
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

chapter 28 jin x Kaori


Words counted-- 1500

Read unique highschool life.

Does anyone has read my one piece summons? I wrote that a year ago should I edit that and continue that ffc well it did reach 100k views!!

Whatever just enjoy sorry for 1 day delay.


Seeing Sumiko and Hikari leave, Gojo looked grumpy, while Geto sighed. "Okay, Satoru, we need to pack up," Geto suggested.

"Hai hai," Gojo agreed reluctantly, though he wanted to observe them. Sumiko strictly prohibited him from staying, so he reluctantly decided to listen to her.

Even if he didn't listen to others, he took Sumiko's words seriously, seeing it as a way to atone for neglecting her when she needed him the most.

Returning to their inn, both Gojo and Geto gathered their belongings. As they walked down the corridor, they encountered the inn's owner, an old lady.

"Oh, are you leaving already?" the old lady asked, noticing their luggage.

They hadn't brought much due to the urgency, but they had bought some souvenirs to take back with them.

Gojo, seeing the old woman, replied with a hint of attitude, "Yeah, granny."

"Um, we are, but our sister and a friend will be staying. We just have some work, so we're heading out first," Geto explained politely.

"Oh, is that so? Then please wait for a minute," she said, before disappearing into her room.

"Where is she going?" Gojo asked Geto, irritated.

"Who knows," Geto replied, smiling warily. Gojo had been like this since the morning, and Geto suspected that Hikari and Sumiko might be the reason but decided to keep quiet about it.

Within a minute, the woman returned with a small plastic bag. "My granddaughter made this for you all as a thank you for helping clean the public bath last night. She was really grateful."

"Oh, thanks," Gojo said, taking the bag and immediately biting into one of the cookies. "Not bad," he said, chewing.

"Satoru," Geto sighed, watching Gojo's casual behavior.

"Try it, it's good," Gojo said, handing a piece to Geto. He sigh but took a bite and agreed, "Hmm, it is good."

The previous night, when they went to take a bath, the place was about to close for cleaning. A young girl was there to clean it but decided to wait until the three men finished. Feeling guilty, Gojo, Geto, and Hikari cleaned the place themselves after they finished.

The cookies were a gesture of gratitude from the girl for their help.

As they each took a piece of the cookie and closed the bag, putting it in their luggage, Gojo looked around his surroundings.

He spotted a little girl he had seen the previous day, hiding behind a door and peeking at them. She looked to be around 8 or 9 years old.

Seeing her, Gojo remembered Sumiko's small figure when she was the same age as the girl. He extended his hand, gesturing for the girl to come closer. She looked around, confused. Is he calling me? she thought. But seeing no one else in her direction, she timidly walked over to them.

"What's your name, kid?" Gojo asked, his sunglasses hiding his eyes, making his tone seem more detached than gentle.

"It's Yuki ozawa -dez-," she exclaimed, her voice sounding scared as she hid behind her grandmother.

"Misa, thank you for the cookies. Did you make them?" Geto asked, crouching down to her level with a warm smile.

"Um," she nodded her head shyly, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Oh wow, then you really must have a talent in baking," Geto complimented, genuinely impressed.

Misa's eyes lit up at the praise. "Thank you, big brother," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. She looked at Geto, finding his ears funny and endearing, which made her less scared.

Gojo stood off to the side, his arms crossed and his expression unreadable behind his sunglasses.

"Here, as a thank you gift," Geto said, pulling out a small keychain adorned with a cute charm. He infused it with some of his cursed technique, making it like a talisman to ward off small cursed spirits. "This is for you. It will help keep you safe from bad things ."

Misa's eyes widened with wonder as she accepted the keychain. "Wow, thank you so much!" she exclaimed, clutching the keychain to her chest.

"It's nothing much," Geto shrugged modestly, though he couldn't hide the warmth in his eyes.

Misa looked at Geto with admiration. "You are really kind," she said, her voice filled with awe.

The old lady, her grandmother, watched the interaction with a proud smile. "Thank you for being so kind to my granddaughter," she said.

"It's our pleasure," Geto replied. "She deserves it for being so thoughtful and talented."

Both bid farewell to the little girl and her grandmother, then stepped outside. They pondered their next move, debating whether to travel by train, airplane, or the same way they had arrived.

"Train might be more scenic," Gojo suggested, looking up at the sky thoughtfully.

"Yeah, but it's slower. We need to get back quickly," Geto countered, adjusting his sunglasses.

"True. Airplane it is, then?" Gojo proposed, raising an eyebrow.

"Fine by me," Geto agreed with a shrug.

With their decision made, they headed towards the airport.

As Gojo and Geto left, Hikari and Sumiko were enjoying their date. Meanwhile, in a house nearby, an argument erupted.

"What do you mean we can't? We've done it many times before Yuji was born, so why not today?" a man shouted at his wife.

"No means no, Jin! Don't make me angry," the woman replied, her eyebrows twisted in frustration, not wanting to be touched again.

"But Kaori," he tried to protest, feeling the years of pent-up desire boiling inside him. If she didn't let him release his urges, he feared he might one day cheat on her. Why couldn't she see that, he wondered.

"Mom, Dad," an 8-year-old boy called out to them worriedly, walking into the room. He had just returned from kindergarten, his happy mood quickly turning to confusion and worry as he saw his parents fighting.

Jin, seeing his son's concerned state, sighed heavily. "Let's talk later," he said quietly as he walked over to pick him up from the doorway.

But Kaori ignored them both. "I'll be back late," she stated firmly, heading out without a second glance. Jin's face darkened as he watched her leave, a storm of thoughts swirling in his mind.

With their strained relationship weighing heavily on him, Jin couldn't help but entertain unsettling thoughts. He knew he shouldn't dwell on them, but tonight, they seemed impossible to ignore.

As Kaori left, Jin hurriedly made his way to his father's room. "Father," he called softly.

Wasure Itadori opened the door, concern evident in his eyes. "What's wrong, Jin?" he asked.

"Just a little argument. Can you look after Yuki for a while? I need to sort something out," Jin stated, his expression dejected as he handed Yuji over to his father, silently pleading for his understanding.

Wasure sighed deeply. "I've told you before, that woman is trouble," he muttered to himself. Aloud, he said, "Don't fight, okay? Raising a hand against a woman leaves a mark on a man."

"I know, Father," Jin replied quietly, handing Yuji over to him.

Yuji looked up at his father, his innocent eyes filled with worry. "Will Mommy and Daddy fight?" he asked.

Feeling a pang in his heart at Yuji's words, Jin knelt down and gently rubbed his son's hair. "No, we're just going to talk," he reassured him. "Ah-yes! let's go on a picnic tomorrow—all four of us. Mommy, me, Grandpa, and you. Would you like that?"

"Don't include me there!" Wasure declined joining their family picnic, citing his age and not wanting to intrude.

However, Yuji insisted adamantly, "No, Grandpa is coming too, or we won't go!" Wasare chuckled and relented, which briefly echoed with heartwarming laughter from Yuji and Jin.

Yuji nodded warmly, a small smile spreading across his face. As wasare agree.

Nevertheless, memories of past family times lingered in Jin's mind, urging him to resolve his mounting suspicions. These thoughts weighed heavily on him as he made the decision to discreetly tail Kaori.

Trusting his son to his father, Jin ran out of his house in search of Kaori. Not far away, he spotted her entering a car.

Growing more suspicious, he followed them on his scooter. They drove for a while until the car stopped at a hotel.

Jin's suspicions hardened as he bit his lip hard, feeling a mix of humiliation and frustration.

Seeing the car pull into the parking lot, he parked his scooter outside and hid near a café, keeping watch for any movement.

As time passed, Jin saw Kaori walking with someone who appeared to be a woman from behind. However, their shoulder-length hair kept his suspicions from easing.

"Seriously? You choose a woman over your husband?" the thought lingered, making the situation feel more unbearable.

He followed them quietly as they entered the hotel. Hoping to caught them red handed.


Any mistake?
