
Do Me A Favor Drop-Dead

Every high school girl and boy desires and anticipates for that awesome, popular, and famous with extravagant easy and free going lifestyle. Having the most expensive and latest gadgets and clothes and not to mention having the most beautiful, impressive good looking body. When it came to the girls, every girl had to do what a girl gat to do, to always be the prettiest, most good looking girl in school, you had to have curves in the right places, long beautiful hair, a pretty face and lots of influence and the others that didn't fit in this kind of lifestyle centered their attention on studies. While with the boys, apart from the outstanding accessories, one had to have the hottest girl in school, with sustainable grades to impress the girls and a great athletie, tall and heavy built, with great dominance. And then came around this guy, famously known as Costa Nucho. damn did he have everything. He used to nail it in every aspect. Being the leader of the athletic team, he had this great body, the looks, money, influence, dominance and all the pretty girls flocking to him, captived by his charm. He was full of pride and arrogance, determined to get his way no matter what. Little did he know that his stubborn, superior attitude was soon to be challenged and changed, by a simple, low class girl, a girl way out of his league, who was determined to maintain justice even if it meant matching Costa Nucho's pride, attitude and arrogance. But things turned out different for both of them, terribly worse than they ever imagined.

Susan_Phiri · Thanh xuân
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33 Chs

Chapter 6

When Nucho went to meet his dad in the principles office, he found him pacing back and forth like crazy.

"What you did was wrong, you have to go apologize to that girl!" snapped James Dylan Kalecky.

"What the heck is wrong with you today? You first forced me to use that stupid public bus when coming to school, and now you are telling me to let my guard down, lower myself, and apologize to that brat. I just don't get it, dad." commented Nucho.

"Listen, son, this is the month of election, and whether these losers vote for me or not, it does not matter, cause I am gonna succeed either way. All we have to do is befriend and convince these good for nothing, high-ranking official representatives of just how well i do my job as a mayor of the two regions. They arrived this morning and am under observation, and the same applies to you as well, so you better be on your best behavior, kind and generous to everyone." Cautioned Mr Kalecky.

"So for how long are we supposed to put on this act?" asked Nucho, worried.

"Just for two weeks. Apologizing to that girl doesn't matter as of now, so long you don't cause another shenanigans, so you better behavior."

"No way! Am sorry, dad, but I can't manage to keep that up for two more weeks. That's bullshit." blasted out Nucho.

Mr Kalecky was now getting irritated. He stormed towards Nucho, held on to his collar, and pulled him close to himself.

"Listen up, son! I don't give a damn of what you think, I will have to make sure these people sign off the election in my favor, and I won't let you or anyone else ruin this for me. If you dare act otherwise and take this your own way, I will gladly reunite you with your mother in hell. If you know what's good for you, you better pull your shit together, man up, and act accordingly. I've I made myself clear?" Mr Kalecky threatened Nucho in a low calculating frightful voice as he fearlessly looked into Nucho's fearfull eyes.

The furiously, steady, unmistakable look on Mr Kalecky's face told Nucho that he wasn't joking and he meant every single word he said. At this point, Nucho had no other choice but to follow along.

"Yeah, sure, as you wish, we are going do it your own way." said Nucho submissively as he gently broke free from his dad's grip and left the office.

**** ****

Vivian managed to dry up her sleeve but couldn't get rid of the stains, and that really annoyed her. As she walked out of the restroom, three quarters of the students were waiting for her outside. They were moved with awe of how  brave she was to speak up to Nucho.

"You were really brave. What you did was really amazing. Nobody has ever stood up to Nucho." commented one of the students.

"Yeah, as if it's not your first day at school, that was so impressive, and you were so lucky that his father showed up. He really could have hurt you." commented another, and the rest followed along the same pattern.

All this attention was getting on Vivian's veins. "Listen up, everyone! Whatever I did, I did it for my own benefit. You can also do it if you want. So if you would excuse me, I've somewhere important to be." Vivian said and walked away, leaving them dazzled and uncertain of just what kind of person she really was.