
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

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During the quidditch match, Gryffindor won as Harry Potter got the snitch.

Marcus Flint was angry, yelling that Harry didn't catch the snitch. It was in his mouth, but his complaints were ignored.

The Gryffindors cheered, and the Slytherins were angry at their loss. Tiberius couldn't care less if they lost.

He was too busy thinking about whether or not he should stay home for the holidays or stay in hogwarts.

Tiberius decided to go home as he wanted to learn from Arcturus how to duel properly.


I wrote the letter that told Arcturus that I was coming home for the holidays.

I boarded the train and was by myself in the compartment, I heard the door opening and saw it was Susan Bones, my cousin.

"Um hi Tiberius, can I sit here, please?"

"Go ahead, just don't annoy me."

Susan shakily nodded her head and sat down. There was an awkward silence. Susan spoke.

"So how's Hogwarts? For me, it's wonderful. The professors are really nice. Except for Snape, he's really scary."

Susan begins talking even more, even though I told her not to disturb me. I used legitimacy to see what she wanted.

Susan wants me to return to my 'true' family and wants to save me from falling into darkness. She's probably going to do a speech about family and stuff.

I heard the compartment door opening. It was Zack.

"There you are, Susan, I was looking all over for you." Zack had a smile that soon vanished when he saw me.

Susan beamed at him. "Hello Zack, why don't you come sit with us."

Zack had a stone look on his face. "Susan, let's go now."

Susan looked like she was going to object, but with one look from Zack and she complied with his order.

Zack glared at me. "Stay the hell away from her, Tiberius. I don't want you near my family."

I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you too, big brother." He still glared at me, holding his wand tight.

I had lightning forming around my hands , if he does anything, I'll shock him.

"Let's what you've got, Zack." I got up and cracked my neck a bit.

The trolley witch came and asked if we wanted anything. We both smiled and said no and that we were fine.

As she left, Zack gave me another glare, and I smirked at him. He then left.

Shame, I was curious about what power he got from his Dark Awakening.

I got off the train and saw Arcturus and Walburga Black.

"How was your time at Hogwarts Tiberius."

"It was good."

Arcturus looked behind me, and I looked at what he was looking at. It was the Bones and Potters.

They all glanced at Arcturus with a bit of fear and rage. Arcturus just looked at them as if they were annoying flies.

Walburga gave her son Sirius an ugly look.

"If it isn't the shame of the Black Family, Sirius Bones himself." Walburga taunted. Sirius clenched his fists.

Walburga was about to send in another taunt, but I stopped her.

"Enough of this, Walburga, do not waste your energy on the mutt as we have better things to do."

She nodded and gave her son one more ugly look, and then we were about to leave but stopped Susan.

"Wait, Tiberius, would you like to come to my birthday party." Susan asked with a hopeful tone.

"No, I can't. I'm busy with my training."

Susan looked sad, and Zack was angry.

"So training is more important to you than family."

I glanced at him.

"Are you talking about the same family who abandoned me and tried to make me a weak muggle."

Sirius and Amelia both flinched at my words, Zack looked down, knowing what I said was right. Vivian looked at me with sadness and disappointment.

I turned towards Arcturus.

"Let's go. We shouldn't waste our prrcious time with them."

He nodded, and we left. Walburga bid us farewell and left.

We were now back at the Black Manor, where Kreacher served us our dinner.

"Enjoy the meal masters."

As we were eating, I asked Arcturus a request about duelling.

"Grandfather, can you teach me how to duel please?"

He looked at me and nodded.

"A wise decision as I can not protect you forever, Tiberius. Soon, you will be alone, and this is a cruel world. Compassion will get you nowhere in this world."

I nodded at his words, and Arcturus told me that my training in duelling would begin tomorrow morning. Kreacher cleaned the plates, and I went to my room.

I thought of plans in the future. If I impress Arcturus enough, I can ask him for my own personal lab to conduct experiments.

I might kidnap homeless people in the future in order to gain more servants and chess pieces as well as an army.

First, I shall gain immortality through either science or the Deathly Hallows. Once I gain eternal life, I will take over this world and then the entire universe.

As I was thinking, I was lifting chairs of the ground through magic to expand my magical reserves.

I thought of my Force Lightning and decided to train for a bit. The training dummies were bombarded by lightning.

When I was training my Force Lightning, I thought back to my life and goals.

I had no one in my first life, and I would continue to be alone in my second life.

The only thing I have is my knowledge, skills, power, and the Desire Of Immortality. That is more than enough for me.

After a few hours, I stopped my assault on the training dummies and went to bed and slept.