
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Chapter 34 - Enwei

No one can resist their temptation. No matter who you are, you can only give everything you have to make an exchange that is fundamentally unequal, but must be accepted.

"Zhan Feng, you and Xia Dong go back immediately. Call a few people and bring enough clothes and shoes. You can't stay here for a long time, and you have to get them to the camp as soon as possible. If there are not enough shoes, distribute them first. The locust leather shoes are temporarily borrowed. They have been frostbitten. Without these things, they would not be able to walk a long way. Go quickly, Jianming and I are waiting here. Remember, bring more clothes. "

Tianxiang was hurriedly arranging the movements of his men in a low voice, and with an expression of arrogance and indifference, he strode up to the group of women whose bodies were completely exposed and shivering in the cold wind. Looking at them critically, it was like looking at a group of slaves that already belonged to him. This is a necessary step for hunters to exchange with each other, and it is also a manifestation of rights shown by the giver to the recipient.

Frankly speaking, Tianxiang does not agree with this approach at all. But now, he had to do this. Although, I have accepted all the knowledge of the ancients and am accustomed to some of their basic etiquette. But no matter what, it is my own idea after all. It takes time to get the approval of most people.

Therefore, he does not want to break the rules of the dark world. Moreover, these rules apparently maintain their authority. You must know that he is not completely sure of controlling the women who have to seek refuge with him because of hunger. You know, this is a group of women, women who have huge rifts and hatred with men.

He acknowledges his status as a man in person, and after accepting food and necessity in exchange, he then cuts off your head with a knife while you are sleeping, and uses your body as food. This kind of thing is not an anecdote among hunters. But it's an ordinary thing that happens from time to time.

Men can eat women. In the same way, women can naturally eat men. This is the same reason as a wolf eating a sheep.

If you want to blame, I can only blame you for not being strong enough or smart enough. To be fooled by such a trivial trick, so foolishly.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being greedy, thinking that you can exchange a small piece of insect meat for a woman who is willing to be with you for the rest of her life. Moreover, this woman happened to be hungry.

The docile ram and the hungry she-wolf. What can happen when these two creatures are combined is not difficult for even a fool to guess.

Therefore, Tianxiang felt that he needed to establish his authority among these women and completely eliminate their rebellious intentions. He didn't want his head to inexplicably become a bone rice bowl in the hands of a woman one day.

"My tribe is not far from here. Wait a moment, and they will send you the necessary clothes soon. Put on your clothes and move around first."

This is not unreasonable. Being cold and shivering for a long time can easily lead to laziness and laziness. The act of huddling together and relying on their bodies to keep each other warm puts the human body in a completely still state. At this time, the blood circulation and flow speed in the body will naturally slow down to a minimum. Such a situation has a certain paralyzing effect on human body functions. Even under warm room temperature, people who have been sitting for a long time will feel an inexplicable soreness and numbness in their bodies when they stand up. Judging from the footprints left by these women on and around the fire, they must have remained motionless for a long time.

"Stand up! You can't sit down!" With a stern scolding, Tianxiang suddenly picked up a woman from in front of the fire who disobeyed orders and sat down to keep warm.

This is a young woman. No, it should be said that she is still just a girl. A girl who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. She was petite and only wore a thin sleeveless shirt. The shirt is very old, and there are signs of deterioration in many places on the originally smooth surface. The strands of hollowed out yarn are also supported as much as possible so that the whole dress can still remain intact. However, even people with poor eyesight can see that these clothes are so old that they can be torn into a pile of useless rags with just a slight tug.

Of course, such clothes cannot keep you warm. Its function is just to cover the girl's shameful parts. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand her behavior of sitting down to warm herself without permission.

Despite this, Tianxiang still slapped the girl hard. The huge force suddenly caused a dark red and slightly black palm print to appear on the girl's face, which was already blue from the cold.

"Don't sit down. Stand up for me and move your hands and feet. If you want to die, then you can warm yourself by the fire. If you sit down like this again, your feet will be useless." As he said this, Tianxiang took out a piece of cake from his pocket. Roasted insect meat. He tore off a piece and handed it to her.

"Eat something casually first to replenish your strength. Move around in place, which is much better than just warming yourself up by the fire."

The combination of kindness and power is an absolutely effective way to control your subordinates. This is done, on the one hand, because of mentions in ancient knowledge. On the other hand, it is also a necessary means. These women looked like they had not eaten for a long time. If they don't provide them with some food, I'm afraid they won't be able to support the long and difficult journey back to the base.

A few small pieces of roast meat were distributed in order, which caused a burst of joy among the hungry crowd. Every woman who got the meat was eager to bite into it. The insect meat in his mouth could not be chewed completely, so he had already swallowed it in a hurry. Many people choked and rolled their eyes.

"Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." Tianxiang shook his head helplessly, walked quickly to the female leader, and slapped her hard on the back. This poor woman had just swallowed a piece of insect meat that was half the size of a palm. She lacked the saliva to lubricate her throat and obviously could not allow such a huge piece of food to pass through. The piece of meat stuck in the air made her go crazy, and she strangled her neck with both hands and pinched her. Hopefully this will help encourage food to be swallowed. But it was in vain. Apart from the rumination-like hiccups and the suffocation caused by the lack of air retention, there was no use at all. If Tianxiang hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid she would have continued to suffer like this for a while.

"Eat slowly. If anyone is in such a hurry again, I will no longer distribute the remaining food to her." Looking at the women around him who were choked and unable to speak, Tianxiang could not help but feel angry. He didn't want these women to choke to death. This is a fortune, a huge fortune. If any of them died inexplicably due to such reasons, it would be extremely costly.

It should be admitted that such a threat is more effective than any roar. After hearing the words of the new leader, the women involuntarily slowed down their swallowing. After all, the piece of barbecue in my hand is not enough to satisfy my hunger. If you want to be full, you must not offend the young man in front of you.

The effects of food are really amazing. An inconspicuous piece of insect meat actually brought a limited amount of energy to this group of seemingly lifeless women, and also brought infinite hope to their almost desperate hearts. And the curses coming from Tianxiang's mouth gradually became no longer disgusting. Because, they discovered that the young patriarch's words were not wrong. Simply jumping and moving in place does produce an inexplicable heat energy in the body. This kind of warmth that comes entirely from physical energy is far beyond the comparison of that weak flame. Although the coldness of his hands and feet did not ease because of this, his already slightly stiff body showed obvious signs of softening. The vitality of life that was imprisoned by the cold returned to his body bit by bit.

Zhan Feng and Xia Dong are back. Along with them, there were about twenty other strong tribesmen. They brought what women needed most urgently - clothes and shoes.

Clothes made from insect felt are warm and strong. Obviously, Ye Zhanfeng faithfully carried out Tianxiang's orders. He brought back twice as many felt clothes as the number of women. With the necessary leather shoes, these fragile women should be able to support themselves no matter how far they walk.

However, these felt clothes were obviously plundered from the tribesmen by Ye Zhanfeng. Although the tribe had enough insect felt, in order to save raw materials, Tianxiang only ordered one set of clothes to be sewn for each person. In his opinion, a good roll of felt is obviously more useful than a piece of clothing that is not the right size.

"Whatever! Let's get these women back first!" Tianxiang smiled mockingly. Directing everyone to distribute the clothes one by one.

As for the girl who received a slap from him, Tianxiang personally took two sets of felt clothes and put them on carefully. Of course, with a serious expression, he did not forget to gently wipe away the tears flowing from the corners of the girl's eyes.

Everyone saw this scene clearly.

"Now, let's go home!"

The wind is still blowing. Snow is still falling. The coldness that pervades the earth is like a demon everywhere, trying to completely cover the dark earth with its fear and power. He wants to use all his means to kill all living things that can survive in the world. Make everything in the world surrender to his own lustful power.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

A group of people stumbling and struggling against the snow, clearly defying its supreme authority. They advanced slowly on the knee-deep snow, struggling to walk between desolate ruins. They were once the most powerful creatures in the world and the only ones who ruled the world.

They are a combination of wisdom and strength - human beings.

Following the way they came, Tianxiang led the tribe to shorten the distance to the camp bit by bit. He was very fortunate that Zhan Feng had brought some of his clan members. Without their help, I am afraid that with the physical strength of these women, they would not be able to complete the journey. Many days of hunger and cold had consumed too much of their energy. Since leaving the old building, several women have become weak. The deep snow drained their little body energy. Every step requires great effort, which also speeds up the consumption. Without the support of men, it is difficult to imagine that they can go on by their own strength.

Perhaps, some of them will fall down on the snow and never get up again.

All the women put on two sets of thick felt clothes and soft giant locust leather shoes on their feet. The threat of cold was temporarily resisted, but the weak body did not get much help from it. Despite the help of men, stragglers still inevitably appear.

"Carry them on your back, and don't give up on any of them. Remember, they are our clansmen and our sisters." As he said this, Tianxiang set an example by lifting up a girl from the ground whose lips were blue from the cold and paralyzed there helplessly. girl. He put his hands together and carried her on his back.

This girl is not very old, she looks only about eleven or twelve years old. Even though the thick felt clothes she wore made her look so strong. But through physical contact, Tianxiang could still feel the thinness and boneiness of the body wrapped in felt clothes.

She is very light and small. To the touch of the young arm, it was almost like a layer of rough skin wrapped around a hard bone.

Men undoubtedly possess supreme majesty in the dark world. Especially the leader of a group has this privilege and dignity. They never bother to help anyone, they are born only to dominate others. All they have to consider is how to get more food and how to make their tribe stronger. As for the life and death of some of them, such a small issue is really not worth taking to heart.

After all, it's a small thing. The little things. What day didn't something like death happen? If we must provide the greatest help to anyone who is dying, then where is the dignity of such a group leader? Where does the power lie? Where is the majesty?

"She looks a lot like Tianrou, a lot like my sister." When he saw the girl slumped in the snow, with a miserable and helpless expression on her face. Tianxiang suddenly had such an idea in his mind. He felt that at this time, he was no longer completely a leader of the tribe. It should be a brother who can protect his sister, a brother who takes care of his sister.

Therefore, without having time to think too much, Tianxiang made such a move almost subconsciously. But he had no idea what kind of impact such an action would have on the tribe. How will your image in their eyes change as a result?

No one spoke, no one disputed it. As a bystander, Zhan Feng only saw: while Tianxiang struggled to carry the girl on his back and strode forward, more tribesmen also carried the women around them. And those who were supporting each other and walking slowly could not help but speed up their pace.

However, the expressions in their eyes were completely different. The man's eyes were filled with admiration and respect for the young patriarch. Women, on the other hand, show a sense of gratitude and recognition.

The howling wind, mixed with flying snowflakes, quickly passed through the gaps in the crowd, causing bursts of sniffing sounds. The soft soles stepped on the deep snow, making bursts of compressed "squeaking" sounds. The man who was walking with a heavy load spurted out streams of hot and humid white air from his mouth and nose, slowly rising along with the sound of labored breathing. All the sounds combine to form a natural movement full of hardship and harmony.

Half an hour later, the door of the library suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The warmth on their faces made these women who had just stepped into the base feel a sense of joy. And the aroma of the broth that filled the air also made their stomachs rumble, which had been unsatisfied for a long time. The liquid in the mouth is like a spring that has dried up for a long time, oozing new vitality again.

Several large pots were placed on the fire, and pieces of white and tender insect meat were being cooked. The quantity is obviously far beyond the normal consumption range of the ethnic group. This is food specially prepared under Zhan Feng's arrangement to welcome the arrival of the women.

"Eat slowly! Take your time!" Tianxiang shook his head and reluctantly took the pottery bowl of soup from a woman's hand. She has eaten too much. From the time she picked up the bowl to the present, in just a few minutes, the woman had already drank five bowls of freshly cooked broth as if she was pouring herself over. That scalding temperature seemed to have no power over her at all. Such a strong desire for food, even the man who thinks he has the biggest appetite in the clan can only accept it.

Not only her, but all women showed crazy possessiveness towards food at this moment. The large pot containing the broth was half empty in an instant. Judging from their momentum, they seemed to want to swallow as much as possible in the shortest time. This was used to satisfy the terrible hunger I had been feeling for a while.

"No more! If you still want to live, put down the bowl in your hands immediately!"

Tianxiang's voice was loud, and it clearly contained undeniable majesty and anger. Although many women were dissatisfied with such an order, they still forced themselves to suppress their inner desires, and in accordance with the young patriarch's request, they put down the mouthful of broth that had been brought to their mouths with extreme reluctance.