
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Chapter 18 Accident

If you are someone who has known Tianxiang for a long time, you will definitely be intimidated by his current appearance. The current appearance of this seventeen-year-old young man does not look like a human being at all, but more like a statue, an ancient stone statue with sharp edges and swollen muscles. Even the thick battle uniform couldn't cover up the body lines that were revealed due to the bulging muscles. Under the squeezing from inside the body, the clothes made of extremely flexible materials have to obey the wishes of their load-carrying body, perfectly revealing all the contours of the entire body.

Despite this, Tianxiang still felt pain, terrible pain. That kind of pain has not diminished at all with the changes in the body and nerves. On the contrary, it has become more and more intense.

When the human body endures severe pain, its mind may lose clarity. Tianxiang is no exception. Although he had been transformed by insect cells, no matter how hard he said it, his brain could not withstand the impact of two completely different ideas. If, a few minutes ago, he still had some ability to make clear judgments in his mind, then Tianxiang now simply felt that he could no longer maintain such control.

Lose control and the only outcome is madness. Because now the pain has expanded from the head to the whole body. Those muscles suddenly expanded violently under the action of the nerve center, and the instantaneous tearing caused a kind of severe physical pain. It's like countless pairs of invisible hands are desperately tearing every muscle in your body, ruthlessly tearing and expanding the muscles that were originally only a square inch in size until the unbearable muscles are forced to expand to several times their original size. .

Human skin has a certain degree of shrinkage. However, even if the skin has the best contractility, it has its own stretch limit. Just like a rubber band with excellent elasticity, when it is stretched to the limit, the only way is to break. After all, unlimited demands are simply not as good as limited affordability.

Therefore, as if the ripe pomegranate skin could not restrain the expansion of the fruit inside, the skin on the surface of Tianxiang's body, which had expanded to the extreme, also opened up small cracks on the surface under the desperate collision of muscles. Pieces of muscles wrapped in dark red blood vessels also burst out from it. The red liquid flowing out from the broken blood vessel soon covered Tianxiang's body from top to bottom.

Suddenly, Tianxiang, who was about to collapse from the pain, seemed to feel a soft air slowly rising from the lower part of his abdomen, spontaneously circulating in his body over and over again. As long as they go around the place, it seems that the pain will be reduced. The swollen muscles slowly contracted as if they were being cooled. Although the changes were quite small, the sensitive nerves shrouded in pain could fully feel this rare comfort.

"Tai Chi! Yes, it's Tai Chi!" This term suddenly appeared in Tianxiang's mind, which was about to fall into madness. Along with it came the strange picture he had seen on the cover of a book: one black and one white, two completely different ones. The colors intertwine, twist, and finally merge with each other, forming a seamless circle.

How similar is this to the situation in my body now! No, it's not similar, it's exactly the same!

With no time to think about it, Tianxiang immediately used the last trace of clarity in his brain to wrap a thin layer of guiding energy around the two different thoughts. He wanted to make them spin, spin like Tai Chi, slowly and wildly. Until the end, bring out that harmony, balance, and nature.

I don't know if he felt the strange movement in Tianxiang's body, or if he suddenly felt the kindness of this inexplicable energy. In short, the two thoughts that had been entangled and fighting back and forth in Tianxiang's brain began to gradually slow down their crazy operation. With three points of obedience, Qifen reluctantly followed this insignificant amount of guiding energy and began a new round of competition with each other.

Although it was a competition, it was much less intense than before. What's more important is that the two kinds of thinking energy are still as powerful as water and fire, but the degree of intersection is no longer as disordered and chaotic as before. Instead, it is a step-by-step alternation and combination. The severe pain caused by nervous tension has also been reduced a lot.

"Huh-" The exhausted Tianxiang breathed lightly, and the tightly wrinkled skin on his forehead also showed signs of spreading. The muscles that were inflating like balloons also completely stopped growing rapidly. Even the skin that had been torn apart shrank back a little. Although it's not very obvious, at least it has returned to a state where it can be completely closed.

The pain is still there, but it has obviously been relieved a lot.

"These two kinds of thinking energy must be completely integrated. Otherwise, even if they are temporarily suppressed now, it won't take long before they will continue to mess around in my mind."

Tianxiang, who had his eyes closed tightly, ignored the pain caused by the expansion of his muscles and quickly concentrated all his energy on strengthening the weak guidance energy. He felt that this layer of guiding energy was like the necessary neutralizing agent to merge the two thoughts. As long as it is there, I can completely control these two thoughts that are completely opposite in nature.

Spin...around...and spin...and around...

A few hours passed, and as the pain in his brain diminished, Tianxiang, who had been sitting still for a long time, was shocked to find that the black and white thinking energy, which was originally the same as water and fire, had now been completely neutralized by the guidance layer. It's a gray-white thing. Even if you don't push it, it will still move slowly on its own according to the trajectory guided before. Moreover, in the middle of this round layer of thinking energy, the two thoughts that were still fighting before were completely compressed into two small cores shining with white and black. He could definitely feel that it was these two little things that seemed inconspicuous now that pushed Hunyuan's gray-white energy to move freely.

Why does this happen? Is it your luck? Or is it the help of that Tai Chi book? Tianxiang doesn't know everything and can't figure it out. He only knows one thing: the terrible pain that tortured him to live and die, has now been completely eliminated from his body. Although the soreness caused by the sudden relaxation of the nerves after continuous tension is still there, it is no longer a hindrance. After all, compared with the terrible pain just now, this pain is like a fight between an ant and a giant elephant.

Suddenly, Tianxiang discovered that his thinking energy was suddenly increasing at a terrifying speed. The source of energy is those two small black and white nuclei. It seems that their intertwined operation can bring infinite energy to the brain waves. As long as you are willing, you can extend the released thoughts to a farther distance.

Two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters... Compared with the previous detection distance of only a hundred meters away, Tianxiang's thinking energy can now reach as far as a thousand meters. Such a huge change shocked him. He no longer cared about testing how far his maximum limit was, and quickly cut off the detection edge of his brain's thoughts. He really couldn't imagine that the severe pain would bring such big changes to his brain.

"Zhilong No. 2" did not speak, but quietly observed every move of the person in front of him with a faint trace of energy waves. It was also extremely surprised by the changes that happened to Tianxiang. But as for the inner truth, even it, as the custodian of ancient human civilization and knowledge, cannot tell one or two of them. However, there was one thing that the computer was absolutely sure of: all the negative effects imposed on Tianxiang by the "Volunteer" information were almost completely gone at that moment. Moreover, under the guidance of the original "pathfinder" nature in his body, there seems to have been a change. For example: "Violence" and "coldness" have been transformed into "determination" and "strongness" under the balance of "warmth" and "decisiveness". "Cunning" and "insidiousness" are transformed into "wisdom" and "strategy" under the influence of "honesty" and "benevolence".

This kind of effect is simply beyond the computer's expectations. "Zhilong No. 2" couldn't help but feel a little startled. Could it be that the mistake he accidentally made actually created a powerful ruler?

"Unexpectedly, there are so many things here." Tianxiang closed his eyes slightly and recalled all the received data in his brain and smiled with satisfaction: "Weapons manufacturing factory, food production center, drug synthesis station, haha! There are also There are so many large workshops. It seems that this base is enough to supply all the materials necessary for the settlement of 100,000 people."

"To be precise, it should be two hundred and five thousand people." The computer added: "Why, don't you need another rest?"

"No need!" Tianxiang carefully touched the blood seeping from the surface of the battle suit, frowned slightly and said: "As a top-level computer, you would actually make such a low-level mistake. It seems that you have been idle. It's been too long. If it weren't for the fact that I had practiced Tai Chi, I would have exploded to death by now."

"What, what, you, you know this is because of me?" The computer's thought wave was obviously stuttering.

"Of course!" Tianxiang let out a soft thought: "Are you only allowed to probe my thinking, but not allowed to penetrate into your inner world?"

"Zhilong 2" was shocked again. In a daze, it suddenly remembered what a genetic biologist once said when creating the "Pathfinder" embryos.

"As long as human beings can continuously overcome their own shortcomings during evolution and gradually break through the limitations of the brain, then human beings can eventually evolve into god-like existences!"

"Is this the power of God?" Although it is not clear what God is like, "Zhilong 2" can obviously find something that represents God in the data it stores. It's like now, this seemingly weak human being is actually able to detect the hidden thoughts of the intelligence center through his own energy waves. Such power is not God, so what else can it be?

"Don't sigh there, I don't have much time." Regardless of the thought of this computer that has survived for nearly a thousand years, Tianxiang, who is eager to return, once again issued a command-like thought: "I order you to immediately transfer all All the equipment in the base is in operation. I will bring back the first batch of human residents in the near future. Within a week, I need you to prepare enough food for five thousand people for three months, as well as light weapons that can equip two thousand people, and …"

"I'm sorry, I simply can't meet all the requirements. Let alone thousands of people, I can't even meet the needs of you right now." The computer reluctantly gave what Tianxiang thought was clear but extremely clear. Cold answer.

Tianxiang was stunned: "Why? Isn't this a base? I've checked that it has the largest factory, the best service facilities, and automated farms with a daily output of tens of thousands of tons of food. But why would you..."

"Energy! We have no energy! No energy at all! You are absolutely right. This base was built to help mankind. When it was originally designed, it was already based on a medium-sized city combined with various large-scale factories. Everything here is new, whether it is a weapons manufacturing factory or a food production center, all factories are closed immediately after they are built and undergo the most rigorous testing. Just in case . It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you control this base, it is equivalent to controlling a breeding ground that can support human beings. Even if you want to carry out military expansion, there is no problem. The problem is, if you want to activate all the base's Production facilities require energy, huge energy. But now, the energy I have is only enough to maintain the minimum needs of this control center. See the two lights on the wall? According to their actual lighting It should be more than five times brighter than it is now. There are more than twenty such lamps in this room. But I can't light them all at the same time. The reason is that there is not enough energy."

Tianxiang didn't speak. He was thinking about what the computer said. However, he soon discovered the problem.

"So, where does your energy source come from? In other words, what energy do you rely on to maintain it until now?"

"The sun!" the computer said bluntly: "My energy comes entirely from the sun. When you came in, you should have seen the two robots and the strange device they pushed out! It is a solar cell that absorbs all directions. It is full of energy. Once, it is enough for me and the two robots to last for 105 hours. If some cloudy days cannot be absorbed, the energy stored in the battery is only enough to last for 42 hours and 6 minutes of additional time. ."

Tianxiang was silent again. For him, this base is undoubtedly a huge wealth, a wealth that can only be seen but cannot be used at all. The computer is right, without energy, it can't do anything. However, the logical analysis in his brain made him raise new questions.

"What is the reason why this place is in a situation without any energy support? If according to what you said, those ancient humans really had considered all the difficulties we are facing now, then they should not have made such a low-level mistake at all. At the very least, some necessary energy should be stored inside the base!"

"You're right." The computer said dejectedly: "According to the design, there are hundreds of warehouses for energy storage in the base, as well as thousands of small emergency energy tanks. But when the base was just completed, only When it passed the first test, the war had already broken out. A large number of materials to be transported here were destroyed before they were delivered. The human army at that time organized six large-scale material transportations in a row, but all failed. Even When I first started it, data transmission was only completed after absorbing the energy of the mother body."

"War? Is it a war between humans? Why did the war break out?" Tianxiang asked curiously.

"I don't know either. The information is incomplete and I can't look it up. I only know that it was a very tragic war. In order to win, it seems that the American Federation took the lead in using powerful nuclear weapons at that time. This was at that time when I was working with the mother computer An unexpected message received via the radio while connected."

The computer's answer was really unacceptable to Tianxiang. He really didn't understand that all the powerful ancient humans would die in a war for which the cause was still unknown. This kind of thing was simply difficult for him to understand.

"By the way! Time, there should be a time machine here, right?" Suddenly, Tianxiang asked eagerly as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "With that thing, can we go back to the past? Back to the past?" The era when ancient people lived?"

"Yes!" The computer's tone was quite surprising: "But why do you think so? Running a time machine requires a huge amount of energy, but even if there is energy, there is no way to go back to the past era!"


"Because it is a one-way machine." The computer explained: "It is also commonly known as a receiver. It can only receive information sent in the past, but it is impossible to reverse the present time back to the past. "

(For the chapters in the past few days, Lao Hei can only say two words - "conspiracy". A huge conspiracy. As for the specific content, haha! I still have to read it and talk about it. No more nonsense! Time to collect tickets! )