefly before giving the mic back. He completely ignored the crowd and focus his attention on the seemingly glowing Daniel.

His desire to suddenly monopolize Daniel evaded his mind, he wanted to touch him, kiss him and make love with him again and again. He wondered how such one small human being become so pure and beautiful inside out? If one day Daniel says he's actually an angel, Laotian would never doubt it.

"I'm so lucky." Laotian leaned forward to Daniel's ear and whispered softly. Daniel looked at his husband, confused, but then quickly blushed seeing how the Alpha was looking at him. He was like a proud husband with his chest puffed out in pride as if Daniel was someone to be really proud of.

Chewing on his lips, Daniel slightly bumps his side to Laotian making the Alpha smile shocking everyone who had witnessed it. It was the first time they've seen the Alpha smiled. It made the Alpha looked even more attractive. Even though Laotian was now a married man and have a child, men and women still couldn't help but fall.

The soft music once again resumed, Laotian leads Daniel towards the middle making Daniel panic. What was Laotian thinking? Are they going to dance? He didn't know how to dance.

"Just follow my lead. After this, I'm taking you away." Laotian whispered making Daniel blush again. After he was dragged away by both his mothers, Laotian and Daniel only met just now when they were called to finally appear. They were asked to dance briefly in the middle before the show will start to entertain the crowd.

"W-what are you talking about?!" Daniel frowns but still blushing. It was his birthday. He can't just leave the room with the Alpha, people will definitely notice it.

Following Laotian's movements, they swayed their bodies along with the music. It looked so magical, everything seemed slowing down except the both of them. Yet unknowingly to them, one pair of eyes glared to their swaying figures from the crowd. He easily blended into the crowd along with the woman in red champagne dress beside him.

He motioned his glass of wine in circular before his lips slowly curved into an eerie smile. He didn't say anything, he just observed the happy dancing couple intently like he would burn holes on their bodies. However, the dance didn't last long.

The earlier dancing couple received claps from the crowd before their attention was diverted to the next performer, the country's most popular singer.

The guests quickly removed their eyes from the couple but the man didn't, he watched how the two easily sneaked out across the room without anyone except him noticing. He only removed his eyes from them when they've finally disappeared.

"Let's go." He briefly said in a deep and dangerous tune. The woman beside him nodded and turned to walk away but just before he starting walking, he looked towards one man among the Mos. His eyes slightly flickered with strong emotion but it soon disappeared as he removed his eyes from the sight.

"I'll come back soon," he whispered to himself leaving his glass of wine on one of the tables before he fully walked away and out of the massive room.

"Boss, where should we headed?" his driver asked after he finally entered his car.

"Home." He simply said before the engine started and soon trailed the way to the airport where his private jet was parked ready to cater to him anytime he wanted.

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