
Chapter 8: Fight?

Back to the present


Hawk: "Ughm is that all??"

Greymon: "HUH?"

Gazu: "Boss should we be shocked right now?"

Impmon: "I too don't have any idea whats happening right now"

Hick: "Boss for his effort we should act like were shocked"

Impmon: "Okay?"

After our little rant we look at the awkward Greymon then our face (were shocked at what happened)


Of course we dispersed and my boys look at me

Impmon: "Sigh fine! Paint Splash!"

I ran to the field and Paint splash the face of the GREAT greymon and because of his giant body he can't reach his eyes, meaning he can't wiped the ink out of his eyes

Yuki Agumon: "Greymon!!"

Clear Agumon: "Baby Flame!!"

Toy Agumon: "Baby Flame!!"

Then surprised me! the Agumon variants attacked me with baby flame that was so slow that me standing like NOT moving at all just passed me 'SLOWLY' ughh this is just dissapointing!

Yuki Agumon: "Got you! White Hail"

I was surprised! Again in the second time! Because the attack was so pitiful that my body didn't even get damage it just annoyed me, I swiped the yuki agumon with just pure punch, I quote punch meaning no energy not an attack skill just pure strength and the yuki agumon flew to the other agumon variants

Greymon: "AGHH!! Since I can't see.. ill just burn everything!! BIT FIRE!"

"No!!" (The one who screamed was Kamemon)

Impmon: "Hawks!! Get the 4 digimons!"

Hawk: "Aye boss!"

Impmon: "Gazi"

Gazi: "Yes boss? Tsi Tsi Tsi this is? Fun!"

While the hawks were evecauting the 4 injured digimon Gazi, Gazu, Pulse and Me are dodging the moving fire breathing Dinasour

Impmon: "Finish the 3 agumons first! Gazi's to the Toy Agumon's, Pulse distract the Giant Dinasour Digimon"

"On it bossx3"

{Conversation Between Impmon and Yuki Agumon}

"Now Yuki Agumon"

"Kuhahaha I can't believe it!! I thought we were on a streak!"

"Because you thought we would be scared of an adult digimon?"

"YES! Don't you see!! The destruction of a Greymon? who wont be scared huh??"

"Well as you can see, Not my group"

"Kuhahaha DIE! Little Blizzard!"

"Is that all? Fire Shot!"

Clearly my fire shot was faster than him still preparing the attack so in the end it directly hit his majestic agumon face

"Agh!! This is not the end IMPMON! White Hail"

"Oh no You don't you stupid white lizard! Summon!"

Since i trained how to aim my attacks i just shoot my summon to where he SHOULD be aannd


Bullseye... hehehe

"Well Then, serve this as a lesson not to be too arrogant will you… Summon"


Yuki agumon turned into Data, of course i absorb it and look at that a Green Card! With the Snow Claw Skill and a small meat

Impmon: "That's… sweet? Almost easy actually"

Gazu: "It wasn't even a fight"

Greymon: "GRAHHH!! YOU BASTARD!! Yuki Agumon!, Toy Agumon!, Clear Agumon!"

Gazi: "They Turned into data you know?"

Gazu: "What does he expect? I mean barging to our home? and shouting in the morning"

Impmon: "Hyo bearmon"

Bearmon: "Boss!!"

Impmon: "Did you get the Fruits??"

Bearmon: "Yeah! Gaomon and Gabumon Talked to Garurumon an… boss who's that??"

Impmon: "Uhh… an invader?"

Bearmon: "Should we be… ignoring him?"

Greymon: "GAAA!!! FIRE WALL!! Ill have my revenge!! Impmon!! Ill have my REVENGE!!"

Impmon: "Aaaaaand there he goes!"

Bearmon: "Should we be… you know?"

Impmon: "Gaomon and Gabumon are going to meet the guy and since our base exploded and flared a LOT they'll probably take care of it"

Bearmon: "Fare enough"