
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

chapter 3 :Have You Cried Enough?

Hongyan Fruit Street, located in the southern urban village of Lengquan Port.

The environment here is dirty, messy, and poor, with garbage, sewage, and stray cats and dogs everywhere.

Ling Fei'er endured her discomfort and found number 134, knocking on the door.

"Who is it..." Luo Xian opened the door with sleepy eyes and was stunned when he saw Ling Fei'er.

He stared at Ling Fei'er's pretty face for a full half minute before blurting out, "You really came?"

Ling Fei'er smiled and said, "Dr. Luo's advertisement was so persistent, of course I had to come and see for myself."

"...Do you want to eat? Be understanding." Luo Xian's face turned red, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lengquan Deep Abyss is the suicide holy land of the Xiumo Kingdom.

In fact, Luo Xian often hangs out there, and every now and then he encounters patients who are not well treated and seek death. Each time, he has to go up and pull them back, and then use the "my relative," "my friend," "my colleague," and "my classmate" four beasts to start making up stories and angrily hitting the black clinic advertisements.

The situation is often that the person is persuaded not to commit suicide, and then happily goes to the big hospital for active treatment, while Luo Xian is left with a bamboo basket of water for nothing, blood.mother.loss.

But there's nothing to be done, black clinics have never had much credibility in the eyes of patients.

To be able to prevent Ling Fei'er from committing suicide, Luo Xian was already very satisfied, and he didn't expect her to come.

After all, Ling Fei'er's identity is so noble, how could she choose to come to a black clinic recommended by a person of unknown origin?

However, since she has come, Luo Xian is determined not to let this little fat sheep go, and he must ruthlessly slaughter it.

Is it a meridian entanglement? Is it an incurable disease?

First set a small goal, make a billion from it!

"Please come in." Luo Xian led Ling Fei'er in and got straight to the point, "I looked at your case yesterday, and I am confident that I can cure you."

Ling Fei'er didn't know how to respond and thought to herself, "Sure enough, it's not reliable!"

Any doctor she had seen in the past would at least do a physical examination before daring to make an initial conclusion, but this guy dared to say he could cure her just by looking at her medical record and making a visual diagnosis?

This is too casual!

However, she might as well go in first.

Ling Fei'er thought so, and then she was shocked by the scene in the clinic.

The dimly lit room was filled with miscellaneous items that couldn't be named, and there was hardly any room to step.

It would be more convincing to call it a warehouse of miscellaneous items than a clinic.

"Find a place to sit." Luo Xian said, "I'll get you something to drink."

Ling Fei'er carefully avoided the miscellaneous items on the ground and found a space to sit on the sofa.

Fortunately, Professor Kamot gave her a preventive injection, and now Ling Fei'er has turned a blind eye to the strange aspects of this clinic.

The shabby exterior, the chaotic interior decoration, the poor lighting, the lack of nurses, the motor-mouthed doctor who rushed in and turned over boxes and drawers to take out a pile of colorful herbs and frantically made medicine...

"What is this?" Ling Fei'er asked.

"You'll know soon." Luo Xian said.

Ling Fei'er patiently watched Luo Xian mess around for ten minutes, her thoughts drifting.

Could it be that after drinking this medicine, the meridian entanglement will be cured?

No, no, no, it's impossible, don't have such high expectations...

The anxious Ling Fei'er couldn't help but become nervous, clenching her fingers, biting her lips, and looking like she was about to cry.

"Come, drink this bowl of hot soaring!"

In a moment, Luo Xian placed a bowl of brownish-purple, bubbling, and highly suspicious-looking medicine on the coffee table.

"Try it."

Feeling Luo Xian's gaze, Ling Fei'er couldn't help but mutter to herself.

He's been busy for ten minutes, it can't be something useless, right?

"Is this medicine directly therapeutic, or is it pre-operative preparation?" Ling Fei'er asked with hope in her eyes.

"You'll know after you drink it."

Ling Fei'er prepared herself mentally, cautiously took a sip, and suddenly squinted her eyes, her tone softening, "It tastes good..."

"If it tastes good, drink some more." Luo Xian encouraged.

After Ling Fei'er finished drinking, Luo Xian asked, "How do you feel?"

"It tastes good, and my body is warm after drinking it." Ling Fei'er tried to sense the changes in her body, shook her head in confusion, and said, "There are no other feelings."

"Oh, that's right." Luo Xian smiled like a child, "This is my favorite hot drink, a godsend for dispelling cold. I'm glad you like it too."

Ling Fei'er was silent for a moment, suddenly stood up and walked towards the door, but was stopped by Luo Xian.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not leaving, are you?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo, I don't feel like humoring you." Ling Fei'er regained her usual coldness and said bluntly, "I came here with a glimmer of hope, but if you don't have the ability to cure my illness, please don't tease me anymore."

Hmph, what is there to hope for as long as you're alive, what is there to be confident about curing, it's all fake!

This guy is a lunatic! A lunatic who tramples on people's feelings for fun!

"Don't leave, okay?" Luo Xian leaped like a dried fish, hugged Ling Fei'er's arm and wailed, "Do you know how long it's been since I've been able to trick, oh no, since I've been able to wait for a patient like you? Please be a good person!"

Seeing Luo Xian's "ugly mouth," Ling Fei'er's anger surged in an instant, wanting to shake him off, but unable to exert her strength, and in a hurry, she bit down on his arm.

"Ah, ah, ah—"

A moment later.

Ling Fei'er knelt on the pile of miscellaneous items on the ground, bowed her head, and sobbed.

After biting Luo Xian, her emotions reached their peak, and she cried fiercely, releasing a whole year's worth of depression.

Meanwhile, Luo Xian acted as if nothing had happened, calmly flipping through Ling Fei'er's meridian imaging slides, and suddenly asked, "Done crying?"

Ling Fei'er was silent.

"I was just adjusting your emotions, so you wouldn't be so tense." Luo Xian said shamelessly, "When treating the disease, you need to relax your mind."

"That's really kind of you, thank you!" Ling Fei'er gritted her teeth, but she had to admit in her heart that after crying, she did feel more comfortable, and her mood had calmed down a lot.

"In fact, the soup you drank wasn't a godsend for dispelling cold." Luo Xian suddenly said, "It was Walgiri solution."

"What?!" Ling Fei'er was shocked and speechless, "Impossible, Walgiri solution is an ancient prescription that has been lost for a long time..."

Suddenly, Ling Fei'er stopped talking, closed her eyes, and sensed the changes in her body."