
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 35 - Rules

"From now on, you are already our tribe. Food will also be distributed according to the most equitable principle. Therefore, you don't have to worry about starvation. It's not that we won't feed you, but that your current physical condition does not allow it. You should eat more. I know you have been hungry for several days and your need for food is far greater than usual. But no matter what, eating too much at one time will only bring a greater burden to the body. Think about it. Look, what does a carnivorous insect look like after it has just swallowed more than half of its own food?"

Both men and women became happy. Tianxiang's words made them want to laugh. At this time, the effect of using a set of profound principles to preach is not even as good as directly giving a simple and common example. After all, not everyone understands the knowledge of the ancients. Not everyone can understand the profound meaning contained in it. The only effective way is to use the simplest and most obvious phenomena to tell them the disadvantages.

One set of insect felt bedding for each person has been distributed. This gift, which was taken for granted by the male clan members but extremely precious and somewhat unexpected in the eyes of the new members, immediately aroused bursts of joy among the women. Many of them immediately spread the thick soft felt on the ground without even thinking about it, preparing to sleep next to the warm fire.

They are too tired. The few days of hunger and cold had caused them to lose almost all their energy. The long journey just completed also exhausted the last bit of physical strength. After eating properly, there is nothing more tempting than a warm and sweet sleep.

"Don't sleep yet!" Tianxiang's voice sounded again. Under his command, the new people walked to an area separated by an iron bed frame.

"This is the rest area, each person has a bed. Remember where you are. This will be the bed you will rest on in the future. Don't get confused. It must be tidied and cleaned on time every day. This is our home, not random trash. Field. Moreover, it is warmer here than other places."

Tianxiang's words caused a murmur among the women. It can be seen that they are really not used to this kind of order. But the desire for sleep clearly outweighed the dissatisfaction with order. Soon, under the arrangements of Zhan Feng and Tian Xiang, all the women lay on the bed safely and fell into sweet dreams.

The "scrounged" clothes and shoes were returned to their original owners, and new clothes were being sewn nervously. Taking advantage of this moment, Tianxiang summoned all the original clan members together.

"Our tribe has just joined a group of new people, a group of women. As for the status of a woman, I think any of you are much clearer than me. Maybe in your opinion, women are a kind of person without any Things that are useful. We can humiliate them at will, act as flesh men, do whatever we want, and let them meet any of our requirements. This should be the meaning of women's existence. I say this, do you agree? "

Tianxiang's words caused a burst of laughter in the crowd. Of course, there is also some eager anticipation. It is a kind of man who can't help but want to rush forward after seeing a woman and satisfy her expectations.

"Such an idea is extremely normal for every hunter. Isn't it? We provide food for women, provide women with a place to live, give them warmth, and protect them from harm... everything. Men pay and women enjoy. What reason do we have to refuse the services that women should provide and the rights that we should receive?"

This passage is really sensational. There were several strong guys who were already casting lustful glances at the bed where the women were sleeping.

"What I want to say about this is: No matter how many reasons you have, no matter what the rules are among hunters. As long as a woman joins the tribe and respects me as the leader of the tribe, she can get my protection. In other words, any woman who joins the group has the same rights as you. They are individuals enjoying freedom, rather than being dependent on a certain person for their existence. As for the current batch of women who have just joined, they are They all fall into this category. I don't want to see or hear anything about these women being harmed, and I will never allow any discrimination against them. Remember! These are the rules I have set."

Tianxiang's words were undoubtedly a basin of newly melted ice water poured over the heads of a group of tribesmen who harbored evil thoughts. It cut off all their thoughts and extinguished the fire of desire burning in their hearts. After witnessing Tianxiang's cold-blooded killing and ruthlessness, the rosy fantasies that existed just a few seconds ago were shattered into gray fragments.

"Dear patriarch, I have a question." A tall, thin young man raised his hand from the crowd.

"Say!" Tianxiang's answer was extremely straightforward.

"As a member of your tribe, I will obey any decision you make. However, there is one thing I want to understand: if a woman is willing to accept my request. I mean, if they agree to have some kind of intimacy with me relationship... So... Then, will such a situation be regarded as violating your rules?" The young man asked cautiously, but with obvious reluctance.

"You mean, genital communication? In other words, you want to have sex with them? Haha!" Tianxiang smiled, looked at him meaningfully, and expressed the hidden thoughts in the young man's heart with extremely clear words. idea. Suddenly, there was a burst of good-natured laughter in the crowd.

The young man's face turned red. It can be seen that he is somewhat unaccustomed to such a straightforward way of expression. Especially when it was said by a person of similar age to myself. Although, he is the patriarch.

Despite this, he still asked urgently with a somewhat hopeful tone: "...is this...ok?"

"Of course! Why not?" Tianxiang put away his smile and said seriously: "As long as it is in line with the cleanup and is accepted by the other party, I will allow it. Of course, as long as any of the parties raises objections to this, they will It will be regarded as violating the rules I have set and will be rejected. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! No, it should be very clear!" There was obvious joy in the young man's voice.

"Just understand!" Tianxiang glanced at everyone and said meaningfully: "As long as anyone wants to join us, I will agree to his request. We have enough food and strong power. We will be the world The best ethnic group in the world. It is also the envy of everyone. I will not abandon anyone, and I will never allow anyone to violate my decision. As a leader, I will lead everyone to live a difficult but happy life. .In my tribe, any discrimination or situations that endanger others are absolutely not allowed to occur. I hope that all people in the tribe can maintain such a kind of friendship and mutual care. After all, we are a whole, an indispensable overall."

The snow was still falling, and the severe cold that was raging across the earth was unable to reach this small underground gathering place. Everyone felt an inexplicable warmth in their hearts. Although Tianxiang's voice was not very loud, it was enough for everyone to hear clearly. More importantly, they understand that their leader is definitely not the kind of person who would abandon them in an emergency. And what he mentioned in the last part of his speech made people feel a desire and confidence.

More than ten hours later, the sleeping women also woke up one after another. With the assurance of warmth and tranquility, this sleep was obviously much sweeter than before. More importantly, they no longer have to worry about the danger that they may be eaten as food by others at any time.

The broth boiling in the iron pot is still boiling, and the rich aroma floating in the air is equally tantalizing. Those well-meaning hosts were, no, I should say, their own tribe. The kindness and friendliness in their eyes made these poor women feel like crying. This is a happiness they have never experienced before in their hunting life full of bumps and fears!

At this moment, women feel that they are truly living as one person. A person who is taken seriously and respected by others. He is no longer the kind of "meat man" who is shrouded in disappointment and helplessness all day long.

Bowls of scalding broth were handed to their hands again. The delicious and warm taste gradually spread from the mouth to the whole body. Moreover, along with it, there is a subtle feeling of being cared for and loved by a man.

A man was holding the broth, carefully blowing away the hot air that was scalding his mouth, and gently handing it to his hand. With eyes full of tenderness and expectation, he watched himself slowly drink up the soup. That feeling of happiness is simply another supreme enjoyment that goes far beyond the satisfaction that broth brings to the body.

I don't know who started it first, but in short, the men in the group seemed to be possessed, and used their own unique methods to show different care and concern for the thirty-six new women. . Even the oldest female leader among them is not immune. Tianxiang saw with some amusement: a sturdy man of similar age, with a care that did not suit his age, gently took out a piece of meat buried under the ashes of the fire and cooked it with the remaining heat. With an extremely pious expression, he handed it to the helpless female leader.

"With the addition of these women, they should be able to play a very good role in the stability and development of the ethnic group! Look at these guys, they are all like docile aphids. Haha! I know exactly what they are thinking. . Isn't it just that they hope women will accept the request and agree to have sex with them." Zhan Feng curled his lips and said with a slightly mocking tone.

Tianxiang didn't say anything, just smiled and handed a piece of crispy grilled insect meat to Tianrou. He knew very well that Zhan Feng was right. In fact, the most fundamental relationship between men and women is only maintained in physical communication. As for the kind of "love" mentioned in ancient books, it is something that is said to be far more important than life, causing men and women to fight to the death in many books. At least until now, I haven't found it on any hunter.

Love, what exactly is it? Is it more important than a piece of dried worm meat when you're hungry?

Thinking of this, Tianxiang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Dear patriarch, please allow me to express my utmost gratitude to you in this way. I declare that from now on, all Liuyun tribe members swear to be loyal to you forever. I, Huang Manyun, will no longer be the Liuyun tribe leader. .You will be our new clan leader and new leader." While Tianxiang was in a daze, a group of women, led by their original clan leader, knelt down in front of Tianxiang, once again expressing their recognition of the new clan leader.

"Your name is Huang Manyun?" After calmly accepting the respect of the women, Tianxiang waved and called the leading matriarch.

"Yes." Compared with when they first met, the hostility in this woman's eyes was no longer there. Instead, there was respect and gratitude.

"Haha! The Liuyun Clan is a very good name." Tianxiang smiled, and Xuanji said casually in a nonchalant tone: "There should be more than just these people in your tribe, right? Where are the others? Where are they?"

"You...how did you know?" Hearing this, Huang Manyun's expression suddenly became quite surprised: "How did you know that my tribe is more than just this group of people? Who told you?"

"It's very simple!" Tianxiang randomly grabbed a piece of firewood and threw it into the fire, and said calmly: "In the ruins where you were found, except for necessary weapons, I didn't see anything else. If that was you There should be something else in the camp. This situation can only mean one thing: your camp is not there, and you people should be just part of the entire group. Am I right?"

"This... this is really amazing..." Although the reason from Tianxiang's mouth couldn't be simpler, it still seemed to the listener to be an extremely smart performance. After all, this kind of thing may not be worth mentioning if you talk about it. But it is not easy to discover the hidden meaning.

"Are you out hunting? In this weather, there shouldn't be any prey." Tianxiang continued to ask without paying attention to the matriarch's expression. However, what surprised him was that after hearing his question, the expression on Huang Manyun's face began to become serious and melancholy.

"...If it weren't for the fact that we couldn't find food, we would never go out hunting in this weather." The matriarch sighed and said helplessly: "To tell you the truth, there are more than a hundred people in my tribe. People. Only one-third of them were brought out. The rest are still in a camp far away from here. We have been out for two solar days, and according to the original plan, we should have gone back long ago. But As you can see, there is no food, no fuel, and no enough clothes to keep out the cold. If it hadn't been for your appearance, I'm afraid we would have died of cold and starvation by now."

Tianxiang gasped. Hunting so far away from the camp where the group is located is simply unimaginable. And it doesn't make sense. These women actually dare to do this in winter. I'm afraid there is another reason?

"You're right! We came out this time not just for food. More importantly, it was for fuel, enough fuel to support us through the winter smoothly." Under Tianxiang's inquiry, Huang Manyun finally said Hidden story.

"Fuel? Why did you come so far away to find fuel?" Tianxiang found the matriarch's words really difficult to understand, even a little unbelievable. Of course, fuel for the winter must be collected, but it is really unacceptable that these women would brave the heavy snow and run so far away from the camp. You know, once they lose their way in the snow and wind, the only result waiting for them is to freeze to death miserably.

"We don't have much left to burn." Huang Manyun sighed: "Before we came out, the entire group only had enough fuel to last for less than one solar day. If it weren't for a chance, we got a strange piece of paper. I'm afraid we won't get here at all. Because, that piece of paper tells us that there is enough fuel nearby. Enough to last us a long time."

"A weird piece of paper?" Tianxiang asked curiously: "Take it out quickly and show it to me!"

"What kind of weird piece of paper is this! It's clearly a finely crafted map." Tianxiang thought quietly as he looked at the slightly wet map Huang Manyun took out from the secret place on his waist.

Obviously, this is an engineering drawing. Judging from the precise contours and proportions on it, it should be an ancient human product used for field work. Tianxiang has seen this kind of thing in many books he has read. However, they are not as accurate as the one in my hand.