
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs


They arrived into the dorms, they were four dorms of each had a symbol of the nations at the front. First was Rome which was a five story building, coloured with a deep wine red with pink stripes at the sides, the entrance had a small but beautiful wooden staircase which led up to a massive wooden door.

In front of it, the Medo-Persian kingdom's which was bright yellow in colour with lime green circles. The building was large being a four story building but much wider than Rome's, the entrance was a white painted staircase made from cement with golden railings which shun brightly which then led to a exquisite ginormous green door.

Beside it was Greece's dormitory four stories and was dark purple in colour with no designs other than the dozens of bright stars which were all over it, it had three light purple staircases which all had two silver railings at their sides. The door was a large wooden door with two glass windows and two golden handles.

Finally the Babylonian dormitory, it was the biggest of all the dorms with it being a seven story building, it was quite wide almost as wide as the Medo-Persians. It was completely white in colour with two golden pillars in front of it and back, it had a large grey staircase with golden railings and a massive but utterly majestic golden door with golden handles.

"This place is massive", Kean states.

"Especially Babylons dorm, why is it so large", Kinea questions while gazing at the dorm.

Rachel explained while keeping a smug grin on her face "Well the nations sponsor everything from the food we eat to the place we live, it's designed themselves and they inject the income for it and Babylon's the richest of all the kingdoms so it's only common we have the best stuff".

Babylon's dorm seemed to be the one the headmistress pointed to but all the dorms were an utterly mesmerizing sight even among the crazy things they've seen so far, they walk into their dorm, the inside looked beautiful with white painted walls, golden staircases leading upwards and a large training room in the middle but they found something odd or rather someone.

It was a boy about their age, he had short light brown hair which was cut at the sides and in front which gave him some bangs and he had shady pink eyes, he's clothes were a bit dusty but relatively unborthered, he laid on his back on the cold floor seeming almost dead.

"Is that guy alright?", Kinea whispered.

The boy immediately jolts up seeming disoriented or even drunk, he sat straight with his head continually going up and down as he struggled to stabilize it. He tried getting up but fell back down to his feet, with a very timid and weak voice he greeted them "H-hello".

"Rachel, whose this?", Kean asks pointing at the boy.

Rachel sighs and then says"Relax, this crazy looking boy is Oscar…a special little fella".

"Rachel?! Is that you?! Where the hell are my glasses?!!", Oscar says while frantically looking for his glasses around the floor.

He finally picks up a pair of round glasses from the floor and uses his clothes to clean them before putting them on.

"Ah! It is you my love!!", Oscar cheered while finally getting on his two feet.

Oscar then runs towards her but Rachel yells "I've told you, I'm not your girlfriend!!" before giving him a deadly punch causing him to fly back and fall to the floor.

"Damn", the twins say unanimously after seeing the punch.

Oscar lands head first on the floor as he yells "What's that for!?".

"Oscar! Where is Maria?!", she inquires.

Oscar gets up while holding his head as he says "Why should I tell you?".

She then clenches her fist ready threatening him to talk but he stood determined.

She then sighs and says in a calm and submissive voice "Please Oscar my love, where's your sister Maria?".

"Yes my love, she's just in the training room", he replies with a sheepish grin.

Her voice then going back to normal he turns to the twins and says "All right, let's go".

The training room was a large empty area with the walls and floor made of bricks and cement, and two wooden doors at opposite sides.

Inside was a girl with long light brown hair which was packed and tired to the back of her head, she had strong percky green eyes and she was relatively slim and had a curvy body.

She wore a grey crop top with short grey leggings and no shoes only grey socks. She held a wooden sword with her right hand with it at her back with the left facing forward and her right leg forward with her left leg back. She was crotched down a bit almost like she was reading an attack.

She was interrupted though when the door barged open and Rachel ran to her yelling "Maria!!".

"Rachel?! What's wrong?", she replied as Rachel hugs her.

"Your brother is being a pervert! Again!!", she exclaims hiding behind her as Oscar and the twins enter the room.

"Oscar?!", she shouts while shooting daggers at him.

Oscar quickly hid behind Kean as Maria then looks up at the twins as she walks up to them and raises her hands to shake them as she says "Hello! Name's Maria, nice to meet you. Kinea, Kean".

"So the king told you about us too?", Kinea asks.

"Yeah, all of us", she replied.

"Why are we only five", Kinea asks.

"Well as much as Babylon can send much people, the king only sends a handful each month", Oscar explains.

"How did someone like you get in?", Kean asks.

"I'll have you know, I'm one of the smartest people you'll ever meet", he roars.

Maria sighs and says "He's not lieing, he's pretty goddamn smart along with great control of his spiritual energy but he just wastes his talents on being a creep".

Suddenly the door opens again and the headmistress walks into their training room, with her a tall man who was completely bald with a thick brown beard, yellow eyes, muscular body and wore only black trousers with no shirt or shoe.

"Hello there boys, I hope Rachel has been helping you settle", she says with a calm smile.

Everyone except the twins take a bow and greet her saying "Good day headmistress".

The man said nothing, he only looked down on the twins from beside the headmistress completely dwarfing her, his height reaching about seven feet.

"Oh…um, yeah!! She's really been helping us settle in", Kean responds.

"That's good but now I have a little test for you", she says and points to the man.

The man walks to the twins and looks down at them as she finally says "This is a companion of mine, I want you to spar with him…both of you".


Broski’s sorry the chapter took long to make, but I've got something good for this arc so please keep reading, it's gonna be kinda long. Much love, please support your Nigerian blud

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