
Descent of the Space Monarch

Lu Feng is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old boy with the same face as his. The the Lu Feng he transmigrated to had been a fool who suffered under his family. Now Lu Feng plans to hide his time and scheme against all of them for his revenge! He will build himself up to heights no one would expect! This will have bl in it (boys love). Do not read if you're not fan of bls

Lovemore_Wyatt · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Ass Ass In

Among the pile there was also a second blade similar to the one he had used to prick his finger, he had also taken off the assassins bodysuit as he was sure his father had said an assassin bodysuit was protective equipment that could configure to the person's body, he wouldn't miss out on something like this, the assassin lay there naked, cheeks out in the air.

Lu Feng giggled as he slapped the round butt and it echoed in the cave. The assassin's ass, haha. The ass-ass-in. Lu Fengs' chuckle echoed throughout the cave. Such a shameless soul!

There was also a small white bottle with an unknown blue fruity-smelling liquid, about 200mls of it and lastly a ring with a little phoenix on it. Lu Feng rejoiced as he knew this was a space ring. If he went back home to the Lu Feng residency there would be no way to hide all these treasures he'd acquired but this space ring could hide it all.

The memories of this body knew one had to use their soul force to register a space ring to themselves after all before Lu Feng the fool had become a fool, he was a young master. Lu Feng figured he could just kind of imagine himself floating out of his body and going into the space ring, and it would work, right? He deduced correctly; however, he had underestimated just how hard it would be to do so successfully, after all he was relying on the memory of 6 year old Lu Feng before he became a fool ten years ago. It took ten minutes of hard focus and grunting before he finally felt another warmth in his mind. He imagined looking into the space ring and he could see all there was in there. The space inside the ring was about 10m by 20m. Hmpff, this is not what he was expecting! Where was all the space that was supposed to be the size of a football field or a city like he read in those novels?! Wasn't this guy supposed to be a big shot professional to carry around so many gold coins? How is it his space ring only has such little space in it.

"The only thing big about you is audacity to kill my predecessor Lu Feng the fool, you naked bastard" Lu Feng cursed the lifeless dead man in front of him that had been looted bare to his birthday suit.

Inside was some more gold, there were three books inside, what looked like a cauldron and more white bottles but they were all only half full of the blue liquid inside, there were about 60 of them. He probably had six litres of the mysterious liquid.

Lu Feng sat and thought for a moment. If he was going to live this life, he had to be smart about it. Now he had a second chance he was going to make the most of it. Lu Feng thought of all the schemes he fell to in his last life and swore in this life he would be the schemer to out-scheme them all. Lu Feng really needed a good plan. Lu Feng thought that before getting out of this cave he should compile all the knowledge he has so far. He checked the three books inside his space ring again while double-checking all his newly acquired items.

One book was an alchemy encyclopaedia, he knew this would come in handy, accompanied by a cauldron, had this assassin had been an alchemist himself until he met an end nobody could have predicted? One book was titled Breathe Above Heaven and the other Celestial Soul training method. Ooou these sound strong Lu Feng thought as he wiggled his eyebrows in glee, covering the belongings of a deceased person. The first one, by description seemed to be an assassin technique that could hide a person's breath/aura and had a second attribute to hide one's presence.

Lu Feng was gobsmacked when he saw that when trained well he could even use it to be invisible right in front of people's eyes. He guessed the assassin hadn't got to that level yet so his excitement shrunk quickly. If the assassin was powerful enough to have great treasures like this then he, in the body of a previously underdeveloped fool had no chance in any close time of reaching it.

The second book seemed to be a book that could train ones soul, when Lu Feng tried to use his mind to turn the page of this book he found that he could not, maybe he wasn't strong enough yet the thought. There seemed to be ten pages and he could only read the first one named Dominion of the Celestial Emperor. Hehe what if these are really powerful Lu Feng thought, would he get to do stupid embarrassing stuff like shout out techniques and scream "break for me" on the midst of battle?! Haha how embarrassing and cringey! A part of him secretly wished for it.

Lu Feng knew this was the best starter pack he could have hoped for. Had he reincarnated as the mc? After dying as cannon fodder in his last life, he was determined not to die that way again. Having declared himself a schemer, Lu Feng quickly put on the assassin's mask and willed it invisible, though he couldn't see his own reflection he just knew it became invisible, he had no visible way of confirming but this feeling he had, the reassurance was absolute. It really was so thin like skin and folded to the contours, peaks and troughs of his face effortlessly.

"It seems you did have some treasures on you old fogey, I will make use of them for you, hehe" Lu Feng continued as if the person in front of him could hear it. He then put on the assassin's bodysuit under his robes, it were very well hidden, you could not even see it when he put his robes back on, even though the material was very sheer and he felt rather comfortable in them. Did they have a heat regulation? He pondered as his temperature also contributed to his comfort after he put them on, he had though something so tight would feel hot after a few minutes but that did not come. However, this flimsy body.. something must be done, Lu Feng the fools body was even worse than the transmigrated Lu Feng on his death bed of his last life. Lu Feng willed the assassins blades and money pouch he into his space ring, took off one of his shoes and put the space ring on his index foot toe before popping back on the tattered shoe. He was not going to risk anyone finding this space ring. He was not going to be dumb and wear this space ring where someone could see it, but also putting it somewhere not attached to his body, he could lose it and that would be a very stupid mistake.

He now looked at the naked body in front of him and thought about what to do. Lu Feng put the dead body into his space ring, only objects or dead things could survive in there, he knew he couldn't leave this body here and burying it would take too long, the morning light was coming up and he couldn't stay here much longer.

In this cultivation world, there were different types of energies in the atmosphere, everybody here was born with an attribute of what energy they could absorb and use to realise their strength or gain strength. This was spirit energy. Cultivators had many different categories. These main energies were divided into earth, fire, wood, water, wind, lightening, light, dark, space, and time. Earth, fire, wood, water, and wind were the common ones, that was very much simplifying them, many people had two and some lucky few had three affinities, these were called the talents of the world. Those who had one affinity though could still be very formidable with growth and control to have specialise their skills, such as earth cultivators who could not only conjure, move and reshape the earth but had abilities to add to the earth more nutrients and properties or take them away. Some who had two spirit energy affinities could mix them into a special skill such as a very powerful wind and water cultivator that could create a storm and through that induce if they didn't already have a lighting affinity.

AN: I hope you're all super excited about Lu Feng our baby's adventures. He's so naughty! Was anyone else really scared that he might not be alone in that cave when he was making all that noise laughing? I was really anxious that someone else would be there! Anyways please don't forget to comment along the way and vote, please!