
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 27— Just a normal date.


2000 words count.

A boring date don't read it, better wait for next chapter.


Outside the cafe, Hikari looked at Sumiko, who was pulling him along. Sensing her unusual behavior, he asked knowingly, "Are you jealous?"

Hearing his question, Sumiko abruptly stopped in the middle of the bustling street. Around them, people were moving up and down, busy with their own matters, but for Sumiko, everyone else faded away. Only Hikari stood there, bathed in the morning sunlight.

Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eyes and replied, "If I say I am jealous, will you stop thinking of her?"

She knew she was being unfair and greedy, but she needed to know his answer, even if it made her seem selfish.

Hikari was taken aback by the raw emotion in her voice. He could see the conflict in her eyes—the vulnerability and the courage it took for her to admit her feelings. He gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped.

"Sumiko," he said softly, "I can't deny my past or my feelings, but what I feel for you right now is real and strong. I want to be with you. You don't need to compete with anyone. You're you, someone special for me, someone dear, someone unique. You are the only Sumiko for me."

Sumiko's heart skipped a beat. She had feared his answer, yet his words were a balm to her insecurity. She leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against her cheek. "I know it's selfish," she whispered, "but I want to be the only one for you."

Hikari pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her close. "You're not being selfish. It's natural to feel this way. I want to reassure you that I'm here with you, now and always."

She hugged him back, the tension in her body slowly easing. "I trust you," she said, her voice muffled against his chest. "It's just... love me the most even if you have other women in the future."

Hikari was taken aback by her selflessness. How could someone resist a girl like her, who was willing to consider his needs and allow him to date others, only asking for his love to be strongest for her in return? He looked at her, a smile forming on his lips. Then, gently, he lifted her head. Sumiko thought he was going to pet her, but instead, he flicked her forehead.

"Ow! Why?" she asked, feeling a pang of betrayal as tears welled up in her eyes.

Hikari's expression softened. "Don't overthink things," he said, brushing away a tear with his thumb. "Let's just enjoy our time together. Come on, let's go somewhere fun."

As they continued walking, hand in hand, the world around them came back into focus. The busy street, the honking cars, and the chattering people—all seemed less daunting with Hikari by her side. They walked in comfortable silence, both lost in their thoughts but feeling more connected than ever.

When they reached a quiet park, they decided to sit for a while. The morning sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Sumiko leaned her head on Hikari's shoulder, feeling at peace.

"I love this place," she said softly. "It's so calm and beautiful."

Hikari nodded, wrapping an arm around her. "Just like you," he murmured, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Sumiko blushed, her heart swelling with love. "You're such a charmer," she teased, but her eyes sparkled with happiness.

They sat there for a while, enjoying each other's company and the serene surroundings.

The morning sun bathed the streets of Hokkaido in a gentle light as Hikari and Sumiko set off on their day's adventure. Their first stop was the local aquarium, a modern marvel nestled near the coastline, where the ocean's wonders awaited them.

Hand in hand, they walked through the entrance, their faces lighting up as they were greeted by the soothing blue hues of the tanks around them. Schools of colorful fish swam gracefully, and Sumiko's eyes widened in awe as she spotted a clownfish darting in and out of an anemone.

"Look at that one!" Sumiko exclaimed, pointing at a giant Pacific octopus that was lazily stretching its tentacles. "Isn't it amazing?"

Hikari chuckled, enjoying her enthusiasm. "It is. Did you know they can change colors and textures to blend in with their surroundings?"

Sumiko turned to him, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Really? That's incredible. Nature is so fascinating."

As they moved through the exhibits, they found themselves in front of a large tank filled with various species of jellyfish. The ethereal creatures floated serenely, their tentacles trailing like delicate lace.

"They're beautiful," Sumiko whispered, mesmerized.

Hikari nodded, squeezing her hand gently. "Yeah, they are. It's almost like they're dancing, isn't it?"

After spending a few hours exploring the aquarium, they decided it was time for lunch. Exiting the building, they made their way to a nearby street food market that was bustling with activity. The savory scents of grilled meats, fried tempura, and sweet pastries filled the air, making their mouths water.

Hikari spotted a takoyaki stand and led Sumiko over. "Have you tried takoyaki before?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Sumiko shook her head, excitement in her eyes. "No, but I've always wanted to!"

They ordered a plate of the piping hot octopus balls, watching as the vendor expertly flipped them on the griddle. When they were ready, Hikari handed Sumiko a skewer, and she took a cautious bite.

"Mmm, this is delicious!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy. "Thank you for introducing me to this."

Hikari smiled, taking a bite of his own. "I'm glad you like it. There's so much amazing food to try here."

They continued to wander through the market, sampling various treats and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. Sumiko couldn't resist the allure of a sweet taiyaki filled with red bean paste, while Hikari indulged in a savory okonomiyaki.

With their stomachs full and their spirits high, they made their way to the local zoo. The lush greenery and the sounds of animals created a serene backdrop for their afternoon.

They started at the panda exhibit, where a pair of pandas were lazily munching on bamboo. Sumiko watched them with a dreamy expression. "They're so cute. I wish I could hug one."

Hikari laughed. "I'm not sure they'd appreciate that, but I bet they'd love the attention."

As they moved on, they encountered a lively group of meerkats standing at attention. Sumiko giggled at their antics. "Look at them, they're so curious! Just like little sentinels."

Hikari wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Yeah, they're adorable. I think you have a lot in common with them."

Sumiko playfully swatted his arm. "Are you saying I'm nosy?"

Hikari grinned. "No, I'm saying you're always looking out for everyone."

They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the zoo, visiting the majestic tigers, the playful otters, and the graceful giraffes. Each exhibit brought new wonder and sparked lively conversations about their favorite animals and childhood memories.

As the sun began to set, they found a quiet bench overlooking the elephant enclosure. Sumiko rested her head on Hikari's shoulder, sighing contentedly.

"Today has been perfect," she said softly. "Thank you for making it so special."

Hikari kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. There's nothing better than seeing you happy."

Sumiko looked up at him, her eyes filled with love. "I am happy. As long as I'm with you, I always will be."

They sat in comfortable silence, watching the elephants as the sky turned shades of pink and orange. It was a day they would both cherish, a beautiful memory in the tapestry of their lives together.

As the sun set over Hokkaido, Hikari and Sumiko made their way to a cozy, local cinema. The quaint theater, with its vintage charm and old-fashioned marquee, was the perfect place to end their day of adventure. The sign above the entrance displayed the evening's feature: a romantic drama that Sumiko had been eager to see.

Hand in hand, they walked through the entrance, greeted by the scent of freshly popped popcorn. The lobby was warm and inviting, with posters of classic films adorning the walls and a soft hum of chatter filling the air. Hikari led Sumiko to the concession stand, where they ordered a large popcorn, a couple of sodas, and some candy to share.

"I can't wait to see this movie," Sumiko said, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she took a sip of her drink. "I've heard it's really good."

Hikari smiled, enjoying her enthusiasm. "I'm looking forward to it too. It's been a while since i watched a movie."

They made their way into the dimly lit theater, choosing seats in the middle of the back row for the best view. As they settled in, the room began to fill with other moviegoers, all eager for the show to begin. The lights dimmed, and the screen flickered to life, casting a soft glow over the audience.

As the movie started, Sumiko leaned her head on Hikari's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her. The opening scenes were filled with beautiful cinematography, drawing them both into the story. The romance on screen mirrored their own, filled with moments of tenderness, laughter, and a few heart-wrenching twists.

Throughout the film, Sumiko's emotions played across her face, from smiles to tears. Hikari found himself just as captivated, occasionally glancing at her to see her reactions. During a particularly emotional scene, he felt her grip his hand tightly, and he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

When the credits finally rolled, the theater was filled with the sound of applause. Sumiko wiped away a few stray tears, a soft smile on her lips. "That was amazing," she said, turning to Hikari. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Hikari leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a beautiful film."

They stayed in their seats for a few moments, letting the crowd disperse. Sumiko nestled closer to Hikari, savoring the warmth of his embrace. "I think this has been the best day ever," she whispered.

Hikari smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I'm happy to hear that. I will love spending time with you in the future too."

As they finally stood to leave, they noticed a few other couples lingering, holding hands and sharing quiet conversations. The atmosphere was filled with the same kind of contentment they felt—a shared sense of connection and love.

Walking out of the theater, the cool night air greeted them. The streets were quieter now, with only a few people strolling under the streetlights. Hikari and Sumiko took their time, wandering hand in hand as they talked about their favorite parts of the movie.

"Do you remember the scene where they confessed their love in the rain?" Sumiko asked, her eyes bright with excitement. "That was so romantic."

Hikari nodded. "Yeah, it was. It reminded me of us in a way. All those moments we've shared, the way we understand each other without needing words."

Sumiko blushed, looking down at their intertwined hands. "You're right. I feel so lucky to have you."

Hikari stopped walking and gently lifted her chin, looking into her eyes. "I'm the lucky one," he said softly. "Being with you makes everything better."

They shared a tender kiss under the lamplight, a perfect end to their perfect day. As they continued their walk back to their hotel, they talked about their plans for the future, dreaming of more adventures together.

When they finally reached their room, they felt a sense of peace and happiness. The day had been filled with unforgettable moments, and they knew there were many more to come. With hearts full of love and heads full of dreams, they drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the future held, as long as they were together.


Didn't I told you no much interaction right!

Anything in mind?

I am out of Ideas....

Update rutine for some days

1 chapter/day

Day 1— Jjk n sl

Day 2— Jjk n sl

Day 3—Unique highschool Life -

Day 4—Unique highschool Life -

Day 5—Jjk n sl -

Day 6—Jjk n sl -

I think like this ? Until I upgrade myself up.
