
Dominated by Women In Another World

Andy Collins, a 27-year-old New Yorker office worker and notorious womanizer, finds himself inexplicably transported to a medieval fantasy world where non-magical men are enslaved. Captured by hunters, Andy is coerced into performing sexual acts in a brothel catering exclusively to women. Initially viewing his predicament as thrilling, Andy's excitement soon turns to horror as he confronts the brutal reality of his new life. A crazy and unhinged story as never before in which a man faces an existential battle while enjoying forbidden pleasures.

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43 Chs

The Onsen Woman



Andy indulged in pleasure with both women. The daughter, after resisting all morning, finally gave in to desire and Sebastian came to bring them the food and drinks Bill had ordered. Andy would never have imagined being able to participate in a threesome with a mother and daughter in his old world, but there he was, penetrating the mother's warm interior while her daughter kissed him passionately.

Later that evening, they were all completely exhausted and curled up on Lord Bill's messy bed. Bill, in awe, watched the whole event from his workplace. After all, Andy had been having sex for three and a half hours straight.

Bill got up

"Sebastian, please escort our guest to the staff "onsen" and make sure he's clean for the next person. And when you return, lock these two whores in the dungeon," Bill ordered, his tone brooking no argument.

Sebastian nodded respectfully. "Of course, my lord."

As Sebastian led Andy away, he couldn't help but break the silence. "Is that how business is done around here? I'm not used to receiving such an extravagant reward," he said, looking at the bag of one hundred gold coins, each worth ten whole ones.

Sebastian smiled and replied. "Lord Bill has his way of showing his appreciation. He values the service you render him."

From the chair and walked over to the bed where Andy sat still exhausted, grabbing a bag of gold coins. Tossing the bag to Andy, he deftly caught it before it could hit the floor.

"This is compensation for the fun you've made me experience, Mr. Alien. We will continue to work together in the future," Bill said, a mischievous grin creeping onto his face.

"I guess so," Andy muttered thoughtfully.

Walking down a few steps they came to a double door as Andy stepped inside, he couldn't help but express his amazement as they reached the luxurious bathroom. "This is awesome. I feel like I'm back in my old world," he said.

Sebastian politely indicated, "Enjoy your stay, Mr. Alien. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me."

Deep in thought, Andy thanked Sebastian by bowing his head as he had learned in this world and immersed himself in the luxurious surroundings.

He had never really enjoyed a good "onsen" since his arrival in this world. Immersed in this sort of giant pool all to himself, he began to wonder if he wanted to return to his old world. The luxuries and opportunities here were irresistible, especially considering he could enjoy them simply by having sex with submissive women. The bath resembled a Japanese "onsen," with its tranquil atmosphere and hot springs. Surrounding the bath were trees and rocks as water's edges, adding a touch of natural beauty to the serene surroundings. Andy felt a sense of calm as he relaxed in the warm water, contemplating his uncertain future.

Just as Andy was finishing up his bath, he heard footsteps approaching as the bathroom began to fill with steam. Through the dense fog, he could barely make out a feminine figure. As she came closer, the details of her appearance became clearer. She had long, purple hair and striking green eyes, and her figure was tall, curvy, and mature. Her breasts were huge and round, and her buttocks were just as ample. Strangely, she didn't seem to be wearing any towel, and her naked body was on full display.

Andy's eyes widened in surprise and arousal as he took in the sight of the mysterious woman. He couldn't believe his luck - he had never seen anyone so beautiful in his entire life.

As the woman stepped into the large bathtub next to Andy, their skin barely touching, he felt a surge of desire run through his body. Unable to resist the temptation, he stood up, his manhood already hard and throbbing with desire. But just as he was about to leave the bathroom, he felt a hand on his arm, stopping him in his tracks. It was the woman, smiling wickedly at him.

"If you leave now, I'll scream," she threatened, her voice low and seductive.

Andy decided to ask, "Why, I'm a member of the castle staff too, is this the staff "onsen", right?" after observing the woman's threat. 

With a smile, the woman nodded and replied, "Yes, this is the staff "onsen" and it is co-ed."

In an attempt to understand the circumstances, Andy asked, "So what's the problem? With the staff, I'm in the right place, correct?". "You're the Alien of the Brothel of Lust, right?" the woman asked with a smile.

With a shaky nod, Andy responded to the woman, who then let go of his hand and the woman introduced herself, "I am the Queen Consort, Monica Murk." Andy's face changed to one of surprise at those words.

"If you don't want to cause a scandal, sit down," Monica ordered, pointing to the seat next to her. Andy nervously sat down as Monica continued to stare at him. She had been admiring his handsome face, which she found even more attractive than her husband Alvin's, and his muscular build. Her gaze traveled further down, and she was impressed by his large, erect cock submerged in the water.

Meanwhile, Andy couldn't take his eyes off Monica's floating breasts beside him. He wondered how they could be so big without her noticing that her nipples were hardening. Monica noticed this and asked, "By the goddess Veldra, is your cock so big because of my tits?" She seductively cupped her breasts as she spoke.

Andy blushed and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "If this is the staff "onsen", why don't you have a separate "onsen" for the royalty?" he asked.

Monica understood his logic and replied, "Well, it's true that I'm royalty, but I lied. I'm also part of the staff."

"What are you talking about? How is it possible that you're staff?" Andy asked, confused.

Monica, with a hint of sadness in her eyes, replied, "I don't need to explain, but since everyone already knows, I will. Before I got married, my name was Monica Lluinter. The Lluinter family is a lower-class middle-class family, and I am their second daughter. They treated me like a servant that they wanted to marry off to any noble because I was born as the first 'defective' of the family. Then Alvin came along and we got married. I'm just a baby-making machine that Alvin uses to have children. Aren't you something similar to me?"

Andy asked, "So you're not royalty?" Monica replied, "I'm a baby-making machine who hasn't had sex since having my twin children. As you can see, one of my disadvantages as a Queen Consort is not being allowed to use the royal "onsen".

As the water cascaded over her naked figure, she got up from the water and declared, "I'm leaving, don't stay here too long."

As Monica's naked figure walked away, Andy muttered, "Fine," thinking about how the stupid king had grown tired of having sex with her.

"Boy, tell me your name," Monica said as she opened the door and left.

"A-Andy Collins, my queen," Andy replied.

"I will remember your name and that cock," Monica said as she left the room.