
Chapter 2: How much?

I had just gotten home and immediately set all my stuff down slumping onto my couch in exhaustion.

"ugh what a long day."

I sigh out as I rub my forehead.I replay the events of the day in my head and remember the business card and application picking them up I look at the card it had a number the company name and the person who created it's name and position.

"Kim SeJin, head manager.wow a high position at an entertainment company man oh man do I wish."

I laughed setting the card on my mahogany coffee table.I began to flip through the job application.It had the standard normal questions; name, address, why you want to work there, and qualifications.But as soon as I flipped to the second page things got interesting.

"which K-pop group do you want to work with? which TomorrowxTogether song is your favorite? WHO's YOUR BTS BIAS? What kind of questions are these?"

I decided to just leave everything alone for the time being, and went to take a warm shower and go to bed.

The Next Day.

The bright rays of the sun shone through my window encompassing me in warmth I rolled over trying to block out the light when the piercing sound of my alarm clock broke the silence.

"ALRIGHT, alright I'm up geez."

I yelled slamming my hand down on the dismiss button as I sat up.

"I hate my life!"

As I walked over to the blue and white color schemed bathroom I look at the wild tangled mess that is my hair and instantly reach for my brush.My hair was medium in length, Light brown in color, and extremely curly, so brushing it was always a hassle.I slicked it back into a pony tail and left out my front bangs, then I brushed my teeth and headed back to my room to get some clothes.My apartment consisted of one bedroom and one bathroom along with a kitchen, living room, dining room, and a laundry room.The living room was one of the smaller areas it was brown wood walls with a white carpet the furniture was beige to try and help the two windows brighten up the place.There was one couch one TV my lamp and plant in opposite corners and finally my mahogany coffee table in the middle. no fire place though i really wish i had one.The kitchen was the same only the walls were white and plaster instead of wood, there was a window above the sink, the utilities were stainless steel but I didn't own an oven or stove so the microwave became my best friend.The dining room was simple it followed the same design as the living room the table was glass the chairs were mahogany like the coffee table and the light fixture hung just above it the plates were red and the place mats have red and beige stripes.The bathroom was just like the kitchen with its walls but much smaller. it Consists of the toilet, the sink and the bathtub.Above the sink is the mirror cabinets that holds certain things along with the drawers underneath the sink.The shower curtains are the same red and beige stripes as the place mats in the dining room.I also added some red rugs on the kitchen and bathrooms non-carpeted floors.My bedroom was the largest area but still really small it had a closet, one window, my bed my night stand and my work desk.My bed followed the red and beige color scheme and so did my window curtains for every window in the house.My closet held all my clothes on hangers and my shoes stayed on the floor.My nightstand was beige with a red top and handles my work desk was wood with a red lamp in the left corner of my room by the window.My bed sat in the middle underneath the window with my closet directly across from it.In the other corner of my room was a gigantic teddy bear pile while in the corner next to my closet was my dirty clothes basket,Which I was now digging through to find my white undershirt for work.

"ugh why did I only buy one shirt, oh that's right cause I didn't have the money for another one.You know what next paycheck I'm buying a four pack.No,no your saving your money for a stove and oven remember.Ugh I need a new job."

As I said that I looked at the time.

"Ahhh Its seven thirty I need to go."

tossing clothes on the ground i finally find the shirt and put on my work uniform which consists of a black blazer white undershirt black skirt and black 4 inch heels, which by the way I despise.I grabbed my keys and purse ready to leave.

"oh wait my briefcase."

I remind myself as I turn around to see it sitting on the coffee table the business card and application neatly stacked on top of it I hesitate for a second to think whether or not I should bring them then decide why not and stick them inside the case, turning and running out the door locking it behind me.

"I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late."

I repeated as I ran on the sidewalk towards the building 5 blocks away.It was 7:58pm and I still had a ways to go.Pushing past people I take off my heels and start to run faster.At eight o'clock exactly I walk into the building and head over to the front desk to check in.

"I'm here."

I say huffing as I put the heels back on.

"ok who cares put your pin in and go up already."

the receptionist's sassy voice tells me as she points to the key pad beside me.I put my pin in then head to the elevator.Right as I start to go in a man in a tan suit pushes me and goes in closing the doors behind him.

"rude much?" I groan out as I head for the other set of elevators.Going up to the 15th floor I head over to Mr.Min-joon's office and prepare my self for the scent.walking in I set my purse down on my desk in the corner.It was an empty one so when the day finally comes when I want to quit I didn't have to stay longer then I wanted to.Walking over he glares at me as I bow and wish him a good morning.

"is there something wrong sir?"

"where is it?"

"I'm sorry sir?"

"my coffee, where is it? i specifically asked you for it in my email last night, so where is it?"

"im so sorry Mr.Min-joon, I was running late and forgo..."

"running late, who cares if you were running late you are my head personal assistant and you cant even do one simple task let alone be punctual.How do you think that makes me look. Joseok Min-joon a bank boss who cant even hire a competent assistant.You know what Ms.Brito you are fired."


"Yeah you heard me fired, F.I.R.E.D. Fired, pack your things and go."

"No need to."

I walk to my used to be desk and grab my purse storming out and slamming the doors behind me.I couldn't believe it four years down the drain because of one stupid coffee.Ugh, as If life wasn't hard enough.As I walked out the door I decided it was finally time to head to one of the bars.Heading into Greg's I sit at the bar and set my briefcase on the chair next to me.I ask the bartender for a shot and he nods in understanding.once it was given to me I down it quickly and set the cup down.Just then a man stumbles past me knocking my briefcase to the floor the papers scatter and he continues in the direction he was heading.

"Hey, watch it!"

I yell at him, then I get off the stool to pick up the papers.I notice the application and business card once again and decide maybe I should go for it, it seems like it might pay well and I mean I don't have a job anymore.I fill out the application leaving the weird questions blank then decide to call Mr.SeJin.He picks up almost immediately.

"Hello Big Hit Entertainment Mr.SeJin speaking how may I help you."

"h-hi Mr.SeJin, Uh my name is Trinity Brito I'm the lady you almost hit with your car last night."

"oh Trinity right sorry about that again I didn't mean to I was rushing to meet with the boys.

"Right well uh I called to say I'm interested in the position that you recommended."

"Oh really that's fantastic come by my office today at 2 and we will discuss all about it.The for sure thing though is your pay will start at 1,908,368 won a day precisely."($1,600 USD)


"Yep so stop by at 2 ok I'll see you then."

He says then hangs up.I'm still in shock as I look at the bartender.

"1,908,368 won a day."

I breath out in disbelief as I hold my forehead.The bartender drops the glass he was holding and looks at me.