
Disaster, Chaos, Calamity: A Terraria Calamity Story

WARNING: Much Disaster, Chaos, and Calamity will be released by opening this book

Sasquash19 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Spirits are Released

Yharim's POV

Shit! I thought. Falling down I used my cloud in a bottle to save me from breaking my leg. Right behind me, my companion did the same. "Dex! What happened?" I asked. "We...fell too far. Now we're in Hell!" He said. "Crap!! I didn't want to come back so early," I said. I was just here for the Hellstone. Now I'm back. Taking inventory I listed off my items. Night's Edge, Minishark, Molten Pickaxe, Molten Hamaxe, some extra Hellstone bars, ammo, my wood stash, healing potions, aaaaand...a bunch of garbage. I guess I forgot to clean my inventory. Yeah the regular garbage. Cobwebs, about 2,000 stone blocks, the random mushroom that's always there, excess gel, and also a smushed plate of pho that's probably spoiled and rotted. I threw the pho in the lava and wiped my hands on my Molten Armor. Grandpa always said that Hellstone wasn't the strongest metal in the world. I hopped over a lava pool. "So is the monster that possesses the spirits a terrible demon?" Dex asked. I shook my head "No. It's thought to be a being of pure evil made of the flesh of the fallen," I said. "So a flesh demon,"


Dex transversing the lava as well we continued traveling through. "Do you think we're ready?" He asked. "I don't know, but we might as well while we're down here," I replied. I saw a silhouette of a person in the shadows of the underworld. "Who's that?" Dex asked me. "Hello? Strange man," I called. The man stepped out into the light. The face I saw was one I once admired...the one I got most of my knowledge from. My grandpa. "Yharim. What have you done?" He asked. "Grandpa! W-what are you doing here?" I asked. "Better question...why are you here Yharim?" He replied. "I-I came back down here on accident. I'm not here to do anything," I lied. The old man chuckled. "Yharim...you can't fool your old man. What are you doing?" He asked again. "Okay! Fine! I'm here to release the spirits," I answered. "Yharim...come back with me...you've been gone for so long. Your family is dead," he said. "WHAT?! You can't just drop a bombshell like that!!!" I yelled.

"They all were eaten alive by the Eater of Worlds," he said. "What about Lehea?" I asked. My baby sister was only born a few months ago. We were so happy. A tear rolled down Grandpa's face and that alone answered my question. "They...they're all dead," I said. "Please Yharim. Come take care of me. I need you," Grandpa said. "I hate you," I said. Anger filled my being. "For Lehea!! I will release the spirits and be the Jungle Tyrant! You are the only thing standing in my way,"

"Well. I cannot stop you. So I guess this is where your journey begins. May the spirits guide you," he said. He stepped out of the way. Right as we were about to walk past him he stopped me with his arm. "Take these things. One is from me. The other will help you summon this damned thing," he said. He gave me an old book. Dust scattered off of it as he gave it to me. The other was a wooden doll. It looked like Justin...our guide. "Sacrifices must be made to summon it," Grandpa said. "You mean-,"

"Yes...Justin's life is better lost than yours," he said. "Grandpa...will I lose you too?" I asked. "No. But I will be cursed by a horrible being that is made of bones," he answered. "Grandpa...I...I'm ready," I said. "I know Yharim," he replied.

He jumped into a pool of lava and "died"

I knew he'd be back. The curse keeps him alive. "Ok Dex. You ready?"

He nodded and pulled out his Star Cannon. I threw the doll in the lava and felt Justin's death weigh up upon my shoulders. Knowing his death was my responsibility. "Yharim!! What the hell is that?!" Dex screamed. A massive flesh wall was on one side of us. "Oh...shit," I said. The creature roared and moved toward us. "Keep up! If you don't you'll be killed," I yelled. Stars and bullets rained as we fought the massive wall. Dex was panting. "A bridge would've been useful!!" He said. I rolled my eyes. How was I suppose to know it would be a damn wall. Lots of movement was involved here. There were even little grabby things with leech like creatures too. As we fired it gained speed (Always assume every boss is in deathmode) and was getting really fast. We were sprinting with our lightning boots helping move us faster. The eyes fired lasers like crazy. One hit me dead in the chest. I thought the underworld was hot...but these lasers make Hell look like an icicle. "Dex!! Do not touch those lasers!" I warned. The whole thing left me wore out. Then I saw the silhouette of another human. He was looking straight at me. He jumped down and joined the fight. The Wall of Flesh was moving almost as fast as I was. The other person jumped up. He pulled out a redish sword that closely resembled Night's Edge. He stabbed the sword into the wall and pulled down on it, slicing through the flesh all the way down. The wall stopped moving. It then exploded into pieces of flesh and blood. "Ugh. That's...pleasant," I said while picking off some of the pieces stuck to my armor. The man walked up to me and held his hand out. I took it and he helped me up. "Thank you. Who are you?" I asked him. He took off his helmet. He had black hair and blue eyes, and a massive scar under his left eye and across his face. "I go by Draedon. You should be more careful with those voodoo dolls. They kill someone and they'll kill you too," he said. "Thank you for your assistance. I ask you to join me if you would," I said. "Under who?"

"Me. I'm the Jungle Tyrant," I said. Draedon looked suspicious. "Really?" He asked. "Yes,"

"Show me,"

"I can't. We have no Jungle power here,"

"Then...I'll wait for you to defeat Calamitas. Then I'll think about it," he said. "Okay. I'll make sure I defeat her," I said. Draedon took a purple star potion. "I guess I'll see you around Tyrant," he said. He drank the potion and teleported away. "What was that sword?" Dex asked. "I have no idea," I replied. "For now we need to take the rest of what the wall gave us and get out of here. I have a few ideas but I'll need to go home and find somethings and read up about the spirits," I said. "I need to do something's of my own. I'll see you in the jungle," Dex said. I shook his hand and grabbed his arm. "See you on the other side friend," I said. He took his magic mirror and went home. I took my own. Not knowing what awaits me in this terrifying world.


So chapter 2. What do you think. Yeah I might have misspelled or got grammar wrong but I think it's pretty good. Well I'm going to check out and rest for a bit. Sasquash19 out.