
Dominated by Women In Another World

Andy Collins, a 27-year-old New Yorker office worker and notorious womanizer, finds himself inexplicably transported to a medieval fantasy world where non-magical men are enslaved. Captured by hunters, Andy is coerced into performing sexual acts in a brothel catering exclusively to women. Initially viewing his predicament as thrilling, Andy's excitement soon turns to horror as he confronts the brutal reality of his new life. A crazy and unhinged story as never before in which a man faces an existential battle while enjoying forbidden pleasures.

TRYIO · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Mother and Daughter in Mourning (R18+)

This chapter contains adult content. Reader discretion and restriction of access for those under 18 are recommended.


When Andy stepped down from the carriage, he was mesmerized by the sight of the majestic castle before him, the residence of the Murk family known as Castle Murkia. It stood tall and proud in the heart of the Kingdom, a fortress of majestic proportions. Two knights stood guard at the imposing gate, while eight archers kept watch from the ramparts. The solid, intricately carved gate was protected by magical barriers, which allowed only those with the proper permits to enter. Murkia Castle was a place shrouded in intrigue and mystery.

Teresa tied the chain around Andy's neck and dragged him toward the giant door, with Lily trailing behind. Approaching the gentleman at the magical door, Teresa confidently declared, "We have come from the Brothel of Lust and have brought the proceeds of Lord Bill and the Young Nobles," handing him a piece of paper for verification. The guard quickly scanned the document and, seeing the Fallward and Murk Family seal handed it back to Teresa and allowed them access with a simple "Come in."

The magical barrier dissipated and the door slowly opened.

As they made their way to the castle's grand entrance, a dirt path led them through the picturesque landscape. As they approached the gate, a tall, gray-haired man in a black suit stood before them. He appeared to be the butler. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Sebastian, Lord Bill's butler. I suppose you must be Andy, am I mistaken?" he addressed Andy and the two maids politely. "Please follow me to the main entrance." With a warm smile, Sebastian led them to the grand entrance of the castle.

Following the butler, they arrived at the main entrance. The butler, followed by Andy and the two maids, turned and addressed Andy, "Young man, why are you still dressed?" He said it as if Andy was making a mistake.

Confused, Andy asked, "I don't understand."

Sebastian repeated, "I said, why are you still dressed?" he laughed derisively at Andy's confusion. Suddenly, his expression turned hostile. "You 'defectives' are not humans. You are mere animals who live off the 'talented' like leeches. Animals don't wear clothes, so neither should you."

Andy is puzzled by Sebastian's sudden change of attitude. Sebastian continued, "Do you want to undress yourself or shall I do it for you? It's up to you."

Andy watched as Lily nodded and motioned for him to obey. Reluctantly, Andy removed his clothes and laid them on the floor, except for his underwear. The maids picked up the rest of her clothes. Sebastian looked Andy up and down and said, "All the clothes." Biting his lip, Andy removed his boxers, becoming completely naked. "That's what I like best," Sebastian said, turning around with a smile. They entered the castle, which was beautiful and clean. There were many paintings of men and women who were ancestors of the Murk family, as most of them were blond with blue eyes. As they walked through the halls and up the stairs, they met other nobles who did not look at Andy despite his nudity, as if it was normal, as he kept his hands covering his private parts.

As Sebastian led Andy to Lord Bill's room, he paused momentarily and turned to Lily and Teresa. "You two may not come in here with us. Maid Lily and Maid Teresa, you may head to the servant's dining room for breakfast. You each have your room to rest in." With a nod, the two maids followed a castle servant and left Andy and Sebastian alone at Lord Bill's door.

Sebastian cleared his throat and knocked on the door: Knock.... Knock... "It's Sebas, my lord. I have brought Andy Collins."

"Come in," Bill replied.

Sebas opened the door and gestured for Andy to enter. When Andy entered, he saw a short, plump, balding man sitting on a couch, with two women on either side behind him, both looking frightened. One looked in her fifties, while the other was in her thirties. Both wore all-black clothing, but what caught Andy's attention was the identical necklace around their necks, indicating that they were slaves.

"So, you're Andy Collins, the man who fucked my fiancée, Miriam," Bill said, with palpable anger.

"Miriam? I'm sorry, but I don't know who that is," Andy replied in bewilderment.

"Miriam was my late fiancée, the heroine who Green Hood killed, and you fucked her. Do you remember now?" said Bill, his anger rising as he moved closer to Andy.

Andy began to recall the events of that night with the three women, remembering being raped by the heroines and falling asleep afterwards. He vaguely remembered that one of them was named Miriam.

Andy had a way of getting out of these kinds of situations: when he was caught fucking another man's wife, he usually ran out the nearest door or window. But this was different. If he ran out the window or door now, he would quickly get caught and probably killed. Swallowing hard and realizing he could not escape this angry-looking man, he said in his innocent tone, "Forgive me, I didn't know she was your fiancée." Seeing Andy's apology, Bill replied, "Well, that's okay. She got what she deserved as a cheater, which is death, but you didn't get any punishment, did you? I should cut your dick off."

The moment Andy heard that they were going to cut off his big penis, he knelt on the floor and implored, "Please, anything but that! Without my penis, I'm nothing! I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" asked Bill.

"Yes," Andy replied.

"My fiancée liked to fuck you, didn't she?" said Bill with a smile. 

Snapping their fingers, the two women who wore necklaces around their necks undressed out of their black dresses in total embarrassment. The older-looking woman didn't have a perfect body and was a bit not as fat as Lord Bill, but almost, but that made her attractive, as did her large, sagging breasts. On the other hand, the younger woman, about the same age as Andy, was quite thin and had modest, almost non-existent breasts. The two women walked over to the bed on the right side of the room and got down on all fours on it, exposing their big bare butts.

Andy didn't understand what was happening. Looking at Lord Bill with a smile, he said, "These women are the wife and daughter of the late press boss who slandered my beloved Miriam in the newspaper." Bill continued, "I want you to fuck them both as hard as you can as punishment for the incompetence of their late husband, hehe."

"Let me clarify this: you want me to fuck both of these women as punishment?" Andy asked, with a touch of confusion. Bill, nodding, admitted, "According to your profile, you have a Fafnir Dragon Rank penis, which is supposed to be the biggest ever seen."

"And why don't you fuck them yourself?" Andy asked.

Bill, with his head down and somewhat embarrassed, admitted, "My penis is quite small, and sometimes I can't even get it up."

Realizing the situation, Andy's erection was complete on Lord Bill's bed, where the two women separated their generous buttocks to reveal their vaginas. Lord Bill, observing from his seat, was surprised to see the impressive size of Andy's member, thinking that even if Miriam were still alive, she would never have experienced something like that with his penis.

Lost in thought, Andy choose between the older woman, with prominent breasts and a huge butt, and the other woman, the same age as Andy, with more modest breasts and a tighter butt. The sexual tension increased as the choice became crucial.

The two women, whose faces remained a mystery, submitted to the bed with the hope that the moment would pass as quickly as possible. Andy, making a decision, leaned towards the older woman. Without further ado, he got into the bed, grabbed the older woman's ass, which was noticeably shaking, grabbed his penis, and thrust his cock deeply into her vagina.

"Pah," echoed the sound as Andy penetrated the older woman. The warmth inside her denoted the woman's maturity, and Andy, moving his hips, began to intensify the experience. Although her expression was an enigma as she lay on her back against him, he could tell she was aroused, her pussy was wet and receptive.

Andy felt a deep pleasure as he penetrated the older woman, experiencing the warmth and fullness inside her, a testament to her maturity and experience. As he moved his hips with an increasingly intense rhythm, he could feel her adjusting to his movement, receiving him with a warm welcome.

Although her expression was difficult to read as she lay on her back to him, Andy could feel the tension in her body and the wetness in her pussy, a clear sign that she was fully aroused. Her breathing quickened and her moans grew louder as Andy increased the speed and depth of his thrusts.

"Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!"

The older woman clung to the bed sheets as Andy penetrated her, her fingers taut and her eyes were white with excitement. Her large breasts swayed in rhythm with Andy's onslaught. Andy could feel the heat in her body increase as the older woman approached climax. Her low moans that she was trying to return became higher pitched and her movements more erratic, and Andy knew she was about to make her reach ecstasy.


Finally, the older woman cried out in pleasure as she climaxed, her muscles contracting around Andy's penis, bringing him to his climax

Andy's thrusts continued unabated, deeper and more forceful as the older woman moaned with pleasure. When he finally decided to change position, he gently turned her around to look into her eyes and was dazzled by the passion they reflected. Her cheeks were flushed and her nipples were erect and sensitive under his fingers.

Andy's thrusts continued with force and passion, becoming deeper and more energetic as the older woman moaned with pleasure. When he finally decided to change position, he gently turned her around to look into her eyes, and was dazzled by the passion they reflected. Her cheeks were flushed and her nipples were erect and sensitive under his fingers.

"Annnhh~" The older woman let out a throaty moan as her legs wrapped eagerly around Andy's waist. He reciprocated her passion with the same intensity, caressing her generous breasts and tasting her rock-hard nipples.

Their kiss became increasingly passionate and wild, an expression of the intense connection they felt for each other. The older woman cried out in pleasure as Andy explored every inch of her body, feeling the warmth and wetness inside her.

At first, she was surprised by the kiss, but then she grabbed Andy's head with her hand, which caused the kiss to continue even though her daughter, who was standing next to her, was watching Andy wildly fuck her mother, who was enjoying herself. The older woman's daughter watched in amazement and confusion as the two gave themselves completely to the pleasure. But the older woman was too absorbed in the moment to notice her daughter's presence.

"M-Mother..." The daughter hesitated, but the older woman didn't seem to hear her, too busy screaming in pleasure.

"Annnnnhh~~~!!!!" "Annnnnhh~!!!" "Annnnnhh~!!!"

Her mother couldn't seem to hear her. She was screaming so loudly that she could not be heard. The two were abducted yesterday by masked men and taken to Murkia Castle, where Lord Bill, with lustful eyes, planned to execute his devious plan. They were threatened with deadly consequences if they did not submit to his darkest desires, and so began this chilling odyssey of pleasure.

"Ugh..." moaned Andy, about to spurt his cum out of her. "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!"

"Cum inside her, impregnate her and, as punishment, she will beget a "defective" bastard child. With Lord Bill's command, Andy did not hesitate to obey. "Aaahh!" Andy could resist no longer and released his semen inside her, feeling her body shudder with pleasure. The older woman also climaxed, screaming with pleasure as she was carried away by the wave of ecstasy.

After a while, the older woman fell asleep, exhausted from the intense orgasm. Andy slowly pulled out of her, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and sadness at the end of their time together.

"I'm sorry, honey," the older woman whispered before falling asleep, a small smile on her lips as a small tear fell from one eye as she no longer remembered her late husband's appearance.

After resting for a while, Andy turned to his daughter, who was looking at him fearfully. His penis was still erect even though he had cum. Andy grabbed her head and said, "As the daughter you are, it is your duty to finish what your mother didn't." Taking his penis in her mouth, the daughter began to suck him, slowly and sensually. Even though her mouth was sore from how big it is, she continued to suck it passionately.

Andy felt that in his old days, in the other world, no one could resist the pleasure. Now, with his cock completely clean, Andy grabbed the girl's ass and pushed his erect cock into her pussy.

"Annnhh~! It hurts!" she cried out as she was suddenly penetrated, "W-why is this happening to me?"

Lord Bill got up from his chair and walked over to the bed where Andy was fucking the newspaper boss's daughter and said, "It's all your father's fault, you will now receive the semen of a "defective" as punishment and bear his child."

"Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" "Pah!" 

Andy's onslaught was increasing, the daughter was trying to dissimulate but her pussy was wet, and she was sticking out her tongue trying to breathe, Andy was still sensitive from the first cum, and without warning he cum inside her.

"Annnhh~!" she cried out, feeling her body shudder with pleasure as Andy's cum filled her loins.