
Disaster, Chaos, Calamity: A Terraria Calamity Story

WARNING: Much Disaster, Chaos, and Calamity will be released by opening this book

Sasquash19 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Tales of the Ancient Spirits

Yharim's POV

"Yharim! It's story time!" Grandpa said. "Ooh!" I ran over and sat on the wood floor as Grandpa sat down in his chair. "Today's story is about Calamitas," he said. "Ok Grandpa!" I said excitingly. "Long ago, Long before you or I were born, there was a witch, a good witch, known as Calamitas. She would provide the humans with everything they needed to survive. She was their protector. Calamitas gave the humans everything and more. She gave them ancient power that humans never knew existed. It was very close to love for the humans. The humans in return for everything Calamitas gave to them would battle any huge enemy they could. Calamitas was very pleased with this and enjoyed watching the humans battle, but one day the humans became more intelligent and grew bored of battle. Calamitas was enraged by this and told the humans that there would be consequences for this. Of course the humans, underestimating the power of Calamitas, discovered that this was a grave mistake. Men, women and children died from Calamitas's wrath. Hundreds of thousands were killed and millions were found unconscious in the Corruption with no memory of anything that had happened. Calamitas took their powers. 'You humans are not worthy! I am stripping you of your powers and all of your equipment. A monster of pure evil will be in possession of the souls. The hallow will be cleansed and the corruption will be dominant because of the events you have caused,' she said. Of course no one, not even the great explorer Weston, could find the purest of evil. Some say they believe the underworld is where it lies. Some say that Providence has it. Some say it was abandoned in the Brimstone Crags. Many say that the souls were turned into a monster made of the flesh of the humans that died. These rumors are only rumors and no one still knows what or where the souls lie. But my great great grandfather rose up to Calamitas and told of the prophecy of the Jungle Tyrant. That this character will kill the forsaken monster and reclaim the souls' powers and use them to force Calamitas to work for him. However there is a dark side. The Tyrant must be aware that great power comes great corruption. The Tyrant may find his doom from the clouds of his power that block his thoughts. But you Yharim shall see where destiny takes you," Grandpa told. The story was great!!! I believe in the rumor that there is a flesh monster. The underworld is insane though. I already heard the story of the Brimstone Elemental. I believe that this Tyrant will arise soon...and I hope to support him.

So I got about 500 words in. Of course it's a chapter that is all a story. Don't worry there'll be longer chapters and I will be showing off bosses. Next chapter is a time skip of  15 years. Thanks for reading. Sasquash19 out

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