
Descent of the Space Monarch

Lu Feng is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old boy with the same face as his. The the Lu Feng he transmigrated to had been a fool who suffered under his family. Now Lu Feng plans to hide his time and scheme against all of them for his revenge! He will build himself up to heights no one would expect! This will have bl in it (boys love). Do not read if you're not fan of bls

Lovemore_Wyatt · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

A New Life

  Twenty-two years of backstabbing, plotting, and nonstop traps and setups had been Lu Feng's miserable existence. Now, as he lies on his deathbed in the hospital, he laments having been a gentle soul. If only he had taken up arms in this life to exact revenge on those who had wronged him. It was all too late for that now. None of his wicked family had even come to say goodbye; the last thing he saw was the face of a gentle nurse who held his hand as if she knew he was going to die and felt pity that no one had come to see him. He knew that face; he had given it to patients himself when they were in the last moments as a physicians assistant, and there was some comfort in it for he knew those were eyes with true care in them, unlike the deceitful ones he had come accustomed to see looking back at him. The heaviness grew, the cold crept in, and Lu Feng closed his eyes and gave in to the darkness. He was dead.

System loading…

Insufficient energy for booting…

System shutting down..

Lu Feng felt a deep vibration in his soul. Wait, soul? Lu Feng's soul was catapulted and smashed into what felt like a steel door. Lu Feng was in so much pain, and light attacked his flickering eyes as the morning light tore into his senses. Lu Feng felt pulling and tugging, he felt squishing a stretching, whirring and construction. An explosion occurred, and he felt as if his bones had all snapped at once and then began to be ground up into fine dust. Lu Feng grabbed his head, aching from the memories flooding. He abruptly opened his eyes, gasping for air as if he had been starved of it for a decade and sat up to stare at the black-hooded body in front of him that lay lifeless. This was an assassin.

As his new memories settled in his head, he figured that after his death, his soul had come into the body of a 16-year-old boy with the same name and face as him. His oscillating vision came to stabilise as the storm of pain ravaging his mind came began to show mercy. Foreign memories suck themselves into his own, forcing and demanding space for themselves.

 Lu Feng knew from the memories of this body which had seen its reflections that he retained his ethereal beauty. He had entered the body of a fool. Lu Feng was a dark-skinned black man who had always had naturally grey hair that always captivated people, his appearance was only one of the reasons people envied and plotted against him in both lives if the memories he'd received were true. Although in this world his grey hair had a more silvery look to it, but he still had the same kinky coiled texture - his family had black hair thus he always stood out for his hair colour. His eyes also had the same grey/silvery colour as his hair and his elegant dark skin. His family on Earth did not have eyes as he did (which was another component that contributed to the ire he unjustly received) but the family of Lu Feng in this world did. The doctors has confirmed when he was born that although the colour was strange and indicated symptoms of blindness and possibly cataracts, Lu Feng could see perfectly fine and it was likely due to a random genetic mutation. Just like his strange colour hair, the family of this world had his appearance a blessing before he became a fool but now they said it was an omen of misfortune.

He'd seen enough anime in his previous life to know that it was better to accept it and live this life than to go through an existential crisis.

This world was different, one of cultivation and magic. In this life, Lu Feng had become a fool when he was six years old and had been severely mistreated by his family since then. Before he could organize more thoughts and memories in his head, he focused on the assassin in front of him. It would be a real hassle if he died right now after being transmigrated into this world only to be killed seconds later, not to mention all the pain he had just been through from his soul adjusting to this body. Lu Feng once again ogled the limp specimen before him. They were in what appeared to be a dark cave, with only a little morning light shining on Lu Feng's unblemished beautiful dark-skinned face as if welcoming him to the new world. Lu Feng studied the body in front of him before doing anything rash; the body was completely lifeless.

Only then could Lu Feng recall the last moments of the original owner of the body and determine that the blast from his soul entering this vessel must have killed the assassin who had just slit Lu Feng's throat. Lu Feng's delicate hands rubbed his throat, but he felt no wound. Just dried blood. He felt no wound, flakes of dark red brushed off his skin and entangled in the soft wind that the cave housed, drifting, drifting towards the corpse in front of him. The memory of blood pouring out with the the original owners life almost feeling real once again. Maybe the body had healed itself when he took it over?

Suddenly, Lu Feng had an idea; all his anime-watching years would not go to waste now—he was going to loot the dead body. Hehe. Dare to kill me? Ha! You will be my first resource in this life. Lu Feng felt he was honouring the soul of the Lu Feng the fool. If there was a higher being watching, they would have shook their head in laughter at this boy, doing such a naughty and despicable thing as his first move in this new world. Lu Feng had no qualms about this; after briefly perusing the original owner's memories, he realized he could only rely on himself in this new life as he failed to do in his last life. Maybe this way he could get wtite uti on for both himself and Lu Feng the fool.

The assassin was in black robes, his face covered with a thin tight black mask. While the previous owner of this body had been a fool, this Lu Feng was not, and while the original owner's foolish brain could not absorb information well, the things he had seen and heard were now at Lu Feng's disposal.

He was familiar with the equipment that this assassin was carrying and knew how to make the most of it because his father had once given his brothers a lesson on it; his father had once given his sons a long lecture on all the options they had for adulthood, he had ignored Lu Feng's presence as a fool as he did not believe Lu Feng to be able to retain any of the information- this was in the first year after Lu Feng had become a fool when they thought he could recover and had half treated him decently.

He stripped the assassin of everything and laid everything out in the cave so he could see everything leaving the cadaver bare to the morning cold. JACKPOT was the name. The assassin had a small black pouch with many coppers and silvers but mostly importantly, at least 100 pieces of gold; from what this body had heard before, 5 pieces of gold were enough to keep Lu Feng households bare necessities running for a month. Let it be know that the Lu family was one of the wealthy ones of this community. He was rich! He'd really started rich in his new life. Lu Feng gleefully smiled to himself, and again, if there was a higher being watching, they would have been embarrassed for creating such a greedy soul.

The assassin's black mask was considered a magical item; it could only be removed if the person wanted it removed or if they died; in this case, the assassin had died. Such a treasure, it was as thin as a layer of skin and could be completely invisible if the owner willed so; he pondered how even after that assassin had been killed by that powerful blow, the mask remained unscathed! A real treasure!

 All he had to do now was drop some blood on it for the magical weapon to consider him as an owner, he took a blade from the pile and unsheathed it, he barely had pressed it into his skin before he already saw blood, such a sharp item! Lu Feng thought to himself that the blade sheath should be special as well because this blade was so sharp and the sheath was thin and appeared to be flimsy but was still able to safely house this small blade; this was truly an assassin's blade, so thin and light. His blood dropped onto the mask, and he felt a warmth inside his mind. This feeling was very strange, but he figured if people had cultivation and magic in this world, their souls probably had additional properties. He knew this warmth was the mask recognizing him as the new owner.