
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

chapter 1: A Suicidal Mary Sue

"Your illness, it can't be cured, there's no hope, goodbye."

In the VIP room of the Private Medical Center of Lengquan Port, Professor Camot made his diagnosis.

The girl sitting across from him, with her deep purple eyes, showed a faint hint of despair and unwillingness to accept the news. "Professor, is there really...not even a glimmer of hope?"

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do." Professor Camot rubbed his temples and sighed. "The entanglement of meridians in martial artists is an incurable disease worldwide."

"Oh, accept reality, child. Some things...are fate."

Ling Fei'er's gaze became confused.

If we were to go back a year in time, these eyes should have been filled with confidence, arrogance, pride, and a domineering aura...

Ling Fei'er was born into the top aristocratic family of the Kingdom of Hurman and was a martial arts prodigy who only appeared once in a hundred years. She had a smooth and easy path to cultivation, far surpassing her peers.

At a young age, she broke through to Level 8 and became the youngest "Female Martial God" in the history of the kingdom, only one level away from reaching the pinnacle of human combat power.

With her wealthy family background, beautiful appearance, unparalleled talent, and extraordinary temperament...

She could make countless men go crazy with just a smile.

She could make countless enemies tremble with just a frown.

She was truly the female version of Dragon Awe!

However, a devastating injury and illness pushed her life to the bottom.

Ever since she contracted the entanglement of meridians a year ago, Ling Fei'er could no longer use her inner energy.

Despite having cultivation, she was no different from an ordinary person at Level 0.

After a year of seeking medical treatment and traveling almost all over the Aierfeng continent, she only received disappointment after disappointment.

This was her last stop.

And Professor Camot's diagnosis extinguished the last glimmer of hope.

"I understand." Ling Fei'er showed a resolute expression of acceptance and stood up to bow. "Thank you, Professor."


The professor hesitated for a moment but still spoke up. "If you don't give up and aren't afraid of death, go and try that bastard."

The professor suddenly spoke in a roundabout way, leaving Ling Fei'er a little confused.


"I know someone who has a solution for diseases that others find difficult to treat." Professor Camot's expression suddenly became strange. "However, this person is very mysterious in many ways and carries great risks. Unless you're prepared to break the pot and sink the boat, it's best not to seek him out."

"Where does this doctor practice?" Ling Fei'er's eyes lit up as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw. "He sounds very powerful...Is he in a public hospital or a private medical center?"

"...Unemployed vagrant." Professor Camot showed an awkward but polite smile. "That guy had his medical license revoked and is currently running an underground clinic in the slums. He usually just stitches wounds for street fighters or performs circumcisions for little boys. Occasionally, he performs major surgeries."

Ling Fei'er's hope that had just been ignited was immediately doused with a bucket of cold water.

If this illness could be cured by an underground clinic in the slums, would she, Ling Fei'er, still need to travel the world for a year seeking medical treatment?


Professor Camot wrote a note and handed it to Ling Fei'er. "This is his name and address. If you make up your mind, go and give it a try."

Out of politeness, Ling Fei'er accepted the note, but in her heart, she didn't take it seriously.

As she walked alone on the streets of Lengquan Port, the dim and heavy clouds seemed as if they were about to devour people.

Ling Fei'er's spirit was in a daze, not knowing where to go.

She recalled her father's voice in her ear.

"Fei'er, if your illness doesn't improve by next month, I'm afraid there will no longer be a place for you in the family."

"Your father doesn't want this to happen, but this is the decision of the family council. The Ling family does not support idle people."

"I will provide financial support for your living expenses, but from then on, you and the Ling family will have nothing to do with each other."

Hah, using the family council as an excuse, the entire Ling family, top to bottom, are all sophisticated selfish people?

Now that I'm of no use to you, you kick me out the door...

Family affection? What's that?

For the first time in her life, Ling Fei'er felt a bone-chilling despair.

Not only because of the sudden decline in her strength and the abandonment of her family, but also because of the miserable future that awaited her.

With her appearance and figure, if she lost her strength and the protection of the Ling family, she would undoubtedly be kidnapped by human traffickers and sold as a s*. slave, falling into endless misery and darkness.

Ling Fei'er couldn't help but let out a mournful sigh.

"Heaven, why are you playing with me like this!"

"You gave me the ultimate talent, and I also worked hard to become stronger, so why...did it come to this!"

"I don't accept it...I don't give up!"

Rather than this, it would be better to break the pot and shatter everything, to just die.

Suddenly, the scenery in front of her caught Ling Fei'er's attention.

She was standing on a huge rock, which was a high point in the area.

On both sides, as far as the eye could see, were deep blue ice-covered marble surfaces.

And in front of her was a pool of white mist, over a hundred meters in diameter, and bottomless - the "Cold Spring Abyss" of Lengquan Port.

It was said that if one fell into it and reached the deepest part, even a Level 9 martial artist, representing the limit of human flesh, could not survive.

The girl made her decision.

Ling Fei'er calmly wrote her will, put it in her handbag, and placed it on the ground. Then she moved her feet to the edge of the rock.

She closed her eyes, tiptoed, crossed her arms, and stood facing the wind. The sea breeze blew her fitted military uniform, outlining her tall and curvaceous figure. Her cold and beautiful face was cut by tear stains, and her soft black hair fluttered in the wind.

Let the torment end here.

Mom, I'm going to be with you.

Faced with death, the girl with the Dragon Awe template showed her softest and most fragile side.

Her body was about to lean forward and fall into the abyss.

However, at this moment, a hoarse male voice sounded behind her. "Entanglement of meridians?"