

Bits are use for either help for digivolving by absorbing it or use for creating a functional item (Ex: Gun, Flaming sword, Invisible Cape etc…) or an item (Example: Bullet, Gasoline, Fruit etc…)


B-Byte = 8b

KB-Kilobyte = 1000B

MB- Megabyte = 1000KB

GB- Gigabyte = 1000MG

TB- Terabyte = 1000GB

GreenCard= 2x Use For Digivolving Baby- Adult Stage

BlueCard= 3x Use For Digivolving Adult- Perfect

RedCard= 4x Use For Digivolving Perfect- Ultimate

Skill Cards could be use for 6x, 9x, 14x Respectively and item card (Stick, Rocks, Hammer) Has Durability percentage or Damage Percent it goes from 1%-100% Item cards could be fix by either Manual Repair (Finding Items to Attach SKILLFULLY on a damage item) or By giving the item bits until it restore to 100%

GreenCard= Skill Card and Item Card (Common)

BlueCard= Skill Card (Adult) and Item Card (Rare)

RedCard= Skill Card (Perfect) and Item Card (Epic) and Digital Monster (Ex: Behemoth) Also Called Digital Space Card (Can Only BE use on a Single Digimon {Ex: If Behemoth use the card then only Behemoth could use this card})

Semi Attacks Such as A GreenCard that came from an Adult Stage is treated as Semi Stage Skill- Skill Card that is Semi Stage came from {Ex: A Digimon Digivolve through A card after it was Killed It gave a GreenCard Skill Card it is treated as a Semi Stage} it could be treated the same as a {Ex:} GreenCard, The Damage is Halve if its A Semi Card

Digimon DigiVolution= DigiTama- Baby I- Baby II- Child- Adult- Perfect- Ultimate


1: If a rock is given a TB {TeraByte} would it become a boulder or a mountain or Stay in being a rock but the rock became heavier

Answer: It would become a boulder or a mountain BECAUSE giving a rock TB just to make it a heavier does not really make sense and besides who would do that?

2: Do the digimons know that planting meat would become a tree meat?

Answer: Yes they do

Then why do they still fight?

Answer: Because they want to gain the data or want to become powerful or wants an item etc…

3: Does their size/ height same as the anime?

Answer: Well a great example of evolution is how you feed a kid and how you let him grow up... if he was healthy he will be very tall while if you dont then he will be short... just like in this digimon fanfic if you eat healthy and gains a healthy environment but at the same time trains then the digimon will grow up big but if he doesnt eat, is lazy and basically live as a nerd (Like ME) his evolution height is short... yes i applied it here since ehem you know have to have difference

(I don't have any more questions on this but if i did ill just update this chapter)