
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 19 Leaving

Tianxiang sighed and slowly slid to the ground with his back against the wall. For a long time, he has been yearning for the happy life of ancient humans. I also longed to stay away from this dirty world with my sister and return to the sunny past. But now, any hope is gone. Going back to the past is nothing more than an illusory fantasy. However, precisely because of this, Tianxiang suddenly felt that there seemed to be less concern in his heart. Correspondingly, more responsibilities and expectations have been added.

The cold metal floor was quite hard and there was no comfort at all sitting on it. But now Tianxiang has no time to take care of this. He was thinking, intensely and comprehensively. He was thinking about his responsibility as a doomsday savior, and how he should proceed and take his next step. The information fed into the computer is quite comprehensive. Military, culture, technology... cover almost all the crystallization of ancient human wisdom. Especially because the input of "tyrant" data into "Zhilong No. 2" was completely caused by accident, which allowed him to find a path that suits him best among the two completely different concepts of good and strong and evil.

But the question is, how should I take this crucial first step?

After a long time, Tianxiang finally stood up slowly from the wall and directed his thoughts toward the computer: "Are there any weapons here? I mean, weapons that are well preserved and can be used."

"Yes, but not many. On a table in a lounge four hundred meters away from here, turning left, there is a Browning G13 pistol produced by the European military industry in 2113. It just doesn't have too many bullets, only seven rounds. This was left over in a hurry when the construction personnel evacuated the base. Because there is almost no air flow in the underground base and the temperature is extremely low, it was well preserved." The computer gave him exactly the answer he wanted.

"Besides that pistol, are there any other weapons?" Tianxiang asked calmly.

"On the workbench of Workshop No. 6 on the eighth floor, there is also an M241A2 automatic rifle. However, it does not have many bullets, only four rounds, and due to poor preservation at the time, some parts have been corroded. I am afraid it cannot be used normally."

The computer's cold answer did not bother Tianxiang. On the contrary, it made him feel unexpectedly excited. Weapons are necessary tools to survive in the dark world. Before coming, in order to lighten the burden, he brought nothing but a dagger. If he hadn't been concerned that his body had just suffered a blow that almost caused him to collapse, he probably wouldn't even have made this request at all. But the current harvest is obviously far beyond his expectation.

"Tell me! Where can I get enough energy?" This is also one of the questions Tianxiang is most concerned about.

"According to my information, there are at least two small energy storage warehouses underground in this area. As long as you can help me connect the normal communication lines with them and get the necessary starting energy, I can successfully open the electronics above. Lock. I have calculated that the storage capacity of these two warehouses is enough to produce supplies for 100,000 people."

"Connectivity is not a big problem." Tianxiang frowned and said, "But to activate the energy, where should I find it?"

"No need to look for it, it's very simple. I can tell you where it is - the sun!" The computer gave the answer quite simply.

"Sun? You mean, solar energy?" Tianxiang asked curiously: "This should be very simple! You only need to absorb enough energy every solar day. Why bother?"

"The sun exposure time now is fundamentally different from the past. As I said, the energy absorbed in these few hours can only supply me with a minimum operation of more than a hundred hours. And contact with other accompanying equipment requires me to be fully operational, which It is necessary to provide a minimum guaranteed energy of 1K per day. To achieve this state, at least all the solar cells in the entire base must be in an open state, and the continuous absorption time must be more than two hundred hours. Judging from the current overall defense system of the base, Totally impossible."

"So, what do you need me to do?" Tianxiang touched his chin and asked lightly.

"I need you to liberate the sun and restore its irradiation time to the normal level six hundred years ago. And provide the necessary protection for the entire base."

"Liberate the sun?" Hearing this, Tianxiang was a little surprised, and then said seriously: "How to liberate?"

"I have input the specific information into your brain. You will know it after a little inquiry." At this point, the energy wave of "Zhilong 2" suddenly became weaker and weaker: "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you anymore. Keep talking. There is not much energy left, and the sun outside has disappeared. You must leave the base within fifteen minutes, otherwise I will not have the extra energy to open the door again. Sorry, every time you open the base, you need to store a certain amount of energy. Energy, without the sun's irradiation, there is nothing I can do."

Tianxiang didn't say much, and immediately turned around and ran quickly towards the way he came. The computer couldn't tell lies, and he didn't want to stay in this endless darkness until the next solar day. Therefore, he could only follow what the computer said and leave the base as soon as possible within the specified time.

After all, what you need to know is already clear. All that's left is to see how you do it.

However, when he was about to decide to leave the underground base, he always felt that there was an indescribable weird feeling here. But he himself couldn't tell what was wrong. Perhaps, this is the biggest gap between ancient people and modern hunters!

Of course, before leaving, Tianxiang did not forget the only available Browning G13 pistol. Luckily, that room happened to be on my way. Moreover, as the computer said, the gun was quietly placed on the table, waiting for the arrival of a new owner.

The wind is still blowing. The damp feeling that permeated the cold air, after the sun completely disappeared, once again spread its invisible huge wings and enveloped the entire earth. Those mutated insects that could not withstand the attack of warmth and dryness under the dazzling sun once again appeared in swarms in the dark world that only maintained light for a few hours. They rummaged back and forth among the piles of cement bricks and rubble, constantly looking for anything that could satisfy their stomachs. The dead bones of ancient humans, the dilapidated relics of civilization, and all kinds of unknown garbage are almost all their targets. Tianxiang, who had just stepped out of the base and leaned against the cold door, looked at all this indifferently and thought lonelyly: "Is human civilization really going to die like this?"

yes! People, ancient books say, just a few hundred years ago, there were so many people on the earth that even the existing land was not enough, and necessary family planning had to be adopted to control it. But now, from the time Tianxiang arrived until he left the base, for more than ten days, he had not seen anyone except himself. Except for the gloomy ruins and the terrifying insects, there are no other creatures.

"I want to live, I want to live. Since I can't go back to the past, then I must change the current living environment. For me, for Tianrou, and for all living people!"

Tianxiang took a deep breath, and after making this decision in his heart that was like an oath, he finally took steps and quickly headed towards the path he came from.


If you are a person with excellent eyesight, you will definitely be surprised by the figure leaping quickly among the scattered ruins at this moment. Obviously, that is definitely a person, a living person who, like you, relies on his own abilities to survive in this cold and dark world. However, the kind of movement and speed that relies almost entirely on jumping to continue moving forward should not be possessed by fragile humans at all. Unless he is a special person, a special person who surpasses other ordinary people in all aspects.

Tianxiang belongs to this category.

Two full days have passed since we came out of Base No. 2 until now. It should be said that the benefits this exploration trip brought him were far greater than previously imagined. Likewise, there is just as much element of disappointment. There are even signs that it clearly outweighs the benefits. Tianxiang really didn't expect that he would find the most perfect refuge that could not be opened. According to the computer, everything is available in the base and there is no shortage of it. However, there is a lack of necessary production energy. This is simply the biggest joke God has played on himself.

This feeling is like giving you the most powerful weapon to face the most terrifying insect beast alone, but just when you are full of joy and want to pull the trigger to kill it, you are very regretful. Said: "Sorry, there are no bullets in the gun."

"There will be no pie in the sky. You can only rely on yourself." This is what Tianxiang saw in an ancient book and considered it to be the most philosophical sentence.

Of course, the gains are not without success. At the very least, the computer has made it clear that as long as there is enough energy, the operation of the entire base is not a problem. What's more, that heart-piercing pain also brought some unexpected gifts to Tianxiang.

Sigan, this is currently one of the biggest and most important abilities in Tianxiang Ti. At certain times, thinking is actually far more effective than hearing and vision. It can make the optimal judgment on the search target within its capabilities. However, due to the limitation of detection distance, Tianxiang has always used it as a backup method. However, after that unbearable painful attack, he was delighted to find that his maximum detection range had actually been extended to a terrifying distance of 1,200 meters. In other words, the current sense of thought can completely replace the functions of eyes and ears.

After all, it is one thousand two hundred meters. No matter how good your eyesight is, or how sensitive your ears are, it is impossible to see or hear anything happening there at such a long distance.

There are pros and cons, everything has two sides. Tianxiang, whose thinking sense has been enhanced beyond normal range, also discovered a very important problem: his thinking attack ability seems to have become extremely weak as the detection distance has expanded. He had experimented along the way, and found that not to mention the huge bugs, even some smaller herbivorous bugs, he could not control at all, let alone command them to explode directly to death.

This unexpected discovery made Tianxiang depressed for a long time. However, new discoveries soon diverted his attention.

Power, absolute power, a steady stream of power burst out violently from Tianxiang's body like a gush of spring water.

Tianxiang himself couldn't explain why his body had undergone such strange changes. It seems that since the severe pain, the organs and muscle cells in the body have been completely repaired by the mysterious movement of Tai Chi Qi. Not only that, cells damaged by muscle expansion seem to have acquired some new abilities in the process of re-dividing and reproducing. For damaged muscle levels, they can completely repair it in a short period of time and add a powerful energy supply to it. So much so that when Tianxiang first ran out of the base, he reached an astonishing speed. And the muscle soreness and bone fatigue usually caused by strenuous exercise never appeared on his body again.

Regarding such changes, Tianxiang himself was not aware of them at all. He just ran as hard as he could, as hard as he could. On the one hand, it was because he wanted to shorten the time to reunite with his sister. On the other hand, he wanted to know to what extent the power in his body needed to be "wasted" before it would weaken, or It's complete exhaustion.

In this way, except for stopping for a few drinks because of thirst, Tianxiang had no intention of stopping for two days. Even when eating, he just hurriedly stuffed a few pieces of dried worm meat into his mouth. He almost didn't even have time to chew it carefully, so he swallowed it whole.

Even so, Tianxiang didn't feel that his physical fitness was unsustainable at all. The energy that traveled back and forth throughout the body seemed to be filled with joy and satisfaction for such strenuous exercise.

"Huh? What's this movement?" Tianxiang, who was running, clearly noticed something strange a few hundred meters ahead. He couldn't help but stop, closed his eyes slightly, carefully increased his thinking energy, and accurately locked the detection wave in this direction.

"Insect beast?" The first thing that caught the "observation eye" in Tianxiang's brain was a huge insect beast more than four meters high. Compared with the one he killed before, this one was obviously stronger, stronger, and more ferocious. Because, judging from its appearance, this should be a "giant locust beast" evolved from locust insects.

Each insect has its own unique characteristics. Just like the hard-shelled insect beast that Tianxiang killed before. The giant locust beast also has its own unique biological instincts. Although it does not have a hard horny carapace, it has not evolved the teeth necessary to represent the power of beasts. However, the short-distance flight and powerful jumping abilities of ancient locusts have been completely inherited by them. Not only that, the mutated locust beast has undergone tremendous changes in body shape. According to the theory that the biological volume must be proportional to the energy intake, if the originally herbivorous locusts lack traditional food and want to gain the right to survive, the only way is to change their eating principles. After all, bloody meat obviously contains much more energy than bland vegetarian plants.

Tianxiang is not unaware of the changes that occur in the process of biological evolution. A considerable part of this has been explained by the knowledge that computers instilled in their brains. However, now he obviously has no more interest in exploring these mysteries. He was running, and he wanted to get to the location of the giant locust as soon as possible. Because the brain wave detection results are already quite obvious. The giant locusts are fighting and roaring.

But the one confronting it was just one person.

A few hundred meters is simply an insignificant distance to Tianxiang. Ten seconds later, his figure appeared on a mound less than fifty meters away from the giant locust.

A young hunter about the same age as Tianxiang, holding two sharp steel spears, was carefully watching every movement of the giant locust. And the huge insect beast obviously has no intention of letting go of this little thing who is obviously at a disadvantage compared to itself in terms of size and ability.

The fight may have been going on for a long time. Because Tianxiang clearly saw that the young man's left leg had been scratched with a terrible scar about ten centimeters long. If it weren't for a few rags that were hastily twisted together and tied tightly to one side of the body, the bright red blood that kept pouring out from the wound would have completely soaked the dry sand at the young man's feet in an instant.

In comparison, the damage suffered by the giant locust is obviously much more serious. A steel spear about three meters long has been firmly inserted into the side of its mouthparts. There should have been four short forelimbs, but now only three and a half are left. Dark green animal blood exuding a strong stench was flowing down in large drops from the severed limb several meters above the ground.

"Strong!" Tianxiang quickly made a simple definition in his mind of this young man who fought against the insect beasts independently, and then immediately released his thoughts and completely surrounded the giant locust. An energy wave with a mandatory command also instantly invaded the giant locust's brain. Tianxiang knew that his brain waves currently had no offensive power at all. But, he had to do it.

Because, although the giant locust has no teeth, its mouthparts are filled with three pairs of small and sharp claws. It is already only a few meters away from the young man's handsome-looking head.

(Last night, the old black unit held a semi-annual summary meeting, and I didn't go home until very late, so I couldn't update it. The manuscript I rushed out overnight was sent out early this morning. I have no choice but to continue the meeting today. If I don't update, I will have fun. It's so big. I really can't understand that it's such a big deal, but it has to come and go over and over again. Really. Stop talking nonsense, I hope everyone will continue to support!)