
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 2 :The clinic business relies entirely on acting skills.

Ling Feier suddenly turned her head and saw a young man flipping through her medical record skillfully.

He had a clean and handsome face, black hair and black eyes, his appearance was messy and sloppy, but his eyes were sharp and agile.

Ling Feier's medical record was originally placed in her handbag with her will.

At this moment, the medical record was in the young man's hand, and the will was crumpled up and thrown on the ground.

"Ling Feier..." The young man read the name on the medical record and muttered to himself, "She's got quite a background."

"What are you doing?" Ling Feier asked coldly.

The young man looked up and asked in return, "Tell me, do you think your illness can't be cured, so you don't want to live anymore?"

"It's none of your business." Ling Feier snatched the medical record and picked up the will, straightened it out, and stacked it neatly again. She glanced at the young man and said, "Please leave. Don't interfere with my private affairs."

"Can you stop being so childish?" The young man scratched his head and said, "The blocked meridians can be treated, as for life or death..."

"Hmph." Ling Feier laughed coldly and said, "Do you know how many doctors I've seen?"

"Are you sure you've seen all the doctors?"

"At least I've seen all the famous doctors on the mainland, without exception, they are all powerless against my illness."

Ling Feier sighed helplessly, "I'm tired, I don't want to struggle anymore."

"Hmph." The young man snorted disdainfully and began to provoke her, "Nonsense!"

"What tired, don't want to struggle, it's all excuses! To be honest, you're just scared, you're weak, you've given up."

"You're trash, you're really weak!"

The other party's unyielding words made Ling Feier's anger surge.

She had never received such rude and belittling evaluations!

Fortunately, she had been strictly educated since childhood and had high quality, otherwise, even if she couldn't use her qi now, she would still have to fight him.

"You, you... you say I'm weak?! What qualifications do you have to say that to me?"

"Do you know how many times I've gone through the process of hope to despair to see this illness? Do you know how painful that feeling is?"

Ling Feier frowned and refuted in a domineering tone.

"But in other people's eyes, you just couldn't cure your illness and committed suicide. They don't care about the pain you've been through."

"They'll only mock you."

The young man calmly analyzed.

Ling Feier was stunned and thought it made sense...

"I don't need to care about other people's opinions..." Ling Feier hesitated.

"No, you do. If you really don't care about what others think, living is always better than dying."

"At least you can enjoy the sun and rain, enjoy the air and delicious food."

After listening to the young man's words, Ling Feier fell into deep thought.

No one doesn't care about reputation. If she really died like this, she would be labeled as a coward.

Moreover, she was still young and had many things she wanted to do.

Jumping off a cliff to commit suicide was really impulsive, but...

"But, but... I don't know what to do. My illness really can't be cured..."

Seeing Ling Feier's pitiful and helpless appearance, the young man clenched his fists secretly and thought to himself, there's a chance! She's about to be hooked!

So he sighed deeply and began his performance.

"You might not believe it, but my friend had the same blocked meridians as you. He also went all over the mainland and saw many doctors, but none of them worked."

"Just when he was desperate and had lost hope in life, guess what?"

"He went to a black clinic in a slum and got lucky. He was cured!"

"I was stunned at the time. After asking around, I found out that there was a story behind it!"

"That doctor, it turns out, is a divine doctor who had his medical license revoked for special reasons. He humbly stayed in the slum and opened a black clinic, turning from a divine doctor to a hidden expert..."

Ling Feier felt more and more strange as she listened.

How come this plot sounded so familiar?

The young man was deeply immersed in his acting and did not notice Ling Feier's strange expression. He took out a pen and paper and started writing.

"Here, I'll write down the address of that doctor for you. If you really have no other options, go and give it a try."

The young man handed the note to Ling Feier, turned around and left casually, seeming to be steady as an old dog, but in fact, he was nervous.

He wondered if this trick could really lure her to the clinic... It seemed a bit unrealistic.

The diligent and dedicated black clinic owner, Luo Xian, sighed.

Doing business was really hard.

Opening a black clinic required secrecy, but also needed to attract customers. The two were actually contradictory, so any faint opportunity must be seized.

And Ling Feier, who was by the Cold Spring Abyss, looked at the characters on the note for a while and suddenly realized something.

It couldn't be such a coincidence, could it...

She took out the note given by Professor Kamot and compared them. Suddenly, she realized the truth.

It was the same person!

How could this guy be so meticulous in not letting her die? Was he doing marketing and promotion?

Are the people who run black clinics now so good at playing tricks?

Ling Feier thought of the young man's lively acting skills and couldn't help but laugh.

As she laughed, Ling Feier suddenly stopped and seriously thought about it.

She might as well go and see.

Who knows, it might be useful?

After all, she was at her wit's end.